Manx Bridge Union (MBU)
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Competition News & Photos
2024 Mixed Pairs
2024 Mixed Pairs

Winners of the 2024 Mixed Pairs:  Jascha Garre & Jackie Molesworth

Runners up: John Large & Alex Onions

Third place: David Grimshaw & Caroline Rutherford


Last updated : 26th May 2024 21:13 BST
2024 Mini Congress
2024 Mini Congress

Winners of the 2024 Mini Congress: Liz Kelly & Jackie Molesworth

Runners up:  Shirley Lynch & Rod Wiseman

Third place:  Andy Elliott & Alex Onions



Last updated : 17th Mar 2024 20:50 GMT
2024 Island Teams Championships
2024 Island Teams Championships

Winners of the 2024 Island Teams Championships:  John Large, Stephen Baggs, Diccen Sargent & David Sargent

Runners up: Justin Corfield, Ruth Douthwaite, Jascha Garre & David Walker

3rd place: Alex Carine, Tim Eyre, Shirley Lynch & Rod Wiseman


Last updated : 21st Jan 2024 21:01 GMT
Fred Kissack wins Dimmie Flemming Award
Fred Kissack wins Dimmie Flemming Award

Fred Kissack has won one of the most prestigious awards available in bridge, the Dimmie Fleming award. Awarded by the English Bridge Union, the intent of the award is to publicly recognise those people who have worked hard supporting and promoting bridge locally, at a County level. Fred is one of only five people in the British Isles this year to win this award.

Until recently, Fred was the Secretary of the Manx Bridge Union, a post he held for over 25 years, which is an extraordinary achievement!

Fred has been part of the team that has organised the annual Isle of Man Bridge Congress and he has been the glue that has helped keep both this event and the MBU together. Fred has also been instrumental in helping organise the majority of the local MBU competitions during his time as MBU secretary.

Presenting the award to Fred, Chairman of the MBU Steve Baggs said “When we think of Fred, we think not only of a person with great skill at the bridge table, but someone who exudes all the qualities of great sportsmanship and gentlemanly conduct. Whilst undoubtably a formidable opponent he is always a pleasure to meet at the table”.

“Fred’s generosity of spirit and willingness to share his knowledge have made him a beloved figure amongst players of all skill levels. He has been a mentor, a teacher and a true ambassador for the game”.

“As we present Fred with the Dimmie Flemming award tonight, let us not only applaud his achievements, but also reflect on the values that bridge represents – intelligence, strategy, camaraderie and the joy of a well-contested evening. Fred embodies these values, and we salute him for his exceptional contribution to bridge in the Isle of Man”.

Last updated : 5th Dec 2023 20:58 GMT
MBU Island Pairs 2023
MBU Island Pairs 2023

Winners:        David Walker & Jascha Garre

Runners up:    John Large & Steve Baggs

Third:             Diccen & David Sargent

Last updated : 26th Nov 2023 19:52 GMT
MBU Handicaps 2023
MBU Handicaps 2023

Winners:  Fred & Angie Kissack

Runners up:  Norman & Sue Stride

Third place:  Jackie Rush & Maggie Jakeman

Last updated : 12th Nov 2023 19:17 GMT
2023 Individuals Championships
2023 Individuals Championships

1st = John Large, Fred Kissack and Jascha Garre

Last updated : 13th Aug 2023 19:25 BST
Winners of the 2023 Mixed Pairs
Winners of the 2023 Mixed Pairs

1. Jascha Garre and Jackie Molesworth
2. Dave Walker and Liz Kelly
3. Antony Kelsey and Caroline Rutherford


Last updated : 14th May 2023 20:44 BST
Winners of the 2023 MBU Mini Congress
Winners of the 2023 MBU Mini Congress

Winners:  Justin Corfield & Ruth Douthwaite

Runners up: Steve Baggs & John Large

Third place: Angie Kissack & Fred Kissack


Last updated : 12th Mar 2023 20:52 GMT
Winners of the 2023 Island Teams
Winners of the 2023 Island Teams

Left to right, Justin Corfield, Ruth Douthwaite, Jascha Garre and Alex Carine

Last updated : 1st Feb 2023 22:11 GMT
2022 Handicaps Championships - Results
2022 Handicaps Championships - Results
Last updated : 13th Nov 2022 22:51 GMT
2022 Handicaps Championships
2022 Handicaps Championships

Winners: Anne Gundry & Andy Dunlop

Second: Sue & Norman Stride

Third: Fred & Angie Kissack

Last updated : 13th Nov 2022 22:50 GMT
2022 9-High Competition

Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 9-High Competition and the Ena Crookall Trophy - Mike Palmer and Peter Evans, who were also the winners in 2021!

