Leixlip Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
Recent Updates
News Bulletins
19th Sep 2024 13:28 BST
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Pages viewed in 2024
Leixlip Charity Night - 1 February 2024

Thanks to all our club members 

€900 is on its way to Multiple Sclerosis Ireland

Last updated : 18th Feb 2024 16:21 GMT
Calendar 2024 - 2025
Calendar 2024 - 2025

Please see the calendar for the 2024 - 2025season here.

Last updated : 19th Sep 2024 12:29 BST

All members of Leixlip Bridge Club should make themselves aware of this Notice

Click Here : Club Privacy Notice 2018

Membership Application form

Click Here for : Membership Application Form

Click Here for : Leixlip Bridge Club Constitution

Last updated : 28th Nov 2018 15:45 GMT
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