Kingston Duplicate Bridge Club Inc
Release 2.19q
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Board News

The next KDBC Board meeting October 16

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Face-to-Face Partners

Looking for a partner in our face-to-face games?

 Write to:


KDBC Sunshine Connection

Bob Fowkes is our Sunshine Connection.  Give us the name of someone you would like us to send a card to and Bob will get it done.   

Interesting Hands
Some hands from Bridge Week 2017

Greg McKellar and I (Don Kersey) played in Bridge Week 2017, the Canadian Championships, in Winnipeg, from April 29 to May 7. In the CNTC (Canadian National Teams Championship), our team reached the quarterfinals, losing that match to the pre-tournament favourites L'Ecuyer. In the COPC (Canadian Open Pairs Championship), we won the Bronze medal for third place. Following are a few hands from the tournament.


Bridge Week - a bad grand slam

I was East, and Greg was West. Our opponents had an ambitious auction: 4♣ showed 6 good clubs and 4 good hearts; 4 and 4♠ were cuebids, and the 5NT response to Blackwood showed two keycards and a void. North evidently decided that the void must be in spades, so the keycards were the club ace and heart king. So because of this misunderstanding, they reached a very poor grand slam which nevertheless was makeable. On opening lead, I decided to try to talk declarer out of the winning club finesse by forcing an early decision, so I led the nine of clubs. Declarer went up with dummy's ace, drew trumps in three rounds, then crossed to the ace of spades and ran the club queen, losing to my king for down one and a gain of 14 IMP for us.

Bridge Week - a lucky game

On this deal from our quarterfinal match against L'Ecuyer, I was again East and Greg West; North-South were Nick and Judy Gartaganis, who were playing Precision, so the 1 bid did not promise diamonds. Greg's 2 overcall was natural, and I stretched a little to introduce my mediocre spade suit. Greg naturally jumped to the game, which needed some good luck. Judy led the club king, and I saw that the only chance was to set up the diamonds - this would require spades to be 3-2 and diamonds to be 3-3, so against a standard 1 opening, the game would have no play (either South would have four diamonds, or South would have four spades). Against a Precision 1 opening, though, there was a chance. I played a diamond, losing to North's king, ruffed the club continuation in dummy, ruffed a diamond, crossed to a heart, and ruffed another diamond, dropping the ace. Now I drew two rounds of trumps and played a good diamond, discarding a club as North ruffed. The defenders could cash one club trick, but then I had the rest, for +620 and 12 IMP.

A simple play, but hard to spot
This deal from Monday December 5 features a play that is easy to execute but seems to be hard to see. North plays in 4♠ , receives a heart lead, and trumps the heart continuation. Declarer should make 11 tricks, but only one (well done, Terry!) managed it. The winning play is to cash the ace and queen of trumps, leaving the king in dummy. If both defenders follow suit, then draw the last trump and run the diamonds for 12 tricks. However, when one defender shows out on the second round of trumps, start running diamonds immediately. Eventually, West will trump a diamond, and will probably play another heart, but declarer can trump that heart and lead North's last trump to dummy's king, drawing West's remaining trump, and then run the rest of the diamonds, making in all five trump tricks, five diamond tricks, and the ace of clubs.