Runners up were Judy Jeavons and Cathie Crebbin.  Third place went to Maggy Jakeman and Caroline Rutherford.  Well done all.


Last updated : 19th Oct 2022 21:49 BST
2022 Island Pairs Championships
2022 Island Pairs Championships

Winners of the 2022 Island Pairs Championships: 

Steve Baggs & John Large

Runners up: Jascha Garre & Alex Carine 

Third place: Justin Corfield & Ruth Douthwaite

Last updated : 10th Oct 2022 04:34 BST
Mini congress


1st Alex Carine and Jascha Garre

2nd Tim Eyre and Jackie Molesworth 

3rd John Large and Steve Baggs

Last updated : 7th Oct 2022 20:48 BST
Island Individual Championship 2022
Island Individual Championship 2022

Congratulations to joint winners

Angie Kissack and Alex Carine

and runner up Shirley Lynch

for full results see results!

Last updated : 6th Jun 2022 17:12 BST
Individual championship


Congratulations to Jackie Molesworth who came first in this years hard fought individual contest

2nd John large 

3rd John Stewart

4th Rod Wiseman


Last updated : 18th Sep 2019 17:21 GMT
Mini congress
Mini congress




Sunday, 24th March 2019


John Large and Paul DeWeerd

Last updated : 7th Apr 2019 19:17 GMT
MBU championship pairs
MBU championship pairs

Manx Bridge Union - Island Pairs Championship 2017/18


This year's Championship was held at the Douglas Bridge Club on Sunday, 6th May, with most of the Island’s top players in action.

All pairs played in a round robin competition, with the pair scoring the highest percentage over the 35 boards being declared the winners.


At the halfway break stage Jascha Garre & Steve Baggs (68.13%) held a narrow lead over Cary Ellis & John Large (67.50%). In third place was Liz Kelly & David Phillips (59.38%) and fourth Jackie Molesworth & Anne Anderson (51.25%)


After the tea and cakes, the competition resumed. None of the first four pairs were able to maintain their form in the second half and generally other pairs come back strongly and the scores compressed. However, the first two pairs retained their positions, albeit on lower percentages - Garre & Baggs (63.81%) and Ellis and Large (60.00%).

Paul DeWeerd and Andy Elliott raised their percentage to 56.19 to secure third spot and Angie & Fred Kissack, with 55.24% claimed fourth place.


So Jascha Garre & Steve Baggs were declared champions - a new partnership to be inscribed on the cup. Congratulations to them,


Last updated : 14th Sep 2018 19:47 GMT
MBU Individual Competition
MBU Individual Competition
Island Individual Bridge Championship 2017/18
A new name was added to the Caymanx Trophy as Manx Individual Bridge Champion on Sunday 13th August and it was good to see a lady member and a member of Ramsey Royal Bridge Club triumphing after several years of Douglas male domination in the competition.
There was a smaller entry than usual this year and most of the Island squad were absent for various reasons but, as ever, the competition was keen, albeit friendly. Four individuals dominated the leaderboard throughout the day. At the end of the afternoon session Liz Kelly had a commanding position, leading the field with a splendid score of 68.33%, Jackie Molesworth was lying second with 63.33%, John Large (a previous winner and favourite to regain the title) was third with 58.33% and Ann Anderson was fourth with 56.94%.
The evening session resulted in a reshuffle of the four top names. Liz Kelly faded and, in the end, came in third with 58.33%. Ann Anderson held on to fourth by improving her score to 57.58% and, at the death, it all hinged on the final board which saw Jackie Molesworth (61.36%) score well and triumph over John Large (59.85%). So Jackie deservedly won the Cup, which she will hold for 12 months. No doubt the Douglas men will want it back next year!
Last updated : 28th Nov 2017 23:19 GMT
Winners of the mini congress
Winners of the mini congress

