Durham Bridge Club
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Club History

This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

The following records of Club History have been complied by Peter Sykes from AGM and Committee papers.  Peter would be pleased to know if members identify any inaccuracies.

Last updated : 6th May 2018 10:15 GMT
Durham Bridge Club history 1972-76
  • The club started in 1972.
  • Committee: there are some familiar names amongst the committee from those early years and some players who are no longer with us. Muriel Carpenter (who was a female bridge International) was President for four years. Ian Macpherson (3 years) and Bob Bowers (2 years) had been Chairman of the club over the initial five years. Peter Sykes (3 years) had been Secretary and John Amos (4 years) was Treasurer for most of the time (note that Ann Squires, Mike Ferguson and Margaret McCabe also held these posts). John Bagshaw was the Official Scorer (a more demanding job in the pre-computer days) and Brian Smith was Club Captain and later Tournament Director. The inaugural officers of the club were Ian Macpherson (Chair), Peter Sykes (Secretary) and Ann Squires (Treasurer). Bob Robson (still doing the job in 2016) was the club Auditor. The club had a Social Secretary who was responsible for “stocking the drinks bar” and dealing with alcoholic drinks which were prevalent at that time (currently tea/coffee/orange make up our refreshments at the club). Other committee members and team selectors were Olive Kinsley, Ian Bell, John Crouch, Geoff Endean, John McCourt, Dave Wardill, Mike Ferguson, Vanu Datta and Terry Robinson. In 1975 Peter Sykes became NEBA Assistant Secretary (and later NEBA Secretary and Chair).
  • An initial constitution had been agreed and amended (at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for the purpose). The first AGM took one and a half hours (there was a lot to ‘agree’ and everything was read out – minutes recorded in full the discussions which took place).
  • The club had decided to join the EBU and was able to issue master points (on yellow paper in those days).
  • Originally there were insufficient NEBA members to have representation on the NEBA Council (a minimum of 50 members was needed). Club teams had been entered in the NEBA Inter Area competition as it was then called (it is now the Inter club competition). Initially one team was entered (the A team was in the first division) and it came third in its second year. Then the club entered a B team and the team came second in division three. Subsequently the club entered a third team. In those days teams were selected by a club selection committee.
  • The club held its first one day congress. At the congress, the winners were presented with the Durham Cup. Two congresses were run in early years to raise funds for the club. In one year the congress catering team (all volunteers) had to cope with a national bread strike (which made sandwich making interesting).
  • The club had several changes of venue. The club initially met at Elvet Riverside before moving to Fountains Hall, Grey College (as Sid Holgate, Master of Grey College, had been a club member) then to Belmont Community Centre and for one year to the Redhills Hotel. Whilst at Fountains Hall it wasn’t unusual to have up to 20 tables playing at an evening session. Tuesday became the established club night.
  • The club built up a reserve balance to buy card tables and possibly purchase their own premises, as having to move from ‘rented’ accommodation was a problem.
  • At first the AGM was held in September and after four years changed to April (in line with NEBA and EBU years).
  • In 1975, Peter & Sue Sykes presented the club with a trophy (the Sykes Cup) to use for a club pairs event – this trophy is still used today. The first winners of the Sykes Cup were Mrs Olive & Ms K Kinsley.
  • Club successes: in 1975 NEBA Congress teams was won by Bill March, Brian Smith, Mike Ferguson, D Axon and in 1977 by Brian Smith, Bill March, Peter Sykes, J Currie; in 1976 Mr & Mrs Brian Smith, Mike Ferguson, Bill March won the Niman Israel teams and Peter Sykes was a member of a team which won NEBA Summer teams; in 1977 Peter Sykes & John Bagshaw (plus others) won the Kempson Cup.
  • The club introduced bridge lessons, run by Peter Sykes, to cater for the increased interest in learning to play bridge. The club was publicised widely and a weekly bridge column was published in the local Durham Advertiser by Peter Sykes and later by Mike Ferguson.
  • Membership fees rose from £1 to £1.50 and table money rose from 15p to 25p.
  • Players chose any table, but cut for direction (N-S or E-W) – in those days cards were always dealt at the table.

Apologies for any misinterpretation, omission or errors (Peter Sykes)

Last updated : 7th May 2018 19:15 GMT
Durham Bridge Club history 1976-1981
  • Committee: again there are some familiar names on the committee from those early years. Ian Macpherson was Chairman of the club for two years and Geoff Endean for three years. Following Muriel Carpenter’s decision to stand down as President the position was left vacant for three years. When Ian Macpherson stood down as Chair he was nominated as President. A new role of Vice Chair was introduced. Laurence (or Leonard as both names appear) Robson was appointed as Vice Chair for two years to be replaced by Brian Smith. Margaret McCabe acted as Secretary for 2 years followed by Nigel Martin for 3 years during that period. John McCourt was Treasurer for most of the time (Colin Craig was Treasurer for 1 year). The Official Scorer role merged into being the Tournament Director and Brian Smith took on this role in addition to being club Captain. Bob Robson was again recorded as the club Auditor for most of that period. Geoff Endean was the Social Secretary for two years prior to becoming Chair. Other committee members and team selectors were Eleanor Potts, Margaret Patterson, Bill March, Mike Ferguson, John Stobart, Vanu Datta, Colin Craig, Barbara Taylor and Bob Barrie. The team selection committee was a regular topic for discussion at AGMs. In 1980 Peter Sykes was elected Chair of NEBA.
  • A Teams evening was added to the calendar and a Summer teams championship was held for Durham Cup (which had formerly been awarded to the Congress winners, an event which was abandoned).
  • In the NEBA Inter Area competition the Durham A team had mixed fortunes. The team had to forfeit a match; the team was obviously relegated (not recorded) but next year won the second division and was promoted. In the first division they finished 3rd and 2nd in the last two years of this period. The club’s B team also had mixed fortunes in the third division as the team finished 4th and then 1st, to be promoted to the second division. After one year the team was relegated to the third division where they finished 3rd. The club C team was only mentioned once “had a fair season” (1978-79). Teams were selected by the club selection committee.
  • The club venue remained as Dunelm House (Durham University) using the SRC hall downstairs in the venue – members had honorary ‘University’ cards to allow them access.
  • Club successes: in 1977 Brian Smith & Peter Sykes won Gazette Shield; NEