Lake County Duplicate Bridge Clubs, Inc.
Release 2.19r
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Jan 12, 2025 17:48 EST
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Jan 3, 2025 10:20 EST
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Dec 30, 2024 05:58 EST
Welcome to our club located in Eustis, Florida. Visitors always welcome.
Speeding up Slow Play

Bridge is a timed event and the normal time allowance for a hand of bridge is 7 to 7.5 minutes.  The idea is that a round of bridge should last approximately 3 hours not including the tabulation of results and clean up. We can play 24 boards at 7.5 minutes per board or 28 boards at 7 minutes per board in 3 hours not including time for a break  Playing slowly can be subject to a procedural penalty under Law 90. In our club, if bidding has not begun by 3 minutes before the end of the round then the hand is not to be played and is considered a "NO PLAY" which has no affect on the results for the players.  The second "NO PLAY" by a particular pair will be subject to a 1/4 board penalty, 1/2 a board for a 3rd event in the same contest.

Attached is a document that suggests various ways to speed up play Speeding up Slow Play.pdf  

The Club utilizes a clock to keep players aware of the time left in the round.  All players should be aware of the time on the clock The clock has a warning buzzer at 3 minutes.   At this point if a table has not started the bidding on the hand, then  the hand should be marked "No Play" - 10 on the Bridgemates and requires the director's approval. There is a second buzzer (different sound) that identifies the beginning of the new round.  When this second buzzer sounds all players should be in their seats and ready to play the next round. Everyone wants to play every hand; however starting the hand after the buzzer because the director has not take the board away is inconsiderate of the other players in the room.  All players are expected to be ethical and follow the rules.

Why is 3 minutes used as the cut-off?  It is out of respect to the players that have completed their hands within the allotted time frame.  If 7 or 7.5 minutes is allowed for a hand then a hand that has not begun at the 3 minute mark means that it may not be finished until  4 minutes into the new round.  Time is not added to the clock because a table is late. The late players and the pairs at the new table are expected to complete their boards in the remaining time and therefore may feel a certain amount of stress as result of the shorter time frame.   It is the responsibility of all players in the next round to complete it in the remaining time even though a pair has arrived at the table late.  Most players schedule their day based on the expectation that everything will be completed by 4:30 for a 1 o'clock start.

Studies have shown the slow play is more irritating than rudeness at the table.

Classes update

Overcalls Cancelled due to lack of registration.

You can still join Bid and Tell on Mondays at 9:30 and Beginning Bridge using 2/1 Tuesdays at 9:30am

Voting results

Jim Foley and Peg Lindsay are the 2 new directors on the Board.  Thank you to all who stood for office. 

Tip of the Week

With 3-1-4-5 or 1-3-4-5 distribution, open 1  if the diamonds are strong, the clubs weak and the hand has less than 17 HCP.  The idea is to avoid rebidding 1NT with a small singleton in partner's suit.

a) ♠ A54 ♥3 ♦AQJ9 ♣Q8765 - Open 1 , avoiding a rebid problem if partner responds 1♥. 

b) ♠ A54 ♥3 ♦AQJ9 ♣AQ875 - Open 1♣ ; you are strong enough to reverse.  

c) ♠A54 ♥3 ♦K932 ♣AQJ87 -  Open 1♣, the clubs are strong enough to rebid. 

Open Pairs
Director: Sharon Lessard
Open Pairs
Director: Sharon Lessard
4 is Enough
Director: Sharon Lessard
Wed January 15, 2025
Open Pairs
Club 1:00 pm
Director: Sharon Lessard
Thu January 16, 2025
4 is Enough
Club 1:00 pm
Director: David Bischoping
Fri January 17, 2025
Open Pairs
Club 1:00 PM
Director: Ralph Dolan