Grange Golf Club, Bridge Section
Release 2.19q


Handicap System




The winning un-handicapped pair of a major competition ( Victor Smyth and President’s Prize ) will be individually handicapped 0.5 of a top in each session at the next major competition in which they compete.

If a player wins two majors in succession they will be individually penalised an additional 0.25 of a top (i.e.0.75 in total) per session at the next major in which they compete. If a player continues to win the next again major, 0.25 of a top will be added to the individual competitor’s handicap on each successive major win.

If a player plays in but does not win the following major competition, their handicap will be reduced by 0.25 of a top per session. Their handicap will be reduced by a further 0.25 in each subsequent major that they play in, but do not win, until their handicap reduces to zero.

For clarity purposes, if a player has a handicap greater than zero and wins a major, their handicap will be increased by 0.25 (this has the advantageous effect for a player on an exact handicap of 0.25 moving to 0.5 and not 0.75). If a player’s handicap has reduced to zero after having been previously handicapped and they again win a major, their handicap will be increased by 0.5.

If two handicapped players play together in a major, their combined handicap for the competition will be the sum of the individual handicaps.

The Honorary Secretary of the Bridge Section will be responsible for monitoring the handicap system.

Anomalies may arise. If so, they will be adjudicated on by the Bridge Committee on an on-going basis.


Assume that there are 10 tables and 20 boards are played.

Typically, the top score will be 18 (20-2 to avoid fractions). With 20 boards the maximum points that a team can score are 18x20 i.e. 360. For each board, the remaining 9 teams will receive 16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2,0 on a ranked basis. If 2 teams have the same score, for example here, teams in 6th and 5th place, they will both receive (10+8 / 2) 9 points.

If a team with a handicap of 0.5 score a total of 216 points (60%) in a session, this team will be handicapped 9 points (18x0.5) and their score will be returned in the session as 207. A similar handicap will apply to the second session.