To be held in various Cafes, Pubs and Restaurants in March, Cambridgeshire on Tuesday, 8 October 2024

For more details see

March Cafe Bridge 2024.docx


The Brunel Trophy for teams-of-four will be on Friday 18 October 2024 at the Institution of Civil Engineers, SW1. The format is two sessions with multiple teams-of-four. Bridge will start at 10.00am and run until approximately 5.30pm, with a break for lunch. After the presentation of the trophy there will be a full three-course dinner at a local restaurant.

For more information see Brunel Poster 2024


Swiss Pairs on Saturday 2 November and Swiss Teams on Sunday 3 November. See for more details.  

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News Archive - 2013

This page shows old "News Items" published in, or relating to, the calendar year 2013. It includes hyperlinks to the detailed Results, where available.

Items are in reverse-date sequence: the most recent first. 

Your Web Master may in the near future initiate a project to sort these annual pages into a more meaningful Archive, but so far all that has been done is to tidy them up and make the context apparent. In the interim, suggestions from the membership are welcome!

The Year End Congress (London) - December 2013

Well done to Robert Elliott and Simon Moorman who were 4th in the Open Pairs and to John Stimson & Winnie Godber who were 6th in the Mixed Pairs.

The Burlington Cup - October 2013
Sandy and Martin Smith came second in the Burlington Cup ("B" final) at the Autumn Congress in Stratford (along with Suffolk pair Mr & Mrs Tattersfield). They had victory snatched from them on this hand having led throughout
6                                A72                                7
AQ109754                      ....
QJ9                            AK643                    11            18
Q7                             AK842
                      Q10953                                        4
They played in 4H and their opps played in 6NT making. Their opps being 3 Hacketts and 1 other!
Fletcher Trophy and Cup for Clubs - October 2013

Congratulations to:-

  • Fletcher Trophy: Richard Register, George Wilcox, Allan Greenstein, Bob Hair, Jill Hair, Alan Cohen, Roger Bright, Yvonne Dias representing Thorpe Bay Bridge Club.

  • Cup for Clubs: Robert Elliott, Ann Savory, Ann & Terence Clark representing Collier Row Bridge Club
Felixstowe Congress - October 2013

The Pairs

  • Very well done to Ray Clarke and Nicole Cook who won the Championship Pairs.
  • Sandy Riach and Robert Elliott came third in the Consolation Final
  • Laurie & Stephanie Burtt were 4th with Val & Paul Mollison 5th in the Open Pairs.

Swiss Teams

  • Peter Oake, Simon Moorman, Robert Elliott & Sandy Riach came 2nd equal,
  • Paul Mollison, Bernie Hunt, Val Mollison & Brian Davies were equal 4th with Sue Taylor & Chris Taylor & partners.
Team of Four Plate (2012/13) - July 2013

The Team of Four Plate (2012/13) was won by Val Mollison, Paul Mollison, John Williams and Brian Davies. They beat Dennis Valtisaris, Dave Clark, Nobby Clark and Ann Clark in the final.

Summer Seniors - July 2013

Well done to winners Richard Perryman and Michael Wren.

George Curtis Trophy - June 2013

Well done to winners Audrey Hartley, Allison Spencer, David Cooper & John Williams

Club Pairs Winners - June 2013
Club Pairs Winners - June 2013

Well done to winners Eric Field & Dave Brace

Photos from the 2013 Warboys
  • 2013 Warboys
  • 2013 Warboys second
  • 2013 Warboys third
  • 2013 Warboys winners
EBU Spring Bank Holiday Congress‏ - May 2013

Well done to David Clark and Sandy Riach who came second at the Swiss Pairs in Bournemouth and came tenth in the Swiss teams with Chris and Sue Taylor. Cecil Leighton came 4th equal in the Swiss pairs.

Lambourne Jersey Festival (Seniors) - May 2013

Essex Pair Marion Cook and John Birch won the Senior Teams event and the Mixed Pairs event.

Championship Pairs - April 2013

Well done to

Premier League Final - April 2013

Barleylands (P Oake, R Elliott, D Duffy & B Harrison) beat Crowstone (A Cohen, R Register, Y Dias & A Greenstein).

NICKO - April 2013

Well done to Dennis Valtisaris, Simon Moorman, Dave Clark and Peter Oake who have won through to the last 32 in the Nicko.

EBU Easter Festival of Bridge - 2013
EBU Easter Festival of Bridge - 2013

Well done to Peter Oake, Simon Moorman, Ian Green, Alan Green who came 8th in the Swiss Teams 'A' Flight

Well done to Geoff Wootton & Tony Verran (pictured left) who won the Swiss Pairs 'B' Flight

National Pairs Regional Finals - March 2013

At the Regional final in Peterborough:-

  • Sandy Riach & Jacek Lapszys were second and qualified for the A final.

  • And well done to Alan Aylott and Margaret Rastin who qualified for the B final.
Photos from the Gwen Herga - March 2013
  • Gwen Herga 2013 Ladies
  • Gwen Herga 2013 Men

Ladies: W Coldham & P Watson

Men (joint winners): C Megahey & A Cundy, J Williams & T Cockle, F Morrison & I Moss. 

Helliar Trophy - February 2013 Results
Helliar Trophy - February 2013 Results

Congratulations to Roger Bright, Bob Hair, Jill Hair and Paddy Murray from Thorpe Bay who are this year's winners of the Helliar Trophy. Further congratulations to the team, who along with their Club teammates - Richard Register, Graham Foster, Yvonne Dias and Allan Greenstein -  are the first recipients of the new Ray Cornell Prize and will represent Essex at the 2013 Garden Cities Qualifier.

Thanks to the kind generosity of Mrs Barbara Cornell, the ECBA is able to establish the “Ray Cornell Prize” which will be presented annually to the club whose teams achieve the best combined results and are going forward to represent Essex in the Garden Cities. The award is aimed at helping to offset the expenses of the eight team members involved. Any remainder will be used by the club to help their club players to enter ECBA events.

National Pairs Qualifier - January 2013

Well Done all 7 pairs who qualified for the regional finals, in particular to:-

  1. Jacek Lapszys & Sandy Riach,
  2. Peter Oake & Robert Elliott and
  3. Paul & Val Mollison.
British Winter Sim Pairs - January 2013

Well Done to:- 

  1. Paul Mollison & Bernie Hunt who won the Monday Sims (1310 entries) with Paul Nettingham & Godffrey Chasmer coming 5th and Albert Kitchen & Ray Clarke coming sixth.
  2. John Williams & David Cooper came third in the Tuesday Sims (1410 entries).