Godalming Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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Competition Parameters
Competition parameters


The Spooner Shield was given to the Club by Tony Spooner in 1980 for the purpose of encouraging competition and sociability. It is calculated by accumulating the Master Points earned by a member playing pairs (teams are excluded) in the year 1st November to 31st October, with the following provisos:


  1. The winning member must have had a least 4 partners in the course of the year.
  2. Two members must not have played with each other more than 12 times; points earned by that pair when they are playing for the 13th or subsequent time are not included.
  3. Member must be playing with a member; any points earned when playing with a non-member are not included.


This is automatically calculated by BridgeWebs as each week's results are uploaded.



The Best Improver competition is calculated by comparing the average percentage of the current year's sessions with the previous year's.  You need to play a minimum of 20 sessions with another member in the year which runs from the beginning of December to the end of November, excluding teams events.  (The current year's averages are shown under Competitions : Average %, but the previous year's are stored elsewhere ready for the next calculation.) 



This is a Surrey competition with parameters decided by individual clubs.  Godalming usually runs it on the first or second Monday in each of February, March and April.  The pair (it must be the same pair, no substitutions are allowed) with the highest average percentage over these three sessions will be eligible to go forward to represent the club in May.