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Club Rules
Felixstowe Bridge Club Rules

1. The Club shall be known as the Felixstowe Bridge Club.

2. Every Candidate for membership of the Club shall be proposed and seconded by Members already duly elected and shall complete and sign a nomination form.
Members shall be elected by vote of the committee.
No rejected candidate will be eligible for re-election for one year after such rejection.
No member may enjoy the benefits of membership until their annual subscription has been paid.

3. The Club shall be managed by a Committee of Members not exceeding eight in number including the Officers.
Officers of the Club shall be:- Chairman, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer and Tournament Director.
Any five members of the Committee shall form a quorum.

4.The Committee shall hold at least three meetings a year.

5. An Annual General Meeting will normally be held in the last week of September or the first week of October.

A quorum at a General meeting will be twelve members.

A Special General meeting may be convened by not less than six members, stating in writing the precise reason for the proposed meeting.  No other business shall be dealt with at the meeting.

6. At least seven clear days written notice of every General meeting specifying the place, the time, the date and the purpose of the meeting shall be notified by the secretary by a notice displayed on the club notice board and on the Clubs web-site.

7. The Officers and the Committee members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Committee members having served three consecutive years will be allowed to continue to serve if there are no other nominations.
Committee may co-opt voting members.
In the event of any vacancy occurring between Annual General Meetings the 
Committee may appoint an Officer with the power to vote at meetings.

8. The annual subscription and the playing fees shall be decided by the
The annual subscription shall become due immediately after an Annual General Meeting.

9. The Treasurer shall keep the Club Books of account and shall produce them on request.

The Treasurer shall pay all accounts authorised by the Committee.
All cheques shall be signed by any of two of the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer or other elected signatory.
A detailed, audited statement of the Income and Expenditure of the Club shall be presented at the AGM.

10. The Committee is empowered to deal with any matter not otherwise provided for in these rules.

11. The Club shall not be dissolved except by the vote of two thirds of the Members present at a General Meeting expressly called for such a purpose, 
and in addition the number of votes cast in favour of the resolution must exceed one-half of the number of members of the Club entitled to attend and vote at the General Meeting at which the resolution is put.

17.       WINDING­UP

17.1.    In order for a resolution that the Club shall be wound up to have effect at least two­thirds of the votes cast on the resolution must be in favour, and in addition the number of votes cast in favour of the resolution must exceed one-half of the number of members of the Club entitled to attend and vote at the General Meeting at which the resolution is put.

17.2.    If a resolution that the Club shall be wound up is effectively passed, the Committee shall be responsible for winding up the affairs of the Club, and unless the winding up has been initiated with a view to amalgamating the Club with some other club (in which case any surplus assets and funds may be transferred to such other club), any surplus assets and funds shall be transferred to such of the organisations mentioned in clause 17.3 as may be specified in the resolution initiating the winding up, and if no such organisation is so specified, to such of those organisations as the Committee may think fit.

17.3     The organisations referred to in clause 17.2 ar

            The English Bridge Education and Development, registered charity 1153543

The Suffolk Contract Bridge Association; and any Registered or recognised charitable body

1. Conduct of play at the club is governed by the current laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge and the International Code of Duplicate Bridge.

2. Only systems up to level 3 will be allowed.