Forest of Dean Bridge Club – notes from meeting held on 27.9.24
Attended by:- David, Pat, Maggie, Grace, Harry and Sally. Apologies:- Steve.
Item 1. Financial update. Pat provided accountsshowing balance to carry forward of £1610.34. Agreed year end 23rd September. Accept accounts to go forward to AGM. Difficulties are around desk top banking noted. Sally, Maggie and David offered to replace Grace and Harry when Pat has energy to create bank authorisation. Harry thanked Pat for the work she continues to do as Treasurer.
Item 2. EBU affiliation. EBU membership continuesuntil Feb 2025 when trial period ends. Every playing person will pay 0.50p. Pros is insurance is covered (after a premium which is less than we pay now) and cover is wider. Some members are very pro being in EBU as you gain master points. Free playing cards. Membership helped us get documentation and organisational structure. Cons if we get 3.5 tables then this costs £350 per year and payment to EBU is another job for treasurer. Discussion held and Committee recommend we stay affiliated for another year, until Feb 2026, once trial period ends until Feb 2025.
Item 3. Laptop and IT. Committee agreed that David be paid £300 for the laptop that now belongs to the club. We have 6 IPADS that currently cover our needs now. If we have 6 tables then we will need a spare one. Support given to buy another one as required.
Item 4. Committee. Current Committee (those present) all willing to stand again and open to post being contested. AGM at 18.30 Bridge to follow at 19.00. Maggie to remind people of date and time. Wine and soft drinks at club expense to be brought by Harry.
Item 5. Membership. Currently 24 members. Maggie has added more information onto Facebook but not much return – only 5 followers. No club is doing well. Advertising was suggested but not agreed at this point.
Item 6. Website. David thanks Maggie for the website work. Maggie will add AGM dates and Christmas dates there.
Item 7. Speed of play. Concern around speed of games and post play discussions. Reviewing details is not helpful due to speed and conversations being over-heard. Wish to complete more boards so Harry will bring this up in next meeting. All committee members will take responsibility to speed up process of play. Agree to aim for 24 Boards and pass out if not achieved.
Item 7. AOB. Christmas evening agreed – mince pies and drinks on 18.12.24
Date of next meeting Friday 7th March 2025 10.00. Hosted at Maggies’ house.
Notes written by Sally, reviewed by Harry and David.