Miami Valley Bridge Center
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President's Message
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President's Message
October Message

Hi everybody! I imagine by now each of you are beginning your Halloween and Thanksgiving preparations, but meanwhile at the Bridge Center I have a ton of news to report.

  1. Our September Regional was a big success. We just got the final bill from Sinclair yesterday and it looks as though our unit will net a little short of $3000 for the week. Most importantly, everyone that played seemed to have a good time and the facility was as good as last year. Special thanks to all the helpers, especially Ellen Holroyd with our great hospitality.

  1. Through September, our unit is running a profit of about $1700, which is quite a turnaround from last year’s five-figure deficit. Our table count for the year is up a little over 7%! Thanks to everyone for their help in growing our club.

  1. Speaking of growing the club, at the beginning of 2024, ACBL instituted a new program called 5-5-5. In years past, ACBL would give a flat 10% rebate back to the clubs no matter what type of performance the club had during the year. This year, ACBL decided to shrink that gift to 5% (the first 5) and then have each club earn the second 5% through recruitment and the third 5% through retention of members. On 10/8, we received a check from ACBL for $1445 for our recruitment and retention performance. Thanks to Susan Freeman and everyone who has helped reaching out to old and new members.

  1. Our Wednesday morning 0-50 game continues to grow with new members. We are moving the start of the game to 10 AM on November 6 (instead of 8:30) for two reasons. First, 8:30 is pretty early, especially in the winter. Second, because the game time is within an hour of the start time of the 11 AM Open game, the Open Game will be able to add the amount of tables of both games so that the point awards will be higher.

  1. We have a few games that are very low in attendance. So the Board has come up with an idea where everyone can help grow all of these games and save each member some money at the same time. So, NOVEMBER IS GOING TO BE "BRING A FRIEND TO BRIDGE MONTH."

Here are the rules:

  • Invite someone to play in a game. If they haven't played in that game since Labor Day, you both get to play for $5. If that friend hasn't played in any games since Labor Day, you could invite that same friend to play in all of our other games and you both would still only play $5 in those games also.
  • You don't have to play that day with the friend you invite to receive the discount.
  • If the friend you invite, invites someone else, then the third person plays for $5, but the first-asked friend gets to play for free.

Sounds complicated, doesn't it!

Here is an example:

Let's say that Stef and I are going to play on Monday morning and we invite another couple to play. We get the $5 price even if we don't play with that couple. That couple also gets to play for $5 each unless they invite another couple to play also. If they invite another couple, then they play for free and the third couple gets the $5 price each.

Even though we are trying to build the smaller games, each of the games will be eligible for this promotion. Look on the website sometime next week or at the Bridge Center for a copy of this event.

  1. We still need one member to run for the Board next year. Please contact Joyce Dennis ( if you are interested.

Finally, this will be my last email update of the year (I can hear people saying, "It's about time!"). I have really enjoyed being President of our club the last couple of years. Thank you to our Board, whose members have been magnificent in keeping our club afloat. Thanks to all of you as well. Without you, we couldn't enjoy the game of bridge and the friends that we make at our club.


August 2024 Message
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Hi everybody!

I just wanted to drop a quick line to everybody to make sure that you are aware of all the happenings coming to our "Bridge World" in the near future.

1--Our August Sectional is August 9-11 here at the Bridge Center. ..........

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Midsummer Message
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Dear MVBA Bridge Players,

As I write this message, we are just beginning to start July and the second half of our year.  Recently, we have had some good news:

1--Within the last two weeks, the Monday Morning, Wednesday afternoon, Friday morning, and Saturday afternoon games have had game sizes that rival "pre-pandemic" sizes. ..........

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May 2024
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Hi everybody! I hope that everyone is enjoying this fantastic spring weather and that this weather has gotten you in the mood to play more bridge!

Here are some of the events that have happened and are happening in the next month:

1. ..........

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April 2024
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Hi everybody!
We have many new "happenings" around the MVBA Bridge World and almost all of them are
1—Ryan Schultz’s team won the Grand National Teams Flight A and are headed to Toronto this
summer to represent District 11 at the NABC. ..........

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March 2024
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As we approach Spring and the Louisville NABC Tournament, I am happy to report that the MVBA is having (with a couple of exceptions) a great start to 2024. ..........

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February 2024
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Hi Everybody!

Welcome to 2024 at the MVBA. ..........

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