Gainesville Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
Recent Updates
Home Page
Aug 21, 2024 15:11 EDT
Defense Using Standard Carding Workshop
Aug 12, 2024 13:26 EDT
Bridge Lessons
Aug 12, 2024 13:23 EDT
Part II - Duplicate Bridge Using 2/1
Jun 25, 2024 18:39 EDT
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Pages viewed in 2024

Remember to uphold ACBL's Zero Tolerance policy.  Click here to read the policy.


If you need a partner for our duplicate bridge games, contact Beth Paul at 503-709-9416

Welcome to Gainesville Bridge Club
Dummy's Rights and Limitations
Dummy's Rights and Limitations

Some players have asked about what Dummy can and cannot do.  This is a good summary.  Above all, dummy should keep his/her hands on their laps until a card is called!

Dummy may:

  • give information to fact or law in the presence of the director.
  • play dummy's card, but only as directed by declarer
  • ask declarer, but not a defender, if they are void in a suit when they fail to follow suit.
  • try to prevent an irregularity.
  • After, only after, the play of the hand is concluded. they may draw attention to an irregularity.

Dummy may not:

  • Summon the director for a possible irregularity unless another player has drawn attention to the irregularity.
  • call attention to an irregularity during play.
  • communicate to declarer anything about the play – see above about keeping hands on laps.
Game Schedule
Game Schedule

Day                       Time                     Place

Monday                12:15PM                UUF- 4225 NW 34th St

Tuesday                12:50PM              SWUMC – 2400 SW Williston Rd

Wednesday         7:00PM                BBO

Thursday              7:15                      Oak Hammock

Friday                   12:15                    UUF – 4225 NW 34th St

*Playing Fee Members/$5; Non-Members/$8

Players Who Have Advanced In Rank

Junior Master   David Mikolaitis


GBC Business

The Gainesville Bridge Club Officers, Board and Directors are linked here

The minutes for the General Membership meeting of October 30, 2023 are linked here


Questions or Problems?

Please send comments and suggestions to

User Guide

We have created a user guide to help you navigate around this web site.  Please let us know if you have suggestions for us to improve this document.

ACBL Player Memo

Player Memo


September 2, 2024
International Fund
Director: Eric Taylor
September 3, 2024
International Fund
Director: Eric Taylor
September 4, 2024
BBO Game
Director: VACB133900
+Red+ Popup Game
Director: Mary A McIntyre
NAP Club Qualifier
Director: Patrick Thompson
BBO Game
Director: VACB133900