To be held in various Cafes, Pubs and Restaurants in March, Cambridgeshire on Tuesday, 8 October 2024

For more details see

March Cafe Bridge 2024.docx


The Brunel Trophy for teams-of-four will be on Friday 18 October 2024 at the Institution of Civil Engineers, SW1. The format is two sessions with multiple teams-of-four. Bridge will start at 10.00am and run until approximately 5.30pm, with a break for lunch. After the presentation of the trophy there will be a full three-course dinner at a local restaurant.

For more information see Brunel Poster 2024


Swiss Pairs on Saturday 2 November and Swiss Teams on Sunday 3 November. See for more details.  

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Warboys - 2017/18
Warboys 2018


The Warboys trophy will be awarded to whoever has the highest IMPs per Board Score at the end of the season, provided they have played in at least 4 of the heats.

The winner could be an individual, or it could be a pair if they have played just with each other throughout.

This Competition is held from February to September 2018 on every 2nd Wednesday, 7.30pm, except the date in March is on 21 March 2018.

£5 per player per session


Overall Winners 2018:

Marc Chawner & Paul Spencer (average 1.01 Imps per board)


By invitation only. 

Selected pairs for Heat and B Flight sessions see below.

Selection Heats 2018
Wednesday 14th February 2018 Wednesday 21st March 2018 Wednesday 11th April 2018 Wednesday 9th May 2018
Audrey Hartley & Ian Moss Val Mollison & Brian Davies Chris Chorley & Paddy Murray Paul Mollison & Bernie Hunt
Chris Chorley & Paddy Murray Paul Mollison & Bernie Hunt Chris Taylor & Simon Moorman  Mike Harbour & Steve Cade-Bowyer
Graham Beeton & David Piper Ted Cockle & John Williams Frank Morrison & Peter Franklin Chris Chorley & Paddy Murray
John Sutcliffe & Dennis Valtisiaris Paul Spencer & Marc Chawner Graham Beeton & Ray Clarke Chris Taylor & Simon Moorman
Martin Smith & Sandy Smith Martin Smith & Sandy Smith Robert Elliott & John Sutcliffe Robert Elliott & John Sutcliffe
Paul Spencer & Marc Chawner Tanya Genthe & Graham Beeton Brian Davies & John Williams Alan Cohen & Tanya Genthe
Robert Elliott & Richard Register Frank Morrison & Peter Franklin Paul Spencer & Marc Chawner Graham Beeton & Ray Clarke
Ted Cockle & John Williams Audrey Hartley & Ian Moss Martin Smith & Sandy Smith Ted Cockle & John Williams
Allan Greenstein & Alan Cohen Wendy Coldham & Pat O’Gara Audrey Hartley & David Embleton Paul Spencer & Marc Chawner
Tim Connett & Steve Ensor Richard Register & Alan Cohen Ian Moss & Peter Oake Pat Johnson & Peter Scotting
Chris Taylor & Albert Kitchin Simon Moorman & Albert Kitchin Wendy Coldham & Pat O’Gara Audrey Hartley & David Embleton
Pat Johnson & Steve Cade-Bowyer Robert Elliott & John Sutcliffe Pat Johnson & Peter Scotting  Val Mollison & Dennis Valtisiaris
Paul Mollison & Bernie Hunt Pat Johnson & Peter Scotting Mike Harbour & Bernie Hunt Ian Moss & Peter Oake
Val Mollison & Brian Davies Chris Chorley & Paddy Murray David Piper & Dennis Valtisiaris Martin Smith & Sandy Smith
        change of players
Wednesday 13th June 2018 Wednesday 11th July 2018 Wednesday 8th August 2018 Wednesday 12th September 2018
Paul Mollison & Bernie Hunt   Paul Mollison & Bernie Hunt Paul Mollison & Bernie Hunt
Val Mollison & Brian Davies Cancelled due to Val Mollison & Brian Davies   Gary Waller & Ashley Sawyer
Chris Chorley & Paddy Murray England playing in the Chris Chorley & Paddy Murray Chris Chorley & Paddy Murray
Chris Taylor & Simon Moorman Football World Cup Chris Taylor & Simon Moorman Peter Oake & Simon Moorman
Robert Elliott & Tanya Genthe Semifinal  Frank Morrison & Peter Franklin Albert Kitchin & David Piper
Alaric Cundy & John Sutcliffe   Alaric Cundy & John Sutcliffe

