Loughborough Bridge Club
Release 2.19r

September 26th:  Nominated Teams - please arrange your own team to play for the Loughborough Cup

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Some History

Some important memories from the past.

Retired Trophies

The Club Secretary holds a number of cups that, at the time of writing, are no longer in competition.  These include

The Gill Jones Trophy  This has been the basis of various competitions including between our club and the Loughborough University club.  More recently it was awarded in a ladder competition in the summer of 2021 when we played during lockdown on Tuesday afternoons online.

The Palfreyman Cup This used to be awarded in a pairs event where the entrants were either two women or two men.

The Sharanda Cup  This used to be awarded in a pairs event where the entrants were one woman and one man.

Last updated : 31st Oct 2023 15:45 GMT
Lifetime Memberships

Congratulations to Geoff Shaw, Bob McCulloch, Hugh Cairns who were awarded Life Memberships of Loughborough Bridge Club at the 59th AGM held on 4th June 2015

The following is an extract from the minutes

And so much more........

They are the first to arrive each session, they set up the tables, they have taken on the lion’s share of the directing and scoring, they clear up at the end and they are the last to leave.  They have worked together, tirelessly and selflessly for the good of the Club

Geoff, Bob and to Hugh – it is in honour of this service that we wish to offer you life membership of the club, with sincere thanks for all you have done.


Last updated : 12th Apr 2021 15:09 BST
Memory Lane

Mike Bramley was a regular player at our club and when he died he left us a bequest.  it was decided to use this to purchase Honours Boards for some of our competitions.  For some years these were displayed at the Conservative Club in Baxter Gate.  When the club could no longer rent a room there we had nowhere suitable to display the boards.  Eventually we took the decision to scrap the boards but we have retained these photographs of them.

Last updated : 12th Apr 2021 15:00 BST