Harrisburg Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Click on Information in the menu above to see the weekly and monthly game schedule. Click on Calendar for specific dates and times.

Bridge Classes

For more information on upcoming bridge classes, click on the Bridge Education tab above.

Club Championship Monday Night Winners
Club Championship Monday Night Winners

Pictured above from left to right are Carol Cocheres and Connie Foster, toasting their first place overall win in the 0-500 Monday night game August 19. A total of 9 tables played. Congratulations to them!

New Rank Achievements

As per the latest information received from the ACBL, we'd like to congratulate the following HBC club members for attaining new ACBL ranks:

Junior Master (5 MPs) - Greg Merkel
Club Master (20 MPs) - Bozena Stine
Sectional Master (50 MPs) - Rebecca Bergey
Advanced NABC Master (300 MPs) - Kamrul Khan
Life Master (300/500 MPs) - Karen Pagano
Bronze Life Master (500/750) - Karen Pagano

Note: some of these categories also require a specific number of gold, red, or silver MPs in addition to total points. Life/Bronze Life Master point requirements are dependent on when the member joined the ACBL.  


Welcome to Harrisburg Bridge Club
Upcoming Game Schedule

Notes: Yes, we are open on Labor Day (Monday, September 2nd) for both the afternoon open and evening 0-500 games (no 0-50 game or mini lesson). Ice cream sundaes will be available at both sessions to celebrate the holiday. Also, we will offer a post game review of several hands of interest following the afternoon game on Thursday, September 5th. 

Here's the complete game schedule at HBC for the upcoming week ($8 table fee unless otherwise noted): 

* Monday September 2nd - open pairs at 12:30 PM;and 0-500 pairs at 6:30 PM (no mini-lesson)
* Tuesday September 3rdopen pairs at 12:30 PM; and 0-1500 pairs at 6:30 PM
* Wednesday September 4th - 0-500 pairs at 12:30 PM  (mini lesson at 11:45); and non-competitive and instructor assisted bridge play for beginners at 12:30 PM ($2)
* Thursday September 5thopen pairs at 12:30 PM (hand review following game)
* Friday September 6th 0-750 pairs at 12:30 PM 

* Saturday September 7th - Unit 168 North American Pairs (NAP) Final; two session event starting at 11:00 AM, with lunch between sessions ($15 per person for the entire event; NAP qualification is required); and non-competitive and instructor assisted bridge play for beginners at 9:30 AM ($2)



August Swiss Teams
August Swiss Teams

August Swiss teams event was held Wednesday, August 28.There was a sizeable turnout of 20 tables that came out to play and enjoy dinner. We also celebrated Marcia Strittmatter's birthday with  a delicious cake, pictured above. A very enjoyable night! 

NAP Finals Flyers

Unit 168 NAP Final Sept 7 2024.pdf
District 4 NAP Flight C Final.pdf
District 4 NAP Flight B Final.pdf

Above are the 3 flyers for upcoming NAP Events being held at Harrisburg Bridge Club.

First is a Unit 168 NAP Final game being held September 7, 2024. This will be a stratified open game for A, B, and C players for Master Points only.
Second is the District 4 NAP Flight C Final being held September 15, 2024.
Third is the District 4 NAP Flight B Final being held October 6, 2024.  


Donate Now!
Donate Now!

Our goal has been met for The Alzheimer's Association, over $3,000 raised!  Thank you for supporting our Team.

Club Championship Monday Night Winners 0-50
Club Championship Monday Night Winners 0-50

Pictured above from left to right are Nancy Burke and Pat Negherbon, toasting their first place overall win in the 0-50 Monday night game August 19. A total of 4 tables played. Congratulations to them!

Friday Afternoon 0-750 pairs
Director: Jan Leuenberger
Thursday Afternoon Open pairs
Director: Robert Priest
Wednesday Afternoon 0-500 NLM pairs
Director: Timothy LeVan