Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

and the County News Letter

2013 - 2014

Busiest bridge clubs


Southend & Leigh Bridge Club


The EBU publishes figures for the top 50 Clubs in the country for the number of player sessions over the last 12 months. Congratulations to Thorpe Bay who are a new entry at No. 50 and Southend and Leigh who have moved up 2 places to 17.








For the year 1st May 2013 to 30th April 2014


Minutes of the 67th Annual General Meeting of the ECBA,

held on Sunday 11th May 2014 at Mountnessing Village Hall.


Present:  Mrs M Curtis (Hon President), J Williams (Hon Chairman), Mrs A Hartley (Hon General Secretary), Linda Fleet (Hon Treasurer), E. Cockle (Hon Tournament Secretary), B Hunt (Hon League Secretary), 3 other Officers and 24 other members.

Apologies for absence: Nigel Bardsley, Stephanie & Laurie Burtt, Angela Clark, Ray Clarke, Brian Dawbarn, Ron Grief, Sheena Millins, Sandy Riach & Mike Wright.

1.     Hon Chairman’s Opening Remarks

Dr John Williams welcomed those present and outlined the plans for the evening.  He was delighted to report that Tony Philpott had been given a Dimmie Flemming award for long services as Treasurer to Essex, Nicole Cook had been promoted to an A level EBU Director and that a “Friend of Essex Bridge” was being awarded to Nick Hagan in recognition of his hard work, usually in the background at several Essex clubs.   He recorded that in the Eastern Counties League the A team were 6th, the B team were 3rd and the C team were 2nd.  He thanked all members of the Committee for their support and hard work over the year. 

2.     Minutes of the last meeting

These had been previously circulated to all members.  They were agreed to be a correct record and acceptance was proposed by Alaric Cundy, seconded by Tony Philpott and signed by the Chairman.

3.   Matters arising

      There were no matters arising.

4.   Hon Secretary’s Report

This is attached in full.  Its adoption was proposed by Tony Philpott, seconded by Alaric Cundy and agreed by the meeting.  The Chairman thanked Audrey Hartley for her report and hard work over the year. There were a number of questions taken at this point but scheduled to be included under AOB, where they will be recorded.

5.     Hon Treasurer’s Report

Linda Fleet’s report is attached in full In.  Copies of the Income and Expenditure Accounts and the Balance Sheet were circulated at the meeting.  The County part of the P2P subscription for the coming year would be 4p (a reduction of 1p).  Direct membership subs remained at £6 and there was no fee for clubs.  Acceptance was proposed by Val Mollison, seconded by Albert Kitchin and agreed by the meeting. The Chairman thanked Linda Fleet.

6.   Appointment of the Hon Examiner for 2014/2015

      The appointment of Michael Vandome as Hon Examiner for 2014/2015 was proposed by Tony Philpott, seconded by Frank Morrison and agreed by those present.

7.   Hon Tournament Secretary’s Report

This is attached in full. Its adoption was proposed by Catriona Lovett, seconded by Frank Morrison and agreed by the meeting.  The Chairman thanked Mr Ted Cockle.

8.     Hon League Secretary’s Report

This is attached in full.  Its adoption was proposed by Peter Oake, seconded by Len Williams and agreed by the meeting.  The Chairman thanked Mr Bernie Hunt.

9.   Election of officers

      Apart from Graham Foster and Nicole Cook who were not seeking re-election the remainder of the current Committee members were willing to stand again.  All were elected unopposed.

10.    Any Other Business

i.    Clashes between Essex and other events

Sue Taylor complained about clashes between Essex events and EBU and other Counties’ events.  She attended many competitions outside Essex and she wished also to support Essex Competitions.  Audrey had explained in her report that the three clashes were, for the most part, not of her making but the calendar of events was very full and it was difficult to space our competitions evenly and avoid clashes.  In principle Audrey tried to avoid clashes with main EBU and neighbouring Counties events.

