Release 2.19q

The County AGM will be held as an online meeting at 7 pm on Friday 21st June.

For details click here.

Help keep this website up to date

We need your help to keep the website up to date. Please use the Contact Us facility (click here) to let us know news, results, forthcoming events etc. If you spot any errors or missing links, please also use the Contact Us facility.  Please be sure to include your name as anonymous emails will be automatically deleted. Many thanks.

  Northern Bridge League

Merseyside & Cheshire took part in round 3 of this competition on Realbridge on Saturday 14th September.  

The A team put in an excellent performance with 3 wins and finished first on the day. All four pairs were above average on X-imps with Paddy Murphy & Tracy Sherman in the top position overall. The C team only managed 2 wins but still finished a respectable 3rd out of 6. On X-IMPs the scoring was fairly close over the entire field with all our pairs above or close to average. Best placed were Tony Sutcliffe & Chris Wentworth.

Congratulations and thanks to all for taking part and supporting our county teams. Overall our A team is in 2nd place & the C is 3rd

To check the cummulative scores visit:

Anyone interested in playing in the C team   (aimed at competent club players) in future rounds is asked to contact Chris Raymond

( )

Last updated : 14th Sep 2024 21:02 BST
  Bridge lessons at Deva Bridge Club starting soon!

The Deva Bridge Club is pleased to announce that their teaching programme for 2024/25 will be starting this October.

STOP PRESS: This includes a new set of lessons on Tuesday evenings intended to attract people of working age.

All lessons take place at:

Deva Bridge Club,
WI Hall,
Village Road,

You do not need a partner so individual pupils are most welcome.

Lessons cost £5 per person (including refreshments) which is payable (cashless) on arrival. When planning your journey, please include sufficient time to park (if traveling by car), pay and take your seat before the lesson starts.

Beginners Lessons

NEW: Tuesday evenings                 First lesson on 1st October at 7 pm

Thursday afternoons                      First lesson on 3rd October at 1.15 pm

Improvers Lessons

Thursday mornings                          First lesson on 3rd October at 10 am

Advanced Bridge Workshops

Friday evenings                                 Every Friday at 7 pm

For further information please email or call Simon Anderson on 07927 886704.

N.B. You can download copies of this advertisement to pass to friends or put on noticeboards in either A4 format (click here) or 2xA5 format (click here). Please disseminate them as widely as possible!

Last updated : 21st Aug 2024 08:05 BST
John Armstrong green-pointed Swiss pairs
Deva Bridge Club
Director: David Stevenson
Scorer: David Stevenson
The Waterworth Cup
(County Pairs Championship)
Director: Nick Mayfield
Scorer: Simon Anderson
Jim Davies Swiss Teams
Director: Nick Mayfield
Scorer: Simon Anderson
John Armstrong Swiss Pairs
Director: Nick Mayfield
Scorer: Simon Anderson
The Waterworth Cup
(County Pairs Championship)
Director: Nick Mayfield
Scorer: Simon Anderson
20th Oct 2024
Chester Bowl
Deva Bridge Club 12 noon
See for details