Crossing the Barrier
Crossing the Barrier


What is it that is needed for beginners who have learnt the game to progress into the understanding and playing the game better? How does one go beyond beginner level? Our instructors with their vast experience in teaching, mentoring and interacting with beginners have a deep knowledge and understanding of the issues that a beginner faces. We have adopted the principle of Keep It Simple and SMART. The toughest aspect of the game for beginners to surmount is to develop the ability and confidence in card play and defense. In Card Play, one needs to develop visualisation, imagination and inferential abilities. Thus our module is called TRAIN YOUR BRAIN. Using these abilities, one can build up on the technical aspects of the game that uses these, recognise situations that need application of these techniques and practice applying these techniques. Another aspect that Beginners find difficult is to work together with another beginner and DEFEND contracts successfully. Defense is the toughest aspect of the game, this is the least covered aspect in any Beginner course. So beginners are left to themselves are often seen cashing their Aces and Kings in a hurry without understanding the science of defense. We understand your difficulty, we expose you to the thinking process of an experienced defender. We bring in the science of looking for tricks to meet your defense target. We hold your hands and walk you thru the steps, if you apply the steps as a partnership, you will benefit from the defense module - WATCH THE SPOTS. While focusing on Card Play, it is also important for beginners to develop some Bidding techniques which will develop their abilities to COMPETE better.  We understand that extra bidding is extra load for beginners, more things to remember. So we have developed ways in which one does not need to memorise these. We cover these in the second part of the course and expose beginners to competitive bidding techniques without memory strain.

Prerequisites - Completed a beginner course or have played sufficiently at the beginner level

Course contents


  • Train your Brain - This module develops your visualisation, imagination abilities while simultaneously exposing you to newer card play techniques. One learns to recognise the situations where these techniques can be applied, understand the steps taken to apply these techniques, practice applying newly learnt techniques over a series of deals and finally gain confidence in applying these in other situations that may arise. 
  • Watch the Spots - This module develops your partnership defense abilities while giving each participant the technical depth needed to understand defensive cooperation. We will develop your abilities in finding the best lead, supporting partners lead, exchanging information by way of signaling, drawing inferences from bidding, play and defensive communication, putting all these into a dynamic defensive partnership. 
  • Bidding to the Hilt - Competitive Bidding techniques that give the extra abilities to put roadblocks for opponents bidding, to recover from interruption to your own bidding by opponents, to make the best use of your hand shape and find that elusive fit. 


You can register as individuals, however for the defense module, ideally, best if you can register with your regular partner. Register here.

If registration is not open or you want any more information, write to us at