Thanks to all of you who participated in this years Mini Congree, I hope to see you all in the Congress in September 

Entries are now being taken for this years Congress

Last updated : 16th May 2017 10:35 GMT
Teams Championship

The Island Bridge Teams of Four Championship for 2016/17 has been won by Team Baggs (Steve Baggs/John Large and Tim Eyre/Humphrey Laughton). In the final they met Team Anderson (Ann Anderson/Jackie Molesworth and Angie/Fred Kissack).

The two teams had met in the qualifying session and Team Anderson had got the better of that contest by the narrowest of margins. But, in the final, Team Baggs turned the tables. It was a two session match with each team winning one of the sessions, but the Team Baggs margin of victory on the first session was such that their aggregate lead at the end was 27 IMPs a comfortable margin.


Last updated : 16th May 2017 10:34 GMT
Pairs Championship
Pairs Championship

The Isle of Man Duplicate Pairs Bridge Championship for 2016 was another triumph for the pair generally regarded as the Island’s number one duo - John Large and Tadhg O’Mahony. The Championship was held at Douglas Bridge Club on Sunday 13th November and all the usual suspects were there, competing for the Lamming trophy.


It was a two session good natured event, with the usual mix of good and not-quite-so-good bridge. At the end of the first session, after a sparkling start, Gloria Smith and Bernard Palmer (61.88%) had a narrow lead over Large and O’Mahony (61.25%). A longish way back, Judy Jeavons and Pam Townsend were lying third with (52.50%) and Angie and Fred Kissack were fourth with 51.88%. 


The second half reshuffled the pack. Large and O’Mahony went ahead and stretched their lead, finishing with an unassailable 63.89%, a full eight and a half percentage points ahead of the field. Stephen Baggs and Andy Elliott came through with a late run to claim second spot with an overall 55.21% and Liz Kelly and John Stewart finished third with 53.13%. Smith and Palmer remained in the frame finishing fourth with 51.39%

Last updated : 4th Jan 2017 22:15 GMT
Individual championship
Individual championship

Joint Winners of Island Individual Championship for 2014.
20 members competed in the Manx Bridge Union Individual Championship for 2014 which was held at the Douglas Bridge Club on Sunday 3rd August – a closely contested affair which  produced a particularly close and tense finish.
Forty boards were played over the course of five gruelling hours and, at the half way stage, Angie Kissack led with a quality 67.65%. Flora Simons was in second place with 64.06%, John Large (who won the competition in 2011)and Pam Townsend shared third  place with 62.50%. But others were also in close contention. The field gradually eroded Angie’s lead during the second half of the competition and John Large drew ahead of the pack to become the main challenger. There was a nail biting finish with the issue being in doubt right up to the last score on the last hand of the night. In the end there was a tie between Angie and John who both scored 60.20%; a good result, as it would have been a shame if either had had to lose. So Angie and John share the Caymanx Cup and the honour of being Island Individual Champion for 2014.Third place went to Pam Townsend with 56.58%, who just held off the challenge of Gloria Smith on 56.25%. Good to see the ladies so prominent – the men have been dominant for too long.
Photo shows Pam Townsend, Angie Kissack and John Large with the Caymanx Cup. The ferocity of the contest may be judged from the fact that John Large appears to have lost an arm during the competition!


Last updated : 14th Nov 2014 13:24 GMT
Manx bridge Union

Congratulations to Fred and Angie Kissack who won Sundays Rawcliffe Bowl

After a close fought competition they were clear winners with 60.65%

in second place was John Stewart and Liz Kelly 54.17%

third place went to John Large and Erika Slatcher 53.24%

well done to Mina Patel and Mike Palmer relative newcomers to the game who came fourth with 52.31%

full results can be seen on the results page

thank you to all those who came

Last updated : 9th May 2014 12:01 GMT
Teams winners 2014
Teams winners 2014

Please see full report under the 'News' tab

Last updated : 18th Mar 2014 23:42 GMT
Teams 2014

Island Team Championship Decided

The 2013/14 Island Bridge Teams Championship was held over two sessions at the Douglas Bridge Club on Sunday 16th February.  Team White (Diana White, Jenny Glanz, John Large and Steve Baggs), which started the event as favourites, were the winners, but only after a scare and a threatened upset in session 1.

