Durham Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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--- Hand Commentaries
Hand Commentaries

These hand commentaries are generally based on the sets of hands played on a Monday Evening. Thoughts are made as to the likely result of the auction and play so that plausible options are considered

A very basic system is played (Acol, weak No Trump), however some options may be given for playing different conventions. Thoughts are given suggesting possible opening leads, play technique and why some hands should be considered to be much better than otherwise thought.

At the end of each evening of 20 boards there is a page (usually) of card-play hints derived from Mollo and Gardiner 'Card Play Technique, or the art of being lucky' - which is one of the best books around to study. Although the book starts off at a fairly basic level (finessing) it deals with some more advanced techniques, and it is recommended to start at the beginning (Jan 2019) rather than just jumping in at the last week. Comments maybe made on card-play technique already discussed when appropriate.

The hands are analysed without the automatic use of double-dummy software (Deep Finesse) and there may be the occasional error. Students finding such an error should discuss their thoughts with their mentor.