Limavady Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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President night
Scorer: Bernadette O Kane
Scorer: Bernadette O Kane
Scorer: Bernadette O Kane
Scorer: Bernadette O Kane
Scorer: Bernadette O Kane
Scorer: Bernadette O Kane
Holy week
Scorer: Bernadette O Kane
Spring equinox
Scorer: Bernadette O Kane
Ides of March
Scorer: Bernadette O Kane
Scorer: Bernadette O Kane
21 February 24
Scorer: Bernadette O Kane
St Valentine Massacre
Scorer: Bernadette O Kane
7th Feb 24
Scorer: Bernadette O Kane
Scorer: Bernadette O Kane
Christmas Party Night
Scorer: Bernadette O Kane
News Page

This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

Succes for Limavady Players in NIBU simultaneous set hands
Succes for Limavady Players in NIBU simultaneous set hands

Congratulations to Limavady club members Patsy O'Kane and John Shipman who came second in the NICU simultaneous pairs in January,

and Briege Irwin and club president Seán Mullan who came third. 





Last updated : 15th Feb 2019 19:21 GMT
Mary K Grogan
We were saddened to learn of the death of long time Bridge Club member Mary K Grogan.  We extend our sympathies to her family and friends.


Last updated : 15th Feb 2019 15:35 GMT
Lorraine's Presidents Night - 28th June 2017

Pictures taken at Lorraine's Presidents Night can be found  HERE  .

Last updated : 30th Jun 2017 08:12 GMT
Lorraine's Christmas Party - 25th January 2017

Pictures taken at the "Christmas Party" can be found HERE.  If anyone wants a copy, please contact the photographer - who managed to avoid being photographed!!

Last updated : 26th Jan 2017 19:36 GMT
Briege's Christmas Party - 27th January 2016

Pictures taken at the Christmas Party can be found  Here    If anyone wants copies, contact the photographer.

Last updated : 26th Jan 2017 19:28 GMT
Mary's Presidents Night 7th October 2015

The pictures taken can be viewed at:

If anyone wants copies of any, contact the photographer

Last updated : 8th Oct 2015 08:05 GMT
Bridgemate II / Scorebridge 10 Summary Instructions

Bridgemate II / Scorebridge 10 - Summary Instructions

There are two software components to the Bridge scoring system.  “Scorebridge” provides preset inputs into the Bridgemates, and calculates the scores based on Bridgemate output. The “Bridgemate” software drives the Bridgemates to provide the movement and to transfer table scores into “Scorebridge”.  These two programmes are used separately by the operator but are inextricably linked for successful operation of the Bridgemates

  1. Switch on and boot up laptop, - ensuring mains power supply is connected and switched on.  Press until “Desktop View” is displayed
  2. Connect "Bridgemate" server to laptop using white USB cable.  Check that green lights on server for “USB/ Battery Power” and for “Battery Status” are both lit
  3. Select "R10 Scorebridge" (Ace of Spades) at centre top of desktop.  (NOTE there is also an R9 Scorebridge on the desktop – This Must Not be used with the Bridgemates)
  4. Select "Limavady Bridge Club" – Go to on the top menu
  5. Select "New Event"
  6. Set up "Event Preferences". - 1 Section, No of whole tables (rounded up), "Use Bridgemates" etc
  7. You then get a screen that will show, for example, “5 Table Movement” in a box at the top;  Click on this and the screen will open up to show programmed number of boards per round.  Check this and "Set Movement Detail" - Boards/round
  8. For 1/2 table, set number of missing pair
  9. Confirm Movement details
  10. "Scorebridge Wireless Control" starts up
  11. You will be asked to “Download Player Database” – Click  "NO"
  12. Red lights against the Bridgemates will change to green as table sign-in is completed
  13. After first round play is completed on “Score Retrieval”, Click – “Retrieving” and on “Scrolling Results” click – “Not Updating”
  14. As last round is about to begin at “Scrolling Results” Click – “Updating”
  15. Click “Save” on “Rolling” filename
  16. Click “Yes” to overwrite existing file
  17. Click “Allow Blocked Content” at the bottom of the screen
  18. Click “No” to make Internet Explorer default browser
  19. After you have completed last round, check at top of screen to make sure all board scores are registered then close the Bridgemate screens and return to “Scorebridge by clicking on the “Ace of Spades” icon in the Task Bar
  20. Exit the displayed screen(s) until you see a top menu which includes “Results and Outputs”
  21.   On the top menu go to “Results and Outputs”, and select – “Send”, then select - “Upload Results to Bridgewebs”  (Except for NIBU set hands when you select “Results to ECatsBridge” – you will need the set hands reference number to do this)
  22. Note – Step 21 requires the laptop wi-fi internet connection.  If this is not active, it can’t be completed at the time, but the results are in the computer and it can be completed later
Last updated : 22nd May 2015 14:31 GMT