ii.   Venues

Sue Taylor also expressed a dislike of a number of venues.  In particular she didn’t like the Writtle Village Hall because of the lack of parking, the Little Baddow Village Hall because of the narrow lanes to reach it and Navestock Side Village Hall because of the poor lighting, Albert Kitchin joined in questioning the use of this hall.  Audrey agreed that the Writtle parking was much worse than she had hoped, the hall was good but besides the parking the access to the kitchens was not easy for caterers and after this year she would not use it any more.  Audrey did not agree about Little Baddow, the access was good, parking was excellent as were the kitchen facilities. The Gwen Herga had lost several entries on the night because of extremely bad weather.  Sue thought that it was the access to the hall that was the problem.  It was pointed out that access to Little Baddow Hall on the night was good but that people further away had to abandon their journeys because of the appalling weather in their area.   Navestock was a problem because the lighting was poor with flickering neon lights.   Audrey explained that Navestock was the only hall she knew of that was large enough to accommodate the Fletcher and Cup for Clubs Competitions. Some of the halls had become very expensive, in particular Mountnessing Village hall and Audrey said she would be looking for other halls that were less expensive but kept the spread of venues across the County.

Late start to the Championship Pairs

Lawence Raven had complained that the Championship Pairs had started late because we were waiting for people to bring tables.  This was not so, we were waiting for a pair that were expected but who didn’t turn up.  The movement would have needed to be changed if a different number of pairs were playing.  The problem of not starting at noon or 13.00 hours was that we would then be charged for three sessions.  The only other of our competitions that used that hall was the Championship pairs.  Historically that competition had needed a large hall but sadly numbers were so depleted that a smaller hall would be sufficient to accommodate it in the future.

iii. Christmas Party cancellation

Marcia Leven-Harris complained that the Christmas party had been cancelled yet again.  A number had turned up for the event only to find no-one there.  The few that arrived retired to one of their homes to play some bridgeTed pointed out that the entries had been so small that he had been forced to cancel the event, he had notified those who had already entered and announced the cancellation on the website.  Marcia said that events should be advertised with fliers and the like.  Ted said that both the calendar and a copy of the programme of events was on the website and he emailed reminders of forthcoming events to any ECBA member who requested it.  Audrey said that copies of the Summer and Winter programmes were emailed to all club secretaries as well as hard copy.  So that clubs could pin these on the notice board and email to all club members with internet access.  Len Williams regretted that programmes were no longer sent to all members but John pointed out that this was one of the huge savings the Committee had made in order to reduce the P2P.  Hard copy to all was very expensive.

iv.  Finding information on the website

Marcia also said that she found it difficult to find information on our website. Audrey and John both said that they had no problem and Val pointed out that there were two “calendars” on the menu, only one of which worked.


v.   Everything Swiss

Alan Aylott wanted to propose that more competitions should be Swiss style as this gave more points to more people and he thought it would attract a wider entry.  Margaret pointed out that we had three Swiss Competitions during the year; unfortunately the entry to the two Swiss teams competitions was too small to hold it as a Swiss Competition and we had to convert it to a multi-teams event.  The Swiss pairs still maintained a sufficient entry to be viable.

vi.  New initiatives for developing bridge

John McCoy wished to propose that the ECBA should appoint an Essex Bridge Development Officer to develop and promote Contract Bridge both locally and to lobby parliament and the EBU.  He also asked that a budget for the advancement of bridge through conventional and digital means be allocated.  John thought this a good idea but pointed out that to a certain extent we were already doing this.  As Audrey said in her report we were making efforts to develop bridge at a variety of levels and that a fund, initially started from the demise of the Thurrock Bridge Club had already been in existence for some years for this purpose.  John thanked him for his constructive input.

After John had formally closed the meeting the Competition winners were announced by Ted Cockle and Bernie Hunt and a photo taken of all winners present. There was then a cheese and wine buffet followed by a game of bridge.


The day after the meeting John Williams announced that after much thought he had decided that he would retire immediately instead of at the end of the year.  The Committee reluctantly accepted this and decided to use their power under the Constitution to fill this vacancy for the rest of the year by co-option.  They advertised for people interested in taking the role of Chairman and appointed Paul Mollison as the new Chairman.                 



Hon. General Secretary’s report 2013 - 2014


Good evening Ladies and gentlemen.  This is my third report to you as the General Secretary of the Essex Contract Bridge Association. 