At the end of the first session, Team Stewart (John Stewart, Liz Kelly, Angie & Fred Kissack)led with an excellent score of +43 IMPs, with White only in second place with a creditable +33 IMPs and team Patel (Mina Patel, Mike Palmer, Paul De Weerd and Bernard Palmer) lying third with a score of +21 IMPs.

But Stewart was not able to maintain its form in session two and White came through with a huge second-session score of + 45 to post a winning total of +78 IMPs for the whole event. Stewart hung on in to claim second place with a final total of +36 IMPs and Patel remained solid in third place with +17 IMPs, comfortably ahead of the rest of the field.

The electronic scoring system had a few gremlins in it, which required some manual input and some additional scoring time, so thanks to the Manx Bridge Union committee members who came to the rescue and produced the result in the end.

Photo: Steve Baggs, John Large, Jenny Glanz and Diana White.

Last updated : 28th Feb 2014 11:23 GMT
Island Pairs championship
Island Pairs championship

Tie for Island Bridge Championship

The Manx Bridge Union’s Island Pairs Championship for 2012 was contested at the premises of the Douglas Bridge Club on Sunday 21st October, when Erika Slatcher and Paul De Weerd sought to defend the title that they won in 2011. Entries were a little down on 2011, but a quality field of competitors attended and did battle over the two sessions.


The afternoon session saw Pam Townsend and Marjorie Murdock on good form and they had a respectable lead at the end of the session with a score of 61.25%. The 2011 holders were contesting strongly in second place with 57.50% and third place was shared by Neil Kelly and Jenny Glanz and Annette Ellis and Gloria Smith, both pairs with 53.81%.


During the evening session Pam and Marjorie and Neil and Jenny dropped out of contention. But there was an exciting and nail-biting finish with the issue not being resolved until the very last hand of the night. The result was a tie between 2011 holders Erika Slatcher and Paul De Weerd and (new names on the trophy) Annette Ellis and Gloria Smith on a score of 58.10%. Liz Kelly and John Stewart came from nowhere in the second session to take third place with 53.81%.


Photo shows the joint winners –

Annette Ellis, Gloria Smith, Paul De Weerd and Erika Slatcher with the MBU Island Pairs Championship Cup.

Last updated : 10th May 2013 10:38 GMT
Manx Bridge Union

Championship Teams 18th November 2012

Position Team Session 1 Session2 Total

  1.       O'Sullivan     +28  +21  +49

  2.       Smith           -24  +26   +2

  3.       Simons         -16   -3   -19

 4.      Townsend       +12 -44  -32

Team Members

O'Sullivan = Marie O'Sullivan, Joan Watson, Shirley Lynch, Chris Carter

Smith = Gloria Smith, Nettie Ellis, Angie and Fred Kissack

Simons = Flora Simons, Stephen Tooley, John Stewart, Liz Kelly

Townsend = Pam Townsend, Marjorie Murdock, John Large, Paul DeWeerd

Last updated : 10th May 2013 10:37 GMT
Winners of Mini Congress Don Gwillim Bowl
Winners of Mini Congress Don Gwillim Bowl
Last updated : 20th Aug 2012 11:55 GMT

Manx Bridge Union

Results – Green Pointed Mini-Congress: 21st March 2012

Qualifiers from Session One – for the Don Gwillim Bridge Bowl

Position                                                                              Session 1(%)     Session 2(%)    Overall(%)

1.               John Large & Tadhig O’Mahony                        63.02                 64.29               63.65 

2.               Chris Carter & Cary Ellis                                       58.93                 54.76               56.84                   

3.               Angie & Fred Kissack                                              57.81                 54.76               56.28

