Lancashire Contract Bridge Association
Release 2.19r
LOP Open
Scorer: Mitch
LCBA Sim Pairs - countywide results
Scorer: Oliver Cowan
LOP Open
Scorer: Mitch
Sat 21st September 2024
Mon 23rd September 2024
LOP Open
Fri 27th September 2024
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County Matches
2024 Tollemache 2024 availibility

Tollemache 2024 availability

The qualifying round of the Tollemache Cup will be held on Sat/Sun 9/10 November.  This is the premier county event in the EBU calendar and any county can enter one team.  Last year we couldn't raise a team and we are determined to enter a team this year.  Details are:

For the qualifier and the final, teams are limited to 12 playing members. A team can have different players in the qualifier and the final. The qualifying event, on 9th - 10th November 2024, will be held on RealBridge. It is likely to be played in two sections, playing a complete round-robin in each section, qualifying four teams from each section. Play will be from 11am until approximately 7pm on both days, with a break for lunch about half-way through. Exact match times will depend on the number of teams playing. We will aim to play 90-100 boards over the two days. 

The top eight teams will qualify to play in the final.

If you wish to be considered for this event, please complete the form below.  We are prepared to consider pairs only available on one of the days.  To represent Lancashire in this event, LCBA needs to be your county of primary allegiance.

Last updated : 30th Aug 2024 10:28 BST