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Chairman's Report 2013/14

Hemel Hempstead Bridge Club

Chairman’s AGM Report 2013-14


During the past year we have continued to run Duplicate Bridge nights on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays (including Bank Holiday Mondays).  All evenings use duplimated boards and I would again like to thank David Blasebalk for running the Duplimate machine.


The club’s membership is slightly up on last year but the average number of tables per week was down by about a table due to a decline in those playing on a Thursday. We have started a standby system on Thursdays, and I would like to thank Pat Hogger, Jane Farndon, Clive Walters, Peter Thomas and Ian Grant for volunteering to be a standby. The rota is on the web site as well as our noticeboard. Members just have to turn up before 7.20p.m. to get a game. Alternatively they can do the same as Monday and Tuesday, and contact me.


We purchase new sets of cards in February in readiness for the Club’s Swiss pairs. This event makes sufficient profit for us to purchase new playing cards every year. Those playing enjoyed the day and therefore we will be running the event again in Februay 2015.


My thanks to  Susie for organising the Christmas Party abley assisted by Pat Henry. From the comments I’ve received, it seems that everyone had a good time. Many thanks to all those who contributed. We managed to hold the ticket price at £9...again!  I think that’s pretty good value for food and wine plus the hire of the hall.

As usual, we will holding this year’s Xmas party on the first Thursday in December. There has been a suggestion that we hold it later in December in future years. What do you think? Let us know at the AGM.


We are not planning any significant changes to the calendar or competition rules, and we will continue with our local rule (as per the noticeboard), which has helped to speed up play.


The Club won the Herts inter-club event, the Desmond Flockhart trophy, for only the second time in our history. Our team was Roger Edmonds (Captain), Derek & Julian Peers, Cliff &  Anne Short, David Stimson, June Ball and Helen Robinson..


I have to report the sad loss of Meg Evans  and Julie Snell who both passed away last year. Meg was a regular player on both Monday and Tuesday evenings. Julie played on Thursdays. They will be sadly missed.


Finally a big thank you to all those who have served on the Committee;  Cliff Short,  Paula Morton, Lesley Peers,  Susie Bond, David Blasebalk, Tim Cooper, Martyn McDonald and  Pat Jacobs.

Martyn moved to the West Country and I’m pleased to say that Naomi Gibbs has joined the committee.

Tim Cooper is having to resign as he is now Chairman of Berkhamsted BC.


I would also like to thank  Derek Gowlett for organising  Tuesday’s bridge;  all our Directors;  Roger Edmonds for the web site;  Anne Short as our membership secretary and  Cynthia Wheatley for acquiring all our provisions. The Club couldn’t function without their help.



David Stimson
