Kendal Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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22nd Oct 2024 00:12 BST
Hands of the Week
20th Oct 2024 12:04 BST
Ellis Cup
16th Oct 2024 10:22 BST
11th Oct 2024 12:07 BST
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Welcome to Kendal Bridge Club
  Ellis Qualifiers

Qualifiers for the Ellis Cup Finals on Mon 18th November are the teams of Babs Matthews, Mike Rothwell, Chris Wilkinson and Janice Mitchell.

The draw for the semi-finals is Matthews v Mitchell, Rothwell v Wilkinson.

First reserves should any of the above be unable to field a team without breaching the 6 player limit are Lynn Percival's team.

There will be a separate teams event on finals night for any other teams interested in playing then.

  September Promotions

A healthy crop of promotions this month, so:

Congratulations to David Airey and Bob Churchward who are on the ladder as Local Masters.

Well done to Audry Cunningham who has progresses from Club Master to Area Master.

Joined at the hip are Steve Douglas and Ken Orford, who have synchronised their progression from County Master to Master.

Congratulations Rose Parker who has moved from 1 Star to 2 Star Master.

And finally, many congratulatioms for Sally-Ann Rothwell who has moved to Premier Life Master.

  Christmas Party

The Christmas Party will again be held at Castle Green Hotel. The date for your diary is  Monday 16th December.

Further details will follow but we anticipate the format and costs will be similar to last year. Watch this space.

  Betty Limb Individual Cup
Betty Limb Individual Cup

Sunday 6th October saw the first club trophy of the year awarded. It was competed for in a friendly atmosphere (helped by an excellent spread) by a field of 36 players of all standards. It was won by Martyn Harris (so he now has a Limb to go with his 200 hands), with Tim Harrison and John Ellwood close on his heels. Well done to Martyn for both his organisational  and his playing skills. And thank you to all who attended.


  New Thursday morning sessions

Following the disclosure that David will be using Tuesday evenings rather than Thursday mornings for his teaching, Sue Van Eijkern has kindly agreed to lead a group of people who, initially supported by the 'tutors', will organise Thursday morning bridge. The session will run from 10am until approximately 12.30, though those intending to play will need to be present by 9.50.

This is not intended as an extension of the supervised play - there will be no pre-play talk, no commentary to take away, and no asking tutors for help. Instead it will be a new daytime session which we intend in due course will be open to the whole club, and that hopefully will be played with the same friendly atmosphere that has been a feature of the supervised sessions.Please note we do not intend this to be an alternative to going along on a Tuesday evening.


Kendal BC Club Sessions
Kendal BC Club Sessions

Monday 6:50 for 7pm start* F2F 24 boards All levels
Tuesday 7pm* F2F 18 boards Intermediate
               7pm Online 24 boards All levels
Thursday 9:50 for 10am start F2F 14 boards Intermediate
                7pm Online 24 boards All levels


Face to face sessions are at the Abbot Hall

Online sessions are on BBO

* 3rd Monday of the month and 1st Tuesday alternate months (Sept, Nov, Jan) is F2F Teams

F2F Intermediate Pairs
Director: Dennis Pook
Scorer: Dennis Pook
BBO Pairs 24 boards
Director: Martyn Harris
Scorer: Martyn Harris
Teams: Ellis Cup Q2
Director: Mike Rothwell
Scorer: Martyn Harris
Morning Bridge
Scorer: Sue Van Eijkern
BBO 24 boards
Director: Richard Brazier
Scorer: Richard Brazier
24th October 2024
Morning Bridge
BLR 10.00
24th October 2024
BBO 24 boards
BBO 7.00
Director: Mike Rothwell
Scorer: Mike Rothwell
28th October 2024
F2F Pairs
BLR 7.00
Director: David Harris
Scorer: Chris Walker
Stand-in: John Nichols
29th October 2024
F2F Intermediate Pairs
BLR 7.00
Director: Jean Dale
Scorer: Bob Boyd
Stand-in: Debbie Wilkinson
29th October 2024
BBO Pairs 24 boards
BBO 7.00
Director: Ken Orford
Scorer: Ken Orford