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Release 2.19o
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1. NAME The Club shall be called "Finchampstead Duplicate Bridge Club".


2. OBJECTIVES The objectives of the club shall be:-to play, encourage and promote Duplicate Bridge in a friendly and courteous atmosphere as befits any activity in a village community.


3. MANAGEMENT The club shall be managed in accordance with theConstitution, changes to which must be agreed at the Annual GeneralMeeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting convened in accordancewith 4 (b) of this Constitution.



(a) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. An Annual General Meeting will be held in March, notice of which shall be posted on the club notice board 21 days prior to the date fixed for the meeting. Every member shall be entitled to one vote on every issue arising at the Meeting. The Chairman will vote only in the event of a tie when he/ she shall have a casting vote. Written absentee votes shall be allowed only at the AGM. The Agenda should include, but not be restricted to, the following items;-

1. Approval of minutes of previous AGM.

2. Matters arising.

3. Chairmans report.

4. Secretaries report.

5. Treasurers report and presentation of accounts.

6. Subscription rate for coming year.

7. Any other item submitted and included on the agenda.

8. Election of Officers and Committee members for the coming year.

(b) EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING (EGM). An EGM may be called by the Committee or by a written request of not less than 20members of the club. Written notice and the business to be dealt with shall be posted on the club notice board not less than 14 days before the date of the Meeting. The Agenda shall be restricted to discussion and voting on the business properly raised and notified. Every member shall be entitled to one vote. The Chairman will be given the casting vote. Only those attending will be allowed to vote.


5. AFFILIATION The Club shall be affiliated to the English Bridge Unionand comply with the EBU recommendations on laws and bylaws. TheEBUMasterpoint system will be ongoing.



(a) SIZE OF CLUB The number of members may be limited by aCommittee decision if this is deemed to be in the best interests of the club, which will at all times enforce a "no smoking at tables' policy.


(b) TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP. Any member whose subscription is in arrears by more than 4 weeks, without good reason, will cease to be a member. If attending, table money will be paid at visitors rate. Any member who resigns during the years will not be entitled to any refund of subscription unless, exceptionally, the Committee so decide.

The Committee may, at its discretion, terminate any membership if itconsiders

this to be in the best interests of the Club. Such a member shall have his/her subscription for the current

year refunded but shall have no right of appeal or any claim against the Club or any member of the Committee.


7. FINANCE The Clubs financial year shall commence on 1st April when allsubscriptions fall due. Table money including the visitors fee will becollected in accordance with the rate notified and agreed at the AGM. TheClub may from time to time hold special events for local charities or otherexceptional fund raising events.


8. AUDITOR The Club shall appoint an Auditor.


9. COMMITTEE The Club shall be managed by a Committee consisting of aChairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Tournament Director and four othermembers to be elected at the AGM. Vacancies occurring during the yearmay be filled by co-option. A Quorum shall consist of at least 4 membersto include at least 2 of the 4 named officers.


10. POWERS OF THE COMMITTEE Subject to this Constitution the controlof the clubs business shall rest with the Committee. Any matter not dealt with specifically within this Constitution may be determined by theCommittee, subject to the over-riding authority of a general meetingproperly convened in accordance with this Constitution.


11. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION This Constitution may be amended only by a majority of not less than two thirds of the Memberspresent at a General Meeting of which appropriate notice has been given. Such notice to include a statement of the proposed changes.