Hayling Island Bridge Club
Release 2.19q



Shirley Hewitt  1* Master


Ron Pearson  5* Regional Master


Annette Evans  County Master
Doug Johnson  District Master
Alan Goddard  District Master


Mike Jensen  Local Master


Bill Jones  Area Master

JULY 2023

Leigh Harding  5* Regional Master

Terry Downs  District Master

MAY 2023

Judith Edwards  District Master


Booking System.pdf



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Play Problem 006
Play Problem 006 - contributed by Graham Broadbent

Your hand is an interesting collection.  You start with 1diamond and the opponents remain silent. Partner replies the expected 1heart, you try 1spade and now partner offers stop 3 hearts (good hearts and some other values).

Time for a think, trust partner number one, 3NT - partner converts to 4 hearts.

Time for another think, check partner has the heart Ace. 4NT – 5 diamonds, yes she has! REALLY trust partner number two, stop 6 hearts.

Would your partnership have bid any slam? Would you have trusted partner to play in hearts or gone for no trump? Would your partner have repaid that trust by executing a trump squeeze for the overtrick?

The Answer

The full deal (hands rotated)

Opening lead diamond 10

N/S Vulnerable















There are various ways to tackle this hand. Partner won the Diamond Ace on the table, played a club to the Queen and cashed five rounds of Trumps discarding diamonds from dummy, cashed the spade King and played a club to the table. By now West is in trouble for discards and eventually can’t keep both diamonds and spades guarded. 13 tricks.

Trust your partner!

Re: Play Problems 006 contributed by Graham Broadbent

Play Problems 005 and 006 were inspired by duplicate boards in play at the club on 29 April.  Graham made the following additional comment when submitting them:

"Last night's boards were full of interesting deals and no less than six slams available.  These two presented partnership tests for N/S."

If you played that evening and want to check what contract your pair played in, use the Results menu to look up the 29 April event data.  Click on your pair names to see your score card.   Play Problem 006 was board 21.