Marley Grange Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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Pages viewed in 2024

31 August 2024

Hello Everybody,

We are now in the new Bridge Year 2024/2025 and, on behalf of the new Committee, I need to bring you up to date on the following;


The Annual Subscription to renew Membership of the Club and affiliation to the CBAI is now due. The Subscription is €25 Euros.

We are asking Members who wish to renew their Membership to pay their Annual Subscription by the end of September.

We would much prefer members to pay by bank transfer if at all possible.  Please ensure that you identify yourself when making the transfer.  This is important as it enables us to identify those who have paid their subscription.

Details of Marley Bridge Club account.

IBAN is IE47BOFI90109526203009   BIC is BOFIIE2D

If you are not in a position to make a bank transfer, you can pay by cheque (made payable to Marley Grange Bridge Club) or by cash any Wednesday evening before bridge to Laura Geraghty the club Treasurer.


There will be a Standby in place from next Wednesday 4th September 2024 so please come along to play even if you don't have a partner.  If you wish to join the Club What's App group just let me know and I will put you on it, this is another easy way to organise a partner.


All prize monies to be collected as soon as possible.  Any prize monies unclaimed after three months will be returned to Club funds.

 Kind Regards,

 Maria Dunne,


Purple Tables
Scorer: Tom Reeves
Blue Tables
Scorer: Noel Kennedy
Green Tables
Scorer: Noel Kennedy
Bidding Boxes

Players in turn place the selected calls in front of them - facing towards the centre of the table - in a row from left to right, with every call in the sequence visible

 A call is deemed to be made when the bidding card has been placed on the table.
To hesitate between calls when touching the bidding cards could constitute a violation of Law 16 - Unauthorised information

CORRECTION OF A CALL - A call may be changed without penalty ONLY if all three of the following conditions are fulfilled:-

1.The player has positively taken out the wrong bidding card by mistake AND
2.The change or attempt to change is made instantly - that is, almost in the same movement of the hand AND
3.The change or attempt to change is made while the player STILL HOLDS the bidding card, although it may have been placed on the table.

The Tournament Director will normally allow a change of call that does not fulfil these conditions if the original call was inadvertent.

However, this is unlikely to be the case if it was made from a different section of the bidding box.

If the left hand opponent made a call before the change was allowed, he may withdraw that card and replace it with another without penalty.

INCORRECTLY EXPOSED BIDDING CARD - An incorrectly exposed call can be subject to penalty if the Tournament Director judges that an opponent has been misled.

USE OF "STOP" CARD - The STOP card should be placed on the table with any jump bid and should stay there for about ten seconds. The next player may not bid until it is removed.

USE OF "ALERT" CARD - Whenever an alert is required, the ALERT card should be taken from the box and shown to both opponents (making sure that it is seen by both) before being replaced in the box.


The bidding cards should remain in place until the opening lead has been made face down and all explanations have been obtained, after which they should be returned to their boxes.

The Tournament Director may order the final bid to remain on the table until play is over.

If there is a conflict between the Laws and the bidding box regulations, the Laws shall take precedence.