Hemel Hempstead Bridge Club
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Monday 10th June

AGM 7pm

Free F2F Bridge

Bennett End

AGM Minutes 2019


Minutes of 60th AGM held on Monday 17 June 2019

Attendance     35 members

Apologies for Absence   Dave and Sue Fleming, John Pelley, Julian Peers, Sally Bride, Pat Hobson

Minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true record.

Matters arising

Slow play was addressed when it occurred.

The EBU had withdrawn their requirement for a contract to be signed.

The opening lead was now included on Bridgetab.

Chairman’s Report

The report was available on the website.  David Stimson ran through it.  He thanked all involved in helping run the club, and Cliff proposed a vote of thanks to David for his long-standing work as Chairman.

Treasurer’s Report

Derek Peers went through the salient features of the report.  Profit on the year was £914 and the reserves were around £8000.  The activities of the club had contracted now that Supervised Play had stopped.  With our 80 or so members we would continue to be financially viable with around 9 tables for Monday nights.  The Swiss Pairs event was just over break-even, and the Christmas Party did well, enabling a good contribution to charity.  4 new tables had been purchased.  The accounts had been inspected by Cliff Short, and were accepted (proposer Roger Edmonds, seconder John Jackson).

Election of Officers and Committee Members

The Committee were all willing to stand again, and they were re-elected en bloc (proposer Terry Neal, seconder Jonathon Harris).  There was still a vacancy on the Committee, and David asked anyone interested to come forward later.  Membership was now:

Chairman:  David Stimson

Treasurer:   Derek Peers

Secretary:    Margaret Ainsworth

Membership Secretary:   Anne Short

Lesley Peers, Naomi Gibbs, Roger Edmonds, Pat Henry

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 19.30 and trophies were awarded as listed on the website.