4.               Diccen Sargent & John Stewart                       58.33                 53.97               56.15                        

5.               Patricia Laski & Shirley Lynch                           63.02                42.86                52.94

6.               Judy Jeavons & Mary Vokins                              53.57                49.21                51.39              

7.               Paul De Weerd  & Erika Slatcher                     49.40                50.79                50.09

8.               Jean Harrison & Maureen Beere                     56.25                29.37                42.81  

Non-Qualifiers from Session One – for the Nat West Consolation Pairs Trophy

Position                                                                               Session 1(%)   Session 2(%)    Overall(%)     

1.                Flora Simons & Stephen Tooley                         46.43              56.25                 51.34

2.                Ken Tomlinson & Marie O’Sullivan                  44.64              53.33                 48.99

3.                Neil Kelly & Jenny Glanz                                          42.71              51.67                 47.19  

4.                Pam Townsend & Marjorie Murdock              43.75              45.00                 44.38

5.                Gloria Smith & Mary Boardley                             42.86              45.00                 43.93

6.                Noreen Granard & Kay Dodsworth                   44.79              36.67                 40.70

7.                Jo Storrs & Mina Patel                                               23.21              56.94                 40.08


Last updated : 27th Mar 2012 21:43 GMT
Isle of Man Championship Teams
Isle of Man Championship Teams

Manx Bridge Union

Island Teams Championship 2011

Sunday 20th November 2011


Position       Team                   Team Members                                                Session 1  Session 2  Total

1.              Carter           Chris Carter, Cary Ellis,

                                         Marjorie Murdock, Pam Townsend             +36           +46          +82

2.              Smith             Gloria Smith, Annette Ellis,

                                         Angie & Fred Kissack                                       +38           +19          +57

3.              Tooley           Stephen Tooley, Flora Simons.

                               Pat Laski, John Stewart                                +48              -4           +44

4.              Tomlinson      Ken Tomlinson, Marie O’Sullivan,

                                            Jenny Glanz, Neil Kelly                                  -3               -2               -5

5.              Lynch               Shirley Lynch, Joan Watson,

                                 Jean Harrison, Maureen Beere               -12             -25           -37

6.             Grimshaw       David Grimshaw, Margaret Morrison,

                                Pauline Kinnish, John Mead                      -46               -8            -54

7.             Slatcher         Erika Slatcher, Paul De Weerd,

                               Jan Holland, John Cuddy                              -61             -26           -87