In Essex

Historically, Essex has tried many different competitions aimed at a wide range of players.  The hardest task is getting players who have never played in any of our competitions, to take the first step. In the past there have been events like novice Pairs, Restricted Pairs, Restricted Teams, National Newcomers Pairs and the Summer Club Trophy.  These were popular to start with but entries dwindled with time. Nigel Bardsley prepared an analysis of the members attending our competitions and we were not really surprised to find that it is the squad players who form the majority of the competitors. Of the non-squad members taking part in our competitions it was surprising how many played one year but not the next. Committee members often discuss how we could present our competitions so that they would attract a wider range of players.  We noticed that the Club Trophy for Teams of Four, held at the same time as the Fletcher Trophy, was well supported by players who were not squad members (most squad members were playing in the Fletcher) and as a result we decide to hold a single session pairs event for non-squad members at the same time that the Selection Committee held their Warboy’s Cup for A and B squad members.  I spoke of this proposal last year, and we held the competition for the first time last June.  We were delighted that 48 players entered.  Entry is through clubs but individual pairs can enter subject to the limitations of the space in the hall.  Club Secretaries have the details of this year’s Club Pairs Competition which is to be held on June 22nd 2014 at Barleylands.


Competitions for All levels

There are other competitions that we hold that are designed to cater for all standards of players; for example, the leagues for teams of four are arranged in divisions so that players compete with others of a similar standard to their own. There is also the day-time Pairs’ League, which ideally should have several divisions but at present has only one division and I ask that secretaries encourage their members to enter them.  We are repeatedly asked why there are not more competitions for the average club player; but there are; unfortunately insufficient players enter to make them viable.  We hold two Swiss teams Competitions during the year, the George Curtis and the Tony Kelvin; both used to do well, but in more recent years there has been too few entries for a Swiss competition and each has been played as a multi-teams event. We also hold a Swiss Pairs Competition which is better attended.  We are also considered having a team’s event with three teams from each club entering with A, B and C levels according to the National Grading Scheme. (If a club has too few players of appropriate standard perhaps two or more clubs could be combined.)


Improving standards

We have embarked on three new schemes during the year aimed at improving standards at different levels. Graham Foster has organised an inter-club competition for teams of eight played in the clubs on club nights.  This is restricted to non A and B squad members and it seems to be progressing well.  The second scheme is being run by Bernie Hunt at Barleylands and is a series of seminars with supervised play which has proved very popular. The third scheme is aimed at A and B squad members.  The Selection Committee have entered a team called the Saxons in the Super League based in London’s TGR Club.  The team has been playing in division 2 since January and after 8 matches is lying 3rd with two more matches to go.  They are not far below the leaders.



Arranging dates for our competitions and inter-County League matches

The Calendar of events is very full.  There are only two weeks in the year when there is no EBU or county event scheduled.  Obviously some dates are more important to avoid than others.  I try very hard when I book events to space them out through the year and not to coincide with major EBU or neighbouring county events.  This year we had three unfortunate clashes: the first was the George Curtis; I had hoped that the Riviera competition in Torquay was sufficiently far away that it would not attract Essex players but unfortunately it did.  The second was the Championship Pairs which had been booked at a time when there was nothing else on during the weekend of March 30th 2014, after it was booked the EBU moved one of their events which necessitated Norfolk’s Congress to be moved to the weekend I had selected; And thirdly the Garden Cities Regional Final was scheduled for a different Saturday when I booked the AGM and then it got moved and with so many of the Officers of the ECBA involved in representing Essex in this event it was thought best to change the AGM to a Sunday. This is not the first time that the Championship Pairs and the AGM have clashed with out-of-county events but I do try to avoid them if I can.


Inter-county Competitions

We have also continued to take part in the Eastern Counties Leagues.  Ian Moss has been Chairman of the Selection Committee for this year but he wishes to resign at the end of next year.  We also took part in the Metropolitan Cup, where the A team were 7th, the B team were 8th and the two C teams were 4th and 5th.  This year we did not take part in the Pachabo but we did enter a team in the qualifying round of the Tollemache; sadly the team did not qualify for the final.


