Release 2.19r
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Behaviour & Conduct
East Bridgford Bridge Club Code of Conduct

Members and visitors are expected to:

  1. Arrive at least 5 minutes before the sessions starts.
  2. Help with arrangements for starting the session.
  3. Be courteous and friendly at all times and respect the procedures which are custom and practice of the Club.
  4. Help with refreshments.
  5. Greet opponents at the start of each set of boards.
  6. Thank opponents at the end of each set of boards.
  7. Avoid slow play.
  8. Keep noise levels to a minimum when sitting out or having finished a board or set of boards.
  9. Not carry out a post mortem on the last set of boards in the presence of new opponents.
  10. Not carry out a post mortem which will delay the movement of pairs.
  11. Not tell opponents how they could have bid or played without being asked.
  12. Not leave the Club without clearing away the bidding boxes, table and its cover and thanking the Director.