Last updated : 18th Jan 2012 11:51 GMT
Team winners IOM congress 2011
Team winners IOM congress 2011Simon Gottschalk, Ro and Steve Baggs and Paul Darby
Last updated : 21st Nov 2011 13:12 GMT
Pairs Winners IOM congress 2011
Pairs Winners IOM congress 2011Bill Carr and Stuart Clarke
Last updated : 21st Nov 2011 13:11 GMT
IOM congress mixed/open pairs 2011
Rank Pair Names Total Max Score% LPs
1 12 Paul Darby & Simon Gottschalk 355 520 68.27 96
2 14 John Herbert & Dawn Herbert 328 520 63.08 84
3 8 Stuart Clarke & Bill Carr 310 520 59.62 72
4 17 Jim Hay & Diccen Sargent 309 520 59.42 60
5 4 Roger Rawcliffe & Elizabeth Rawcliffe 304 520 58.46 48
6 16 Sheila Evans & Bill Blackman 301 520 57.88 36
7 20 John Stewart & Maureen Curry 299 520 57.5 24
8 13 Steve Wright & Anne Wright 286 520 55 12
9 22 Stephen Baggs & Rosemary Baggs 268 520 51.54  
10 18 John Arnold & Doreen Arnold 267 520 51.35  
11 3 Mary Vokins & Neil Kelly 261 520 50.19  
12 2 Barrie Harrison & Mary Harrison 260 520 50  
13 19 Margaret Sayers & Derek Sayers 255 520 49.04  
14 10 Yvonne Bain & Erika Slatcher 247 520 47.5  
15 9 Bill Gardner & George Pilcher 238 520 45.77  
16 6 Sue Woodcock & Nick Woodcock 231 520 44.42  
17 15 Paul de Weerd & Edith Tomlinson 226 520 43.46  
18 7 Gloria Smith & Liz Kelly 220 520 42.31  
19 5 Janet Slinger & David Slinger 211 520 40.58  
20 21 Deryk Ainsworth & Helen Ainsworth 207 520 39.81  
21 1 Marie O'Sullivan & Joan Watson 201 520 38.65  
22 11 Jan Holland & Jo Storrs 136 520 26.15  
Last updated : 14th Nov 2011 12:36 GMT
swiss pairs 2011 results
RANKINGS after Round 12
Rank Pair Names Score(VPs) GPs
1 15 Bill Carr & Stuart Clarke 155 3.75
2 5 John Herbert & Dawn Herbert 152 2.78
3 17 Croz Croswell & James Thrower 151 2.83
4 28 Bill Gardner & George Pilcher 150 2.47
5 1 Nick Woodcock & Sue Woodcock 145 2.61
6 18 Steve Wright & Anne Wright 141 2.25
7 23 Sheila Evans & Bill Blackman 140 2
8 20 Antony Edwards & Phil Godfrey 139 1.75
9 3 Paul deWeerd & Erika Slatcher 138 1.5
10 4 Rosemary Baggs & Stephen Baggs 132 1.75
11 6 Chris Carter & Cary Ellis 128 1.75
12 14 Paul Darby & Simon Gottschalk 123 1.5
13 12 Diccen Sargent & JS Hay 122 1.75
14= 13 Trevor Ward & Christine Skellon 121 2
14= 24 Marjorie Murdock & Judy Jeavons 121 1.5
16 27 Pam Townsend & Diana White 120 1.25
17= 26 Margaret Sayers & Derek Sayers 118 1.75
17= 29 Maria Budd & Mark Westley 118 1.25
19= 21 Andrew Philip & Joan Mercer 115 1.75
19= 22 Angie Kissack & Fred Kissack 115 1.5
19= 30 David Grimshaw & Jan Philip 115 1.25
22 9 John Stewart & Maureen Curry 114 1.5
23 8 John Arnold & Doreen Arnold 109 1.25
24 2 Barbara Trenchard & Ron Stevens 106 1.5
25 11 Barrie Harrison & Mary Harrison 105 1
26 19 Liz Kelly & Gloria Smith 90 1
27 16 Edith Tomlinson & Flora Simons 88 1.25
28 25 Janet Slinger & David Slinger 86 1.25
29 7 Joan Watson & Shirley Lynch 76 0.75
30 10 Peter McEwen & Leonie McEwen 67 0.75
Last updated : 14th Nov 2011 12:34 GMT
Congress Teams 2011 results
RANKINGS after Round 6
Rank Team Names VPs GPs
1 1 Stephen Baggs, Rosemary Baggs, Simon Gottschalk, Paul Darby 89 2
2 4 John Arnold, Doreen Arnold, Steve Wright, Anne Wright 82 1.25
3 7 Ant Edwards, Croz Croswell, James Thrower, Phil Godfrey 80 1
4 5 Diccen Sargent, Jim Hay, Joan Mercer, Andrew Philip 77 1
5 6 Peter McEwen, Leonie McEwen, Mark Westley, Maria Budd 68 1
6 3 Sue Woodcock, Nick Woodcock, Stuart Clarke, Bill Carr 67 1
7 9 Paul DeWeerd, Erika Slatcher, John Herbert, Dawn Herbert 51 0.5
8 8 Bill Gardner, George Pilcher, Bill Blackman, Sheila Evans 40 0.75
9 10 Barrie Harrison, Mary Harrison, Derek Sayers, Margaret Sayers 38 0.5
10 2 Liz Kelly, Gloria Smith, Trevor Ward, Christine Skellon 35 0.25
11 11 Janet Slinger, David Slinger, John Stewart, Edith Tomlinson 33 0.5
Last updated : 14th Nov 2011 12:30 GMT
Championship Pairs - Results

Manx Bridge Union

2011 Pairs Championship

Sunday 11th September 2011


Position        Pair       Names                                                              Points                       %age



1                   7             Paul De Weerd & Erika Slatcher                    197                          68.01