EBU and County Congress Successes

There were a number of creditable achievements by Essex Members in National Competitions and County GP Congresses.  Any one finishing in the top 10 is doing well and quite a few did. Congratulations to all.


EBU News

Last October saw the resignation of Sally Budgeon from the position of Chairmen of the EBU and the appointment of Jeremy Dhondy as her replacement.  Tim Rees is now the Chairman of the Laws and Ethics Committee, Ian Payn is the Chaiman of the Tournament Committee and Heather Dhondy is the Chairman of the Selection Committee.


The EBU had applied for a tax rebate on their entry fees which would help to make their events less expensive but they learnt a little while ago that this had been refused.  The EBU are intending to appeal this decision as this rebate is given in a number of European Countries. 


The EBU have established their new associated charity, English Bridge Education and Development (EBED for short) and have appointed Simon Barb, to take over from John Pain as Education Manager and Manager of this charity.

Two other small matters, English Bridge would be physically smaller in the future but there would still be 6 issues each year and next year’s diary had gone to press and would be printed in Scotland but the EBU were not sure if it would be ready for the August issue or the October one.



On your behalf I would like to thank the Committee members for all their hard work during the year.  In particular, Ted and Nicole for our competitions, Bernie for our Leagues, Sandy for our website, Linda for looking after our money and John for keeping us in order.  Thanks also to Ian Moss and his Selection Committee who have come up with a number of bright ideas for improving the standard of our bridge.  Bridge is what we are here for, so without their hard work we would have no bridge outside the club environment. Thank to everyone who helps or participates; I believe that Bridge is a very powerful tool to help keep us mentally active and alert so please continue with your efforts.

J Audrey Hartley 11 May 2014


The Hon Treasurer’s Report 2013 – 2014


The Committee decided to move £1,198 from the Youth Development fund to a more general Development Fund for the promotion of bridge standards among Essex members for a variety of ages and levels of play.

The surplus of £2,145 is to be left in the accounts to compensate for the anticipated drop in income expected in 2014/2015 when Essex reduces their P2P to 4p per session.

Competition entries were slightly less this year, but there was some savings made and an overall surplus made even after taking the entries into the Tollemache.

Linda J Fleet 11 May 2014


I have examined the books and records of the Essex Contract Bridge Association and, in my opinion, these give a true and fair view of the financial position as at 31/03/2014


HONORARY AUDITOR:  Michael Vandome


Note 1: The Youth Development  Fund represents funds originally donated by the Thurrock Club on their closure with the express wish that they be used to develop youth Bridge.  The Fund was subsequently topped up by the ECBA but has now been taken back to original amount and difference held in Development Fund to assist in developing players of any age.

Note 2: The Tollemache Reserve Fund is to cover the extra costs involved on occasions when Essex qualify for the final.

Note 3: It is the policy of the committee to write off expenditure on trophies, cards, boards and stationery in the year of purchase.



Income and Expenditure Account for the 2013/2014 Season












P2P, Club and other EBU Income






Less Life Members












































Accommodation, refreshments and T.D.'s






Cost of Duplimate hands and Bridgemates






Tournament Directors






EBU and other charges












Donation to Charity






Prizes (including Sponsorship prize)






























Prizes and EBU Fees












Interest Received Gross






Surplus on  joint EBU events


















County matches






Printing and stationery






AGM Current Season






AGM Previous Season






Tournament Director Course












Postage and telephone






Engraving and repairs






Web Site






Bridgemate Purchase






Bidding Box Purchase/Cards


















Excess of Income over Expenditure (2013 deficit)





The Sponsorship of £200 was kindly provided by Barbara Cornell in memory of her late

husband Ray Cornell and presented to the club entering the Garden Cities Trophy.



















