Release 2.19r
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Charity event

There will be a charity bridge day in aid of Acorn Cancer Support onFriday 15th  November.  For details see Acorn flyer Bridge Day 15th November 2024

Charity Evening

Our charity evening for Acorn Cancer Support raised £111.  Thanks to all who contributed.  Our next charity evening is on October 7th when we will be collecting for Caring Together.

County Pairs Final

Congratulations to Stephen and Michael who won the County Pairs final on 17th March.  Other Huntingdon pairs who did well in this event were Eddie & Malcolm who finished 5th (out of 23) and Scott & Bill 10th.

9 High Duplicate pairs

Also successful in a county event were Lynn and Dennis who won the 9 High event back in October.  Unless their results deteriorate in the near future they won't be eligible for this again.  Perhaps they can demonstrate their skills in a Jack high event soon!

Cambs & Hunts County Association.

- have a new website  Go there to see their calendar and the results of past competitions.

British Winter Sim Pairs 2024 

Congratulations to David & Malcolm who finished first of 350 pairs.  This is the first time a Huntingdon pair has ever topped a national sims competition.

Stuart Morton Trophy - handicapped teams

The Stuart Morton Trophy - 1976

Club members donated towards the purchase of this trophy in memory of Stuart who died suddenly whilst Captain of the Club.

This is awarded annually for a Teams event organised as follows.

The Tournament Director divides the pairs into an upper and lower section, by handicap, and randomly draws one pair from each section to form a team.





Year Winners
2023-24 Lynn Bouchier, Roberta Paterson, Malcolm Anderson, David Joy
2022-23 not held
2021-22 not held
2020-21 not held
2019-20 Gill Davies, Marilyn Howells, Barbara Talboys, Elaine Miller
2018-19 Mary Mills, Peter Somerfield, Roger Farrington, Graham Dubock
2017-18 Jill Challinor, Anne Theakston, Roger Farrington, Graham Dubock
2016-17 Derek Oxbrow, Barbara Talboys, Eddie Humphrey, Pauline Baily
2015-16 Malcolm Anderson, Stephen Goodwin, Zena Denchfield, Jane Paine
2014-15 Derek Oxbrow, Barbara Talboys, Zena Denchfield, Jane Paine
2013-14 Gill Davies, Marilyn Howells, Jacqui Racey, Sheila Povall
2012-13 Audrey Stenner, Mike Neverton, Ken Firth, Roger Millington
2011-12 Margaret & Roger Chaplin, Peter Ladlow, Colin Payne
2010-11 Eileen Gardiner, Marilyn Howells, Malcolm Anderson, Roger Farrington
2009-10 Peter Somerfield, Derek Oxbrow, Pauline Baily, Mike Neverton
2008-09 Barry Ransley, Len Scofield, J Watson, Alex Green
2007-08 Margaret & Roger Chaplin, Graham Day & Bill Quinton
2006-07 Michael Krause & John Lambden, Enid Emanuel & Bill Stevenson
2005-06 Pauline Baily & Mike Neverton, Roger Farrington & Malcolm Anderson
2004-05 Andrew Dutton & Joyce Day, Mary Pope & Vi Carpenter
2003-04 Yvonne Palfrey & Charles King, Michael & Charlotte Fellows
2002-03 Pat Cole & Barry Ransley, Yvonne Palfrey & Charles King
2001-02 Pauline Baily & Eileen Gardiner, George & Linda Ledwidge
2000-01 Enid Emanuel & Mary Pope, C Howse & S Endicott
1999-2000 Yvonne Palfrey& David McCann, Pauline Angel & Jill Challinor
1998-99 Eileen Gardiner & Penny McCann, Jill Challinor & Doris Stevens
1997-98 Eileen Gardiner & Penny McCann, Malcolm & Ann Howarth
1996-97 David McCann & Y Osbourne, S Endicott & Samuel Ismer
1995-96 Mike & Charlotte Fellows, S Endicott & Samuel Ismer
1994-95 Ray & Janet Porter, K Sinnett & Anne Theakston
1993-94 D Grant & W Curr, Sheila Povall & Margaret Bowman
1992-93 David McCann & Y Osbourne, John Seal & Audrey Stenner
1991-92 Michael & Charlotte Fellows, Gill Davies & Ann Hamilton