Please Note Our Club Game Starts at 7.15 Sharp, So it would be very helpfull
if everyone made an effort to attend by 7.05 in order to help the Tournament
Director(s) plan for numbers
Hi Everyone,
As it looks like it will be some months yet before we return to face to face bridge, on-line bridge has become our lifeline. Foxhall has teamed up with Bayside Bridge Club to form FoxBay our virtual bridge club. FoxBay has teamed up with CAVBC, an association of bridge clubs in the Clontarf area, consisting of Vernon, St. Anthony's, Clontarf, Raheny and St, Gabriel's.
Bridge is available five night's a week Monday to Friday and is open to all members of the CAVBC and FoxBay. Results of all competitions are available on CAVBC's website along with advise on how to make the best of your online experience, the link to CAVBC's website is below
CAVBC Website
President Anne McCann and Treasurer Christine Madden presenting a cheque for €2000.00 raised on our charity game night to the hospice.
President Anne McCann presenting Catherine Gillhooley Jimmy Kelly Gerry Montgomery and Marie Harte,with their prizes