Stock of ties,spoons, vouchers and stamps








Entry fees due and payments in advance












On current account and in hand




On Business Bonus Account




Skipton Building Society 90 Day Account












Hire of halls,fees in advance and prizes
















New Equipment Fund




Youth Development Fund (see Note 1)




Development Fund




Tollemache Reserve Fund ( see Note 2)




Capital account




Excess of Income over Expenditure (2012/2013 deficit)













Hon Tournament Secretary’s report


I feel rather pleased with myself.  This is because I had introduced some new rules for agreeing and playing knockout matches i.e. the Championship teams of four and the Switch.  Some members of the committee had described them as draconian!  As result of these new rules both these competitions (and the plate competition) had been completed before the AGM.  This meant that we could award all the cups to the winners including the Eve Goblets.


I now maintain all the entries to Essex competitions (excluding the leagues) on a spreadsheet and put this document on a Skydrive so that members can access it from the Essex web site.  This enabled members to check to see if they had entered a particular competition!


Over the past year some competitions were up and some were down.  The Seniors’ Daytime Pairs still proved popular again.   This year the ‘Play with an Expert’ had proved very popular with 40 non-experts playing, which had resulted in fair amount of effort in finding experts at the last minute for this event.  Next year we will be improving the procedures.


The number of competitors who paid via electronic banking was steadily increasing.  However some members still like to pay on the day even though they pay an extra pound per person.  (N/B.  Someone pointed out that the extra pound was not a lot of money.)  I would like to point out that if you paid in advance and had to cancel for some reason then you would get a refund.


Nicole Cook had directed most of our competitions; I would like to thank her and all the other directors who were, Bernie Hunt, Alan Rodger, Audrey Hartley and Val Mollison.


Finally I would like to point out that pairs should have two identically completed convention cards at all EBU and County Competitions.   Players who do not comply with this request may be asked to play a Simple System until two convention cards are completed to the Director's satisfaction.

Ted Cockle 11 May 2014


Hon League Secretary’s report – 2013/14

Before anything else I would like to thank Bill West for his support in running the website league tables


The season has run well. The introduction of play by dates in South East Division One has solved an ongoing problem.

All fixtures in all divisions were completed on time.

The draw for the 2014 League Cup will be made within the next two weeks once I have received confirmation of entries.


2014/5   The EBU have introduced a system for leagues where the captains submit their results direct onto the EBU website and all results may be viewed there.


There is no indication that any teams will drop out at the end of the season and I am optimistic that there will be at least one new team this year.  That will determine how many teams are promoted and relegated between South East Divisions Two and Three.

Bernie Hunt 11 May 2014





A Division                    B Division                                  C Division

1   Northants.              89     1   Northants.          110     1   Hertfordshire          90

2   Suffolk                   89     2   Norfolk                89     2   Essex                    83

3   Hertfordshire          84     3   Hertfordshire        80     3   Northants.              64

4   Norfolk                   77     5   Essex                  70     5   Camb. & Hunts.      52

6   Essex                    75     6   Camb. & Hunts.    69     6   Suffolk                  49

7   Camb. & Hunts.      40     7   Suffolk                63     7   Bedfordshire          48

8   Cambridge Univ.     26     8   Cambridge Univ.    1         



(Premier Grand Master, Grand    (Life Master, Premier National     (Star Premier Regional

Master & Premier Life Master)     Master & National Master)                down to Regional Master)

1    A Kitchin     11139       1     R Perryman  9739       1      A Mundy        5393

2    S Taylor      10699       2     A Riach        9230       2      T Todman       5293

3    C Taylor      10491       3     S Moorman  8743       3      T Verran         5214

4    M Wren        9823       4     G Chadha    8561       4      J Birch           5058


 (Star Premier Master down         (Star Master, Advanced Master,      (District Masters, Area Master,

to Tournament Master)                Master & County Master)         Club Masters & Local Master)

1    F Morrison    5362       1     I McLauchlan 3737       1      T Genthe        3606

2    D Clark         4608       2     J Lesser       3430       2      R Newson      1760

3    L Butler         4594       3     F Alexander 3398       3      B Vas Nunes 1654

4    P Nettlingham 4553       4     J Szczuka    3353       4      F Vas Nunes  1642

Ranks shown are as at 01/01/2014.  Total points column includes net points.







PAIRS CHAMPIONSHIP The first four qualify to represent Essex in the Corwen.

