Monday Evening Duplicate Bridge |
Click HERE to join the Monday evening session. Please be seated by 7:15 for 7:30 start.
Thanks to all of those attending and congratulations to Hari Patel and John Gatrell who were overall winners just ahead of John Cardiff and Peter Taylor..
We may not have gained as many newcomers as we might have hoped but there were plenty of partner swappers to compensate so thank you to all for entering the spirit of the event.
The overall winners of the handicapped event only met up a couple of minutes before the start so well done Lorraine Curry and John Bateman. Second were Lesley Bednarek and Judi Malpass with Keith Rickson and Derek Marsh third. These prizewinners need to let Judi know in which form they wish to take their prize – cash, credit or donation.
In accordance with the terms listed in the announcement of the event, the Club will donate £198 to the charity and the EBU will donate its fee through its own charity page.
The link should you wish to donate to the Charity is still live just below this announcement.
Bridge – It’s a big deal |
Bridge – It’s a big deal
To support this EBU/Cancer Research venture, we plan an event for 9 September which aims to encourage players to give our club a tryout. Some of these may be newcomers, lapsed players etc.
There is no need to bring a new player along as you can just play with your regular partner in the normal way – you just won’t be able to win a prize!
Please try to find a potential recruit to play with. Our view is that we need to recruit and retain more mid range players long term so we will give prizes to the leading pairs who bring along or partner a “non regular” of NGS 10 or below.
We will allow an extra minute for each two board round and will reinforce our relaxed policy on director calls.
Prizes will be for the top 3 pairs who play with a stranger as above and will be judged by the director for the day on a “value added” basis. £30; £20; £10 per player paid from Club funds.
Winners can choose how to take their prize – cash, credit or charity donation.
LBBC will make a donation to the charity of £3 per head and entrants will pay their club entry fee in the normal way with the Club retaining any surplus generated to simplify accounting.
Members are strongly encouraged to make private donations to the sponsored charity through this link.
Partner required ? contact
Welcome to Leighton Buzzard Virtual Bridge Club. |
We operate with MK and Regis clubs so that we can offer bridge on Monday to Friday evenings by sharing our resources and offering free access to each club's membership and guests. The essence of this is that the bridge will be friendly and inclusive of all levels of ability. An umbrella website B O A (bridge online alliance) where all events can be seen but each club will retain it's own identity.
We have PLAYING directors so we would remind all of you that the Club's ethos is that friendly bridge is the norm at LBBC so director calls are rarely appropriate except if an issue cannot be amicably resolved by discussion at the table. Please see Information and click Appeals and GDPR.
Click here to register (with BOA - required for billing)
Our Icelandic Friends |
A few pairs from Iceland are likely to join us in the coming weeks.
Those who play at MK will know some of them and a few have found English partners in recent weeks.
I have said that we will make them welcome but have asked that they be briefed not to talk in their own language during the auction or play of a hand. It would be polite to engage in conversation in English at the end of play in the normal way but if you feel that there is no rapport between you, you may wish to mute both of your oppo’s and they can do likewise so you are not shouting over each other. Don’t forget to unmute when the next pair arrive.
They will pay the same rates as the rest of us. One or two may join the lobby to try to find a partner so that might help those of you who find a partner in that way. Alternatively either they or you can ask Judi or myself for help in the normal way.
Our new friends should be aware that all pairs should be seated by 7-25 and that play often starts before 7-30. It is also faster than MK in that we move play along when all but the last pair have finished - even if there is still time left on the clock.
Many thanks
RealBridge Camera Test - Click Here |
Partner Required |
If you would like us to try and find a partner for you
please call our treasurer Judi on
01296 681583, 07887775006
or email