Release 2.19r
Cashless Bridge

For detailed Information about Cashless Bridge Payments - Cashless Bridge System.pdf

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HBA Marjorie Lukyn heats


A reminder that our 2 heats of the HBA Marjorie Lukyn Charity competition will be held on Thursday evening 20th February at 7.15 p.m. and Monday afternoon 3rd March at 1.15 p.m.

Table monies are an extra £2 per player all of which goes to the 2024 HBA charity.

This year that is Mudlarks based in Hertford a charity that helps adults and young people who have learning difficulties or mental health problems.

New Wednesday Seminars

On Wednesdays Elaine and Richard offer fortnightly 2 hour seminars

on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday in each month at 10.30 a.m.

Current schedule is:-

19th February - Defence - Better Switches

5th March - Bidding - Extending Stayman and Transfers

19th March - Competitive Bidding

2nd April - Take out Doubles

16th April - Bidding 4-4-4-1 Hands

7th May - Managing the Danger Hand

21st May - Declarer Play in 1NT

4th June - Game Tries in Majors

18th June - Making the most of High Cards

2nd July - Identifying Slams

16th July - Bidding Slams

As we have the use of the hall there is no need to book. Members can pick and choose which seminars they wish to attend. Partners are not required.

The cost is £10 for each seminar charged to your cashless account.

On the Wednesdays where a seminar is followed by our restricted pairs session members intending to play in the afternoon are welcome to bring a sandwich/packed lunch and socialise with friends before the afternoon session

New Morning Relaxed Session
New Morning Relaxed Session

10 a.m. on Thursday mornings relaxed session playing no more than18 boards. 

These sessions will be on ALL Thursdays except the first Thursday in each month.

Ideal for less experienced players or members who like to play in the mornings and/or play fewer boards.

Please tell friends and non members about this session.

Welcome to the Hitchin Bridge Club

The Hitchin Bridge Club plays both online and face to face.

Full details of our regular sessions are listed in the schedule below.

Face to face sessions and bridge lessons are held in the church hall

of Our Lady's R C Church 16 Nightingale Road Hitchin SG5 1QS



Bridge Schedule

F2F in the Church Hall

Monday afternoon - duplicate pairs at 1.15 p.m. 

Monday evening - relaxed pairs at 7.15 p.m. - for less confident and less experienced members and course graduates, partners not required.

Tuesday afternoon -  duplicate pairs at 1.15 p.m. 

1st and 3rd Wednesday mornings at 10.30 a.m.  - a series of seminar topics, please see righthand side panel for details

Wednesday afternoon - restricted duplicate pairs at 1.15 p.m. . This is a shorter session playing usually 18 boards and finishing at 4 p.m. Players are restricted to a partnership NGS of 16 or less.

Thursday mornings - all Thursdays except the first in each month - relaxed pairs at 10 a.m.

Thursday evening - duplicate pairs at 7.15 p.m. 


Real Bridge

Tuesday evening at 7 p.m.


Friday afternoon at 2 p.m.


All events are free at the point of entry, members are invoiced monthly. F2F sessions £3. Online sessions £2.50. Supervised play £4.

For f2f sessions please turn up at least 10 mins before the start time.

Members only but new players are able to have 2 free sessions before joining.

Bridge players who would like to become members can apply by completing the application form on the website - Membership Application Form.pdf


Next Realbridge Sessions

For all Realbridge events when logging in please use your first name and surname and use your EBU number as ID

The next session is Tuesday Evening Pairs, 11th February click here for the session link



Need a Partner?

Need a partner for any of our sessions?

New to the area and would like to play?

email Carol -

and she will do her best to help


Feeling Unwell?
Feeling Unwell?

Under the weather, running a temperature, coughing and sneezing?

Please DON'T come to bridge.