 John McCoy & M Levan-Harris

Graham Beeton & Ray Clarke   Robert Elliott & Tanya Genthe Alaric Cundy & John Sutcliffe
  Susan French & Pat O'Gara   Graham Beeton & Ray Clarke  Richard Register & Tanya Genthe
Paul Spencer & Marc Chawner    Sue French & Pat O'Gara Paul Spencer & Marc Chawner
Pat Johnson & Steve Cade-Bowyer   Pat Johnson & Steve Cade-Bowyer Steve Cade-Bowyer & Mike Harbour
Audrey Hartley & Ian Moss   Audrey Hartley & David Embleton Audrey Hartley & David Embleton
Frank Morrison & Peter Oake   Martin Smith & Sandy Smith Graham Beeton & Ray Clarke
Martin Smith & Sandy Smith   Ian Moss & Peter Oake   Wendy Coldham & Pat O'Gara
 David Embelton & Dennis Valtisiaris   Paul Spencer & Marc Chawner Frank Morrison & Ian Moss
Selection B Flight 2018


Warboys B-Flight
Wednesday 14 February 2018 Wednesday 21 March 2018 Wednesday 11 April 2018 Wednesday 9 May 2018
Alan Bryant & Geoff Webber Alan Bryant & Geoff Webber Alan Bryant & Geoff Webber Cathrine Gilmore & Ann Morgan
Angela Fenton &  Linda Fleet Angela Fenton &  Tony French Angela Fenton & Tony French David Patten & Gary Waller
Ashley Sawyer & Gary Waller Ashley Sawyer & Gary Waller Ashley Sawyer & Gary Waller Colin Scott & David Tennet
Graham Olliffe & Keith Thompson Colin Scott & David Tennet Colin Scott & David Tennet George & Maureen Vede
John McCoy & Marcia Levan-Harris Graham Olliffe & Keith Thompson George & Maureen Vede Graham Olliffe & Keith Thompson
Jon Ward &  Ashley Nicklin John McCoy & Marcia Levan-Harris Graham Olliffe & Keith Thompson Jayne & Graham Randall
Jayne & Graham Randall Jon Ward &  Ashley Nicklin Jayne & Graham Randall Patick O'Gara & Susan French
David Tennet & Colin Scott Linda Fleet &  Winnie Godber John McCoy & Marcia Levan-Harris Monica Watters & Terry Stevens
Peter Sullivan & Michael Rand Terry Stevens & Monica Watters Mike Rand &  Peter Sullivan Myrna & David Gilbert
Petra Bromfield & Sheena Millins Peter Sullivan & Sheila Mednick Pat Watkinson & Ann Savory John McCoy & Marcia Levan-Harris
Petra Bromfield & Sheena Millins Petra Bromfield & Sheena Millins Petra Bromfield & Sheena Millins
Sarah Street &  Alison Spencer Sarah Street &  Alison Spencer Sarah Street &  Alison Spencer
John Sutcliffe & Cath Fox Winnie Godber & Linda Fleet Linda Fleet & Jon Ward
Cathrine Gilmore & Ann Morgan Jon Ward & Carol Fallon Carol Gedda & Mary Perkin
Wednesday 13 June 2018 Wednesday 11 July 2018 Wednesday 8 August 2018 Wednesday 12 September 2018
Alan Bryant & Geoff Webber Alan Bryant & Geoff Webber   Jayne & Graham Randall
Ann Morgan & Cath Gilmore Cancelled due to Angela Fenton & June Brown Mary Perkin & Carol Gedda
Ashley Sawyer & Gary Waller England playing in the  Ann Morgan & Cath Gilmore John Cosgrove & Charlie Hook
Carol Gedda & Mary Perkin Football World Cup Ashley Sawyer & Gary Waller George & Maureen Vede
George & Maureen Vede Semifinals Colin Scott & David Tennet Graham Olliffe & Keith Thompson
Graham Olliffe & Keith Thompson   George & Maureen Vede Linda Fleet &   Coral Fallon
Jayne & Graham Randall   Graham Olliffe & Keith Thompson   Ashley Nicklin & Jon Ward
Linda Fleet &  Jon Ward John McCoy & Marcia Levan-Harris   Ann Morgan & Terry Stevens
Mike Rand &  Peter Sullivan Jon Ward  &   Coral Fallon Myrna & David Gilbert
Monica Watters & Terry Stevens Mike Rand &  Peter Sullivan Pat Watkinson & Ann Savory
Albert Kitchin & David Piper Myrna & David Gilbert Petra Bromfield & Sheena Millins
Petra Bromfield & Sheena Millins Petra Bromfield & Sheena Millins Sarah Street &  Alison Spencer
Sarah Street &  Alison Spencer Monica Watters & Terry Stevens  
Myrna & David Gilbert Jayne & Graham Randall  