Harrogate Bridge Club
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Harrogate Bridge Club

27 Robert Street

01423 568110 (playing hours only)


HBC Defibrillator

Photo Gallery
Club Facilities


The earliest bridge club in Harrogate was in the sixties run by Monica Campbell until 1968 when an alternative venue was found in the Adelphi Hotel. Here we played in a dedicated room seven days a week with a membership around 150 playing mainly afternoon cut-in bridge.

Eventually in September 1971 the keys for 27 Robert Street were handed over, the structural alterations needed to be made and the members rallied round to decorate and make curtains. The Club was officially opened two months later with a membership of around 150. Afternoon bridge formed the major part of our income and duplicate was played on Monday and Thursday evenings with 7 or 8 tables.

The membership continued to grow with a shift away from rubber bridge to duplicate as this became more popular. Increasing numbers required more space and in 1996 we purchased the adjoining premises at No.29.  The ground floors were knocked into one large playing area. The first and second floors of No.29 were converted into two separate flats and now bring in a welcome income.  Over the past few years we have upgraded the facilities with the last floor, the attic, being completed in September 2018.

Ground Floor - Playing Room 12-14 tables
First Floor - 8 tables Attic - 5 tables
  Kitchen & Bar