Final:                                                     Consolation:

1     Gad Chadha & Theo Todman          1     Simon Moorman & Peter Oake

2     Margaret Curtis & David Sherman   2     Linda Fleet & Albert Kitchin

3=   Alan Greenstein & Yvonne Dias      3     Keith Thompson & Graham Olliffe

3=   Michael Watson & Nigel Bardsley   4     Frank Morrisopn & Alan Green            

HEAT – Spoon winners

1     Cecil Leighton & Monty Krimgotz      2     Ray Clarke & Frances Alexander



1         Geoff Wootton & Tony Verran           2     Cecil Leighton & Monty Krimgoltz



Richard Register & John Sutcliffe



1     Allan Greenstein & Yvonne Dias       2     Richard Register & Alan Cohen

3     Graham Foster & Simon Moorman    4     Mike Graham & Ian Moss



1     Eric Field & Dave Brace                   3     Angela Fenton & June Brown

2     Alan Aylott & Jon Ward                    4      Carol McCue & John Peacock     

The winning Club: Mayflower Bridge Club



1           Val Mollison & Paul Mollison            3           Angela West & Bill West

2     Marcia Leven-Harris & Alan Aylott     4     Richard Perryman & Mary Homer

The Flitch Trophy was won by Bill & Angela West.



1           Chris Chorley & Paddy Murray          3=   Richard Perryman & Mike Wren

2     Peter Oake & Simon Moorman         3=   Catriona Lovett & Mike Harbour



Seniors’ Summer Pairs                         Seniors’ Autumn Pairs

1     Richard Perryman & Mike Wren         1     Chris Chorley & Mike Wren

2     Peter Oake & Ian Moss                    2     Ann Savoury & Terence Clark

3     Val & Paul Mollison                          3     Nigel Bardsley & Tony Philpott

4     Graham Foster & Ray Clarke            4     Val & Paul Mollison

5     Roger Bright & Paul Ewers               5     Peter Oake & Ian Moss

6     Linda Fleet & Mary Homer                6     Ray Clarke & Graham Foster


Seniors’ Spring Pairs                            Final seniors’ Cup

1     Catriona Lovett & Mike Harbour        1     Mike Wren

2     Alan Green & Frank Morrison            2     Val & Paul Mollison

3     Margaret Rastin & Alan Aylott           4=   Ray Clarke

4     Keith Thompson & Graham Olliffe     4=   Graham Foster

5     June Brown & Angela Fenton            4=   Ian Moss

6     Margaret Curtis & David Sherman     4=   Peter Oake



Ladies:                                                  Gentlemen:

1           June Brown & Angela Fenton            1     Geoff Wootton & Tony Verran     

2     Sandy Smith & Val Mollison             2     Chris Megahey & Alaric Cundy



1           Tom Ruttley & Alison Spencer          3           David Gilbert & Coral Fallon

2     Neil Grandy & Nick Hunt                   4     David Campos & Alan Rodgers




May 2013     Thu.   3          R Clarke & L Fleet            

Sep 2013     Wed.  4      M Chawner & P Spencer          

Jan 2014      Tue.   4      L Thacker & J Murray                              

Feb 2014     Tue.   1      M Chawner & P Spencer            

                         Wed.  6      R Register & T Genthe

Apr 2014      Thu.   2      P Oake & F Morrison

                   Thu.   4      P Oake & F Morrison






1   Alaric Cundy, Chris Megahey, Tony Philpott,   2 Ian Moss, Mike Graham

     Nigel Bardsley & Margaret Curtis                         Martin Smith & Ted Cockle


