Helensburgh Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
Learn to play bridge

If you are interested in playing bridge and you are a beginner, then check out the menu item 'Your Rubicon' above for details on what we offer. Or you can email John Traill, who will be your guide to the new world that awaits...

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Join our club
Joining Helensburgh Bridge Club

We are always keen to have new members play with us at our club or online, using the RealBridge system. We are delighted that you have arrived here with the intention of joining us! HBC Membership is for a year, starting at the beginning of September and costs £10. When you join we will register you with the Scottish Bridge Union (SBU) and pay your joining fee, so that you have access to the tournaments and bridge education that they offer.

Starting in the Autumn season 2023, we will be charging 'table money' of £1.50 for RealBridge games and £3 for games played at the club. You pay on a 'pay-per-play' system, where we send you a charge for your games played at the end of each month and payments that you make are deducted to give you a debit or credit balance. You can see the details of your games played, any charges (including subscription and 'one-off' charity or Sims games), payments and your balance in your member account on the website.

Our club nights are Tuesday at the Rosslea House Hotel Rhu,  and Thursday evenings as a virtual club playing RealBridge on these evenings. If you haven't already found them, you can find details of where and when we play here: Where and when page

You can make your membership application online by filling in the form below. Alternatively, download a copy of our HBC Membership application form here: HBC Membership application. Fill this in and return to us by scanning the document and attaching to an email, or by post to Morag Young, HBC Secretary at the address given on the form.

If you have any queries, you can contact Morag Youngthe HBC Club secretary by email by clicking on her name to the left, or phone her on 01436676648. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Guide to filling in the online HBC membership application form.

Guidence for filling in the online membership application is given below. Please read before going on to the form. 

Section 1 - Contact details
Please enter your name, address, phone number(s) and email address. Enter a Scottish Bridge Union (SBU) Number if you have one. By becoming a member of Helensburgh bridge club you will automatically become a member of the SBU. The SBU will receive your contact details and may be in contact with you from time to time, with details of SBU Events or competitions.

Section 2 - Data protection and privacy policy
Helensburgh Bridge Club (HBC) undertakes to collect and use your personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our legal basis for processing this data is our legitimate interest as a bridge club. We use the data for the administration of your membership, the communication of information and the organisation of bridge events. We also request members’ consent to distribute contact details to other members in order to facilitate the arrangement of games. Our membership data is shared with the Scottish Bridge Union (SBU), the West District of the SBU (for league matches), BridgeWebs and ScoreBridge (acting as data processors on our behalf). Your personal data is not passed on by us for use by any other third parties. Further details can be found in the members section of the HBC website. (Click or tap on HBC privacy policy), the SBU website, BridgeWebs, or ScoreBridge, by clicking the respective links above. In the form below you are able to opt-in or opt out of the various elements of your personal details. You can also change your Privacy options at any time after you join, in the members section of the HBC website.

Section 3 – Declarations and Confirmation
You will be asked to confirm in the form that you are applying for membership of Helensburgh Bridge Club, that the information you have provided is accurate and that you have read and accepted the Club Constitution. The Club Constitution is available on the HBC club website, and Notice Board when playing at the club. 

When we receive your application, you will be contacted by the Club secretary, who will make arrangements with you to pay the £10 membership fee by cash, cheque or bank transfer. 

* Indicates a required input from you. No star means its optional.



For Club internal use:

☐ Paper copy of HBC membership application, Privacy policy and club constitution sent to applicant (if done by mail)

☐ Contact made with Applicant and Membership Fee Paid

☐ Added to Helensburgh Bridge Club Membership database

☐ Added to SBU Club Membership database via Mempads

☐ Added to Scoring Program and BridgeWebs