Kingsbridge Regal Club |
A Date for the diary - our AGM is fixed for TUESDAY APRIL 8th 2025 at 1pm to be followed by our afternoon bridge
The Club is enjoying Tuesday Afternoon F2F sessions at West Charleton Village Hall (TQ7 2AH) PLEASE ARRIVE AT 1.15pm to start play at 1.30pm
There is free car parking at the Village Hall
If you and your partner wish to play on any Tuesday please let me know ahead of time
If you would like to play but need a partner I can usually find you one
Just contact me by email or by phone 07811353079
Kingsbridge Regal Virtual Club |
The Kingsbridge game is currently played on Bridge Base Online (BBO.)
When: Mondays at 6:30pm
We are very happy to accept an invitation from Falmouth Bridge Club to run joint sessions with them on Mondays at 6.30pm. This will give us more tables and an improved evening.The first joint session will be on Monday 6th November. Our calendar will then show alternate sessions. As a player you will register exactly as you do now the event will appear on the BBO as Falmouth-Kingsbridge.The only other difference you will notice is that the entry fee will be 2$BBO. All good news. Please join us if you can. Any problem call 07811353079
Cost: BBO$2
To Enter: Register with your partner on BBO at least 15 mins before the game.
If you'd like to join please email Rosemary Caddy
If you haven't played on BBO, read the section below about getting started.
Membership Form |
To update your membership details or to apply for membership of KRBC please complete the form below and transfer £1.00 membership fee to
Kingsbridge Regal Bridge Club Bank Account Sort Code 309472 account number 00215275. Please use surnamemem as your reference eg caddymem
If you do not wish your email and /or telephone details to be entered in the club membership list please inform Rosemary Caddy by tel 07811353079
Kingsbridge Regal Bridge Club |
Monday Duplicate BBO with Falmouth Bridge Club
Please register by 6.15pm ready to play at 6.30pm
Friendly Duplicate Tuesday Afternoons at West Charleton Village Hall TQ7 2AH
Please arrive by 1.15pm for play to start at 1.30pm.