1                  Sue Taylor, Chris Taylor, D Piper & L Curtis



1     Peter Oake, Simon Moorman, David Clark & Frank Morrison

2     Bernie Hunt, Ray Clarke, Graham Foster & Steve Cade-Bowyer



1     Peter Richardson, Colin Elliot, Ben Hackenroch & John Stimson

2     Brian Davies, Val Mollison, Bernie Hunt & Paul Mollison



1           Alison Spencer, Audrey Hartley, John Williams & David Cooper

2     Brian Davies, Val Mollison, Bernie Hunt & Paul Mollison

3     Alan Coral, David Sherman, Frank Morrison & Frank Morrison



1           Margaret Curtis, David Sherman, Ian Moss & Frank Morrison

2     Alan Cohen, Richard Register, Yvonne Dias & Alan Greenstein

3     Brian Davies, Val Mollison, Tim Connett & Steve Ensor



1           Thorpe Bay:        R Register, A Cohen, Y Dias, R Bright,

                                 J Hair, B Hair, G Wilcox & A Greenstein

2           Mountnessing:    P Franklin, F Morrison, C Megahey, A Cundy

                               D Piper, M Curtis, J Sutcliffe & A Eames



1     Collier Row:        Robert Elliott, Ann Savory, Ann & Terence Clark

2     Loughton A:        Pat Johnson, Peter Scotting, Margaret Lane& Pat Watson

3     Thorpe Bay A:     Steve Curran, Linda Moran, Paul Cast & Sheila Mednick


THE CORNELL TROPHY  (formally the Helliar Trophy)

1           Barleylands:               Paul Mollison, Gary Howchen,

                                 Simon Moorman & Steve Cade-Bowyer      

2     Mountnessing B:   Roger Tattersfield, Jill Tattersfield,

                                 Peter Franklin & Frank Morrison

3           Collier Row:        Robert Elliott, Ann Savory,

                                 Jon Ward & David Patten

4     Chelmsford B:     Brian Davies, Val Mollison,

                                 Audrey Hartley & Alison Spencer

5     Loughton A:        Nigel Bardsley, Michael Watson,

                                 Wendy Coldham & Patrick O’Gara

6     Thorpe Bay A:     Roger Bright, Bob Hair,

                                 Paddy Murray & Jill Hair

Chelmsford won the Ray Cornell prize and the right to represent Essex in the Garden Cities Trophy





Autumn 2013                                         Spring 2013

1     Mike Graham & Ian Moss                1     Mike Graham & Ian Moss

2     David Piper & Frank Morrison         2     Graham Foster & Dennis Johnson    



Division 1
1     Loughton Collier:
      Phil Collier, Michael Watson, Peter Scotting,

                                        J Lapszys & Sandy Riach
2     Waltham Foresters: Tony Verran, Stuart Dunstan,

                                        Phil Mattacks & Remi Tatur


Division 1       

1     Barleylands:              Peter Oake, Rob Elliott,

                                        Alan Green & David Clark

2     Hanley:                      Rick Hanley, Jeff orton,

                           Eric Newman & Mike Shearer

Division 2

1     Ultra Vires:               Graham Foster, Jill Hair,

                                        Simon Moorman & Steve Cade-Bowyer

2     Crowstones:             Alan Cohen, Richard Register,

                                        Yvonne Dias & Allan Greenstein

Division 3

1       STC “A”:                   Charles Read, David Aquino,

                                        Steve Monk & Derek Roas


2     Trumpeters:               Ann Morgan, Angela Fenton, Monica Watters,

                                        Maureen Killey & Dave Hope



1           Loughton Collier:     Phil Collier, Michael Watson, 

                                        Peter Scotting, J Lapszys & Sandy Riach

2     Barleylands:               Peter Oake, Rob Elliott,

                            Alan Green & David Clark                           



Ladies                                                   Gentlemen

1     Val Mollison        36                         1     Peter Oake          38

2     Margaret Curtis    33                         2     Simon Moorman  34

3     Yvonne Dias       23                         3=   Paul Mollison      32

4     Audrey Hartley    15                         3=   Peter Scotting     26

5     Pat Johnson       14                         5     Nigel Bardsley     25

6     Maureen Vede     12                         6     Frank Morrison    24



Successes further afield

2014 NICKO and PLATE

Loughton A are in the last 16 of the NICKO and Chelmsford A are in the last 32 of the Plate


May   Spring B. H. Congress:   Swiss Pairs:          2   S Riach & D Clark

          Belfry Midweek:              Swiss teams:         5   C & S Taylor

                                                                                + team mates


July   Herts/Essex GP:             Swiss Pairs:          5   R Perryman & M Wren

                                               Swiss Teams:        6= A fenton, J Brown,

                                                                                C Fallon & A Aylott

          EBU Summer Seniors:     Swiss Pairs:          3  J Hair & Y Dias

                                                                                (also leading Veteran)


Aug    Brighton Congress:         Sat Swiss teams:   6= C & S Taylor &

                                                                                S & M Smith

                                               Sun Swiss teams:  3   C & S Taylor &

                                                                                S & M Smith


Sept   Isle of Man Congress:     Swiss Teams:        4= C & S Taylor

                                                                                + team mates

                                               Mixed Pairs:          2   C & S Taylor

          Herts/Essex GP              Swiss Teams:        3  B Davies, B Hunt,

                                                                                V & P Mollison

          Guernsey Congress         Swiss Pairs:          4   P Oake & S Moorman


                                           Swiss Teams:             6=    P Oake, S Moorman,

                                                                                   G Foster & A Kitchin


Oct  Felixstowe Congress:    Pairs Final:                 1      N Cook & R Clarke

                                                                            6      G Foster & T Genthe

                                           Consolation Prs:        3      S Riach & R Elliott

                                           Swiss Teams:            2      R Elliott, S Riach,

                                                                                   P Oake & S Moorman

                                                                            4=    C & S Taylor

                                                                                   + team mates

                                                                            4=    B Davies, B Hunt,

                                                                                   P & V Mollison      


Nov Middlesex GP:              Swiss Pairs:               2      D Tennet & G Chadha

                                           Swiss Teams:            3      M Wren, C Chorley,

                                                                                   S Curran & R Perryman

                                                                            4      D Tennet & G Chadha

                                                                                   + team mates

                                                                            5=    C & S Taylor

                                                                                   + team mates

       Seniors’ Congress:                                      Swiss Pairs:              6     T Todman & D Tennet

                                           Multi Teams – (2)        2      R & J Tattersfield                                                            & M & S Smith


Dec Year End London          Mixed Pairs:              6      J Stimson & W Godber

                                           Open Pairs:               4      R Elliott & S Moorman


Feb Malta Congress            Swiss Pairs:               3      G Foster & S Moorman

                                           Men’s Pairs:               2      A Kitchin & D Clark

                                          Swiss Teams:            2      G Foster, S Moorman,

                                                                                   A Kitchin & D Clark


Mar  Easter Festival:             Swiss teams:             5=    P Johnson, P Scotting,

                                                                                   T Verran & G Wootton

       East Anglian GP:          Swiss Teams:            4      P Johnson, P Scotting,

                                                                                   S & C Taylor

       East Anglian GP:          Swiss Pairs:               6      N Bresler & D Cooper          









Essex Contract Bridge Association



Mrs M Curtis

Vice President:

R Green

Hon. Chairman:

P Mollison

Hon. General Secretary:

Mrs A Hartley

Hon. Treasurer:

Mrs L Fleet

Hon. Tournament Secretary:

E Cockle

Hon. Membership Secretary:

N Bardsley

Hon League Secretary:

B Hunt

Hon Schools & Youth Liaison Officer:


Hon. Teachers’ Liaison Officer:

A Cundy

Hon. Webmaster::

S Riach

Members of the committee:

D Valtisiaris & T Philpott,

Co-opted to the Committee:

G Randall & V Mollison



Delegates to the EBU:

Mrs M Curtis, Mrs A Hartley, K Thompson

: Hon. Auditor:

M Vandome



County Representation:


Chairman of Selection Committee:

I Moss

A Team Captain:

P Oake

B Team Captain:

B Hunt

C Team Captain:

Mrs M Vede

Committee Member:

K Thompson




Hon. Chairman

Mr P Mollison

Tekoa Lodge

Mayes Lane


Chelmsford CM2 7RW

Email: paul@paulmollison.com

Hon. General Secretary

Mrs J. A. Hartley

168 Broomfield Road

Chelmsford CH1 4HF

Tel: 01245 355830

Email: ja.hartley@btinternet.com




Move Mouse over thumbnail to change picture


The Warboys – June 10th 2013

held at Barleylands


The Club Pairs Winners


Left: Warboys winners Yvonne Dias & Allan Greenstein

with John Williams and right Club Pairs winners Eric Field & David Brace