Thursday morning lessons |
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From Thursday, 5th September, 10am-12pm, there will be lessons on the following topics as well as card play sessions
The lessons are suitable for improvers at all levels and last about 45 minutes followed by card play on the same topic
You can just turn up and pay £4 (or £3 if you’re a member)
If you have any questions, please contact Alison at
♦ Slam bidding: HCP requirements and the Quantitative 4NT
♦ Blackwood convention
♦ Doubles: review of take-out doubles and introduction to negative doubles
♦ Simple Landy
♦ Assessing combined strength Losing Trick Count
♦ Suit overcalls & Unassuming cue bid
♦ 4th suit forcing
♦ Trial bids
♦ Card play (4 sessions covering opening leads, leading trumps, attitude signals, managing trumps and holding up/ducking)
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Membership Renewal Notice |
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The annual subscription of £33.00 is due on 1st September 2024
Payment will be deducted automatically from members' accounts
Please ensure that your account is sufficiently in credit before 31st August
If you do not want to renew your subscription please can you let the Treasurer know by 31st August at
Marion Rigg
Membership Secretary
Lytham Bridge Club
Lytham Bridge Club |
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Lytham Bridge Club is located in the heart of Lytham St. Annes in our own purpose-built clubhouse bungalow. The club has a large comfortable playing area and all the facilities you'd expect from a well-supported club - a car park and ample street parking, easy access to the building, facilities for the disabled, and catering facilities with five star accreditation.
Committee 2024 |
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Your committee is working hard to make sure everything runs smoothly.
Club members are invited to help with the day-to-day upkeep of the Club.
Some examples of ways in which members can help are:
If you don't already, could you assist with card dealing or be on the Host rota?
Would you be interested in training as a Tournament Director and/or scorer?
Could you help keep the outside space and car park area tidy?
We welcome any suggestions to make LBC an even better club than it already is.
Your Club needs YOU!
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Mission Statement |
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The mission of Lytham Bridge Club is to host and foster the game of bridge in a manner that respects all, while encouraging the enjoyable development of bridge skills.
Lytham Bridge Club will do everything reasonably practicable to protect the welfare of its members, visitors and contractors.
Diane Dearden, Chairman
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EBU at Lytham |
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We are affiliated to the English Bridge Union, which means our members benefit from the support offered by the country's governing body. Our members automatically become members of the EBU so they have the opportunity to earn master points and are able to monitor their personal progress and compare it with other local and national players. They can also play in EBU-sponsored events. Lytham Bridge Club is over 60 years old so we have plenty of experience to help our members.
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Club Opening Times |
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Lytham Bridge Club is open for the following weekly sessions
Monday afternoon |
1:30pm |
Tuesday afternoon |
1:30pm |
Wednesday afternoon (supervised) |
1:30pm |
Wednesday evening
Duplicate Pairs
First Wednesday of the month: Teams of 4
Friday afternoon |
1:30pm |
We are using a cashless payment system; for more information click here