Eckington Bridge Club
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Visitors and prospective new  members are welcome except on competition nights - see calendar on the right of this page for forthcoming dates.

Members if you are looking for a partner for the next week or two please contact Mary on 01684 592800 who will do her best to find someone. smiley

  P1,P2 Name & Object
1 The Club shall be called The Eckington Bridge Club.

2 The object of the Club shall be to provide facilities for playing contract bridge in accordance with the rules and principles laid down by the English Bridge Union.
  P3, P4 AGM & Club Officers
3 The Annual General Meeting shall be held before the end of April each year to receive reports and for the election of Officers, Committee and other Officials as may be required, and to deal with matters of the agenda only.

4 The Officers of the Club shall be the Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer, and shall hold office for a period of one year, togetherwith threeother to form a Committee. It should be noted that all Officers and CommitteeMembers can offerthemselves for re-election.
  P5, P6 Business of the Club and Alteration of the Constitution
5 The business of the Club shall be conducted by the Committee who shall have entire control thereof and who shall at their discretion, deal with any matter arising in connection with the Club and not provided for in these rules. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt at any time and to replace an Officer until the next A.G.M. Any two Officers with two Committee Members shall constitute a Quorum.

6 Any alteration of this constitution must be made at an A.G.M. or at a Special General Meeting of the Club, convened as provided for in Para. 7. Any proposed alteration must be sent in writing to the Secretary fourteen days before such a meeting and must be included in the notice convening the meeting.
  P7, P8, P9 Special General Meetings
7 Any six fully paid up memebrs or 10% of the fully paid up membership, (whichever is the greater), shall be able to call a Special General Meeting of the Club by giving fourteen days written notice to the Secretary, signed by each of those eligible members calling such a Special Meeting, such notified item(s) shall be the sole business for that meeting.

8 On receipt of notice to call a Special Meeting, the Secretary shall arrange for a meeting to be held in a place of suitable size at the Club’s expense after the fourteen days notice has expired, but in any event within a further period of four weeks.

9 Within fourteen days of receipt of due notice, the Secretary shall inform all members of the date, venue and time of the special meeting and the reasons notified for it on an agenda.
  P10, P11 Date of A.G.M. and Subscriptions
10 The date of the Annual General Meeting shall be determined by the Members at the preceding Annual General Meeting and published as soon as is practicable in the Club’s mmembership card. In any case, the Secretary shall notify all fully paid up members fourteen days prior to the chosen date. Such information regarding meetings etc., shall be deemed as given to Members by posting such notices on the Club’s notice board within the prescribed period.

11 The subscription year shall be April 1st. to March 31st. The annual subscription to the Club shall be fixed by the Annual General Meeting each year, having heard the recommendations of the Treasurer. In addition there shall be a small charge (Table Fee) for each person playing in Club events. The Club shall also pay an Affiliation Fee to the English Bridge Union.
  P12, P13, P14 P15 Committee Meetings Secretary's Records Treasurer's Duties
12 The Committee shall meet at least every two months, or more frequently if deemed necessary, to regulate the routine business of the Club and to receive and approve the financial statement of the Treasurer and the correspondence of the Secretary, it shall also consider matters duly referred to it by the membership and take such action as is deemed necessary.

13 The Secretary shall maintain an accurate record of all such meetings, which shall be approved by the Committee and signed by the Chairman as being an accurate record, after any agreed amendment, as the minutes of that meeting. The Secretary shall also be responsible after consultation with the Chairman, for the agenda items and the distribution of the agenda to all the Committee members seven clear days before each Committee Meeting.

14 The Treasurer shall pay all monies received to the credit of the Club into an account, except that, as decided by the Committee, a Petty Cash float up to a sum of £30.00 shall be held ’in hand’ for immediate purposes.

15 All sums paid out by the Club, and not considered as being from ’Petty Cash’ and approved by the Committee, shall be by cheque signed by any two of three Officers elected by an Annual General Meeting.
  P16 Guests
A member may invite a guest on any Club night provided it is not a meeting for Members only as specified in the Membership Card. Such visits are subject to table limitation, when preference will be given automatically to members. A visitor or a member’s guest cannot take part in Club events on more than four occasions in the current subscription year without formally applying for full membership. Applicants for full membership must submit an application form duly proposed and seconded by full members. The member accepts a natural responsibility in sponsoring an applicant as proposer or seconder and in particular is expected to (1) to introduce the applicant properly to the Club and (2) acquaint the applicant with this constitution. A duly completed application form will be posted on the Club’s notice board for two weeks before being considered by the Committee normally at the next scheduled Committee Meeting. In the intervening time, which should be regarded as a probationary period, the applicant will be expected to play on at least four occasions for the Club.
  P17 Conduct of Members
17 If the conduct of any member of the Club in the opinion of the Committee or any six members or 10% of the membership whichever is the greater and shall certify the same in writing to the Committee, be injurious to the interests of the Club, the Committee shall be empowered to recommend in writing that such a member resign; and if he/she does not comply within fourteen days of such recommendation, the Committee shall then call a Special Meeting of the members and, if such a meeting agree to the expulsion of such a member, he/she shall cease to be a member and forfeit all rights of membership of the Bridge Club. A notice of such an event, giving full written details and statements, shall be sent to the English Bridge Union.
  P 18 Disputes
18 All disputes shall be referred to the Committee, whose decision shall be final.
  P 19 Cessation of Club
19 In the event of the cessation of the Club all monies and asssets will be distributed among local cottage hospitals. Such a cessation can only be sanctioned by a two thirds majority of all members attending a Special Meeting convened for that Purpose and entitled to vote.
  P20 Date of Constitution
20 Constitution written approved by Eckington Bridge Club Committee May 1988 and amended in April 1996