2                   9             Gloria Smith & Annette Ellis                           160                          55.56

3                   2             John Large & John Stewart                             154                          53.47

4                   3             Angie & Fred Kissack                                        150                         52.08

5                   8             Pam Townsend & Diana White                       147                        51.04

6                  10            Flora Simons & Stephen Tooley                      141                        48.95

7                    6            Neil Kelly & Patricia Laski                                 131                        45.48

8                    5            Yvonne Bain & Liz Kelly                                     125                        43.40

9                    4            Shirley Lynch & Margaret Morrison                121                        42.01

10                  1           Elizabeth & Roger Rawcliffe                               114                       39.58



Last updated : 12th Sep 2011 10:08 GMT
Individual Competition - Results

Manx Bridge Union

2011 Individual Championship for the Caymanx Cup

Sunday 21st August 2011


Position      Player       Name                                                       Points


     1                 13         John Large                                                 157

     2                 19         Pam Townsend                                        149

     3                   1         Marjorie Murdock                                   138

     4                   3         Cary Ellis                                                    131

     5                 10        Charmian Perston                                     129

     6                   7        Angie Kissack                                             126

     7                 12        Fred Kissack                                               123

   =8                   6        Stephen Tooley                                         122

   =8                 18        Liz Kelly                                                       122

    10                15        Geoffrey Whittaker                                  118

  =11                 5         Jenny Glanz                                                117

  =11               16         Diccen Sargent                                           117

  =11               17         Marie O’Sullivan                                        117

    14                 9          Flora Simons                                              109

  =15                 2         Mary Vokins                                               108

  =15               20         Jean Harrison                                             108 

    17                 4         Malcolm Wilson                                         104

    18                 8         Shirley Lynch                                               103

    19               11        John Stewart                                                  99

    20               14        Erika Slatcher                                                 98

Last updated : 22nd Aug 2011 16:37 GMT

Manx Bridge Union

Mini Congress Results - Sunday 27th March 2011

          Pair                                                                                MPs          Max          Score%

1         6               Neil Kelly & Jenny Glanz                         244            432            56.68

2         9               John Large & Tadhig O’Mahony            243            432            56.25

3         2               Angie & Fred Kissack                               239            432            55.32

4         7               John Stewart & Andy Elliott                   229            432            53.00

5         1               Yvonne Bain & Liz Kelly                           219            432            50.69

6         8               Pam Townsend & Marjorie Murdock   212            432            49.07

7         3               Mary Pullar & Pat Laski                           206            432            47.68

8        10              Flora Simons & Stephen Tooley            194            432            44.91

9         4               Paul de Weerd & Erika Slatcher            189            432             43.75

10       5               Mary Vokins & Judy Jeavons                 185            432             42.82

Last updated : 7th Apr 2011 07:40 GMT
Championship Pairs 2010
Championship Pairs 2010

MBU – Island Championship Pairs

It was a triumph for the come-back kids at the Manx Bridge Union Island Championship Pairs held on Sunday, 24th October. The winners, Elaine Moore and Pat Laski, last won the event 17 years ago in 1993 and their victory this year, although a long time coming, has proved a popular one.

The Championship was held at the Douglas Bridge Club over two sessions, one in the afternoon and one in the evening – a total of 36 boards. At the half way stage the leaders were the Ramsey-based pair of Ellie Cowell and Peter Evans with a score of 57.5%. In second place were Andy Elliott and John Stewart (52.5%) with the rest of the field close behind.

But the evening saw a dramatic move by the 1993 winners who powered through a fine second half to win with an overall 61.98%, pushing Ellie Cowell and Peter Evans (58.85%) into second place.  Third place was taken by Flora Simons and Stephen Tooley (56.25%). The minor places were filled by- Andy Elliot and John Stewart (53.65%), Angie and Fred Kissack (53.13%) and Neil Kelly and Jenny Glanz (47.4%).

Photo caption: Paul de Weerd, MBU Competition Secretary presents the Island Championship Pairs Cup to Elaine Moore and Pat Laski (not pictured)
Last updated : 8th Dec 2010 16:19 GMT