ACBL’s “Deal Me In"

Click Here to read this month's edition of ACBL’s “Deal Me In," a guide designed to help novice bridge players navigate the intricacies of the game.

In this article, we will explore essential bidding strategies for balanced hands, bridge terminologies, and provide quick tips for declarer play.



Josée Hammill wins 2020/21 Teacher of the Year Award


The American Bridge Teachers’ Association (ABTA) announced on August 17 that the winner of the 2020/21 Teacher of the Year award is Josée Hammill of Toronto, Canada.

Josée has devoted herself to the craft of instructing new and intermediate players in the joy and mysteries of the fabulous game of bridge.

Those of us who have been her students thank Josée for her dedication to the role of teacher and mentor. We congratulate her on this acknowledgement of her teaching excellence.

Well done, Josée!

Update: Josée has been featured on the ABTA magazine! Click on the image above or here to download the PDF.

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Josée Hammill
Josée Hammill

Contact Josée at: or on her cell at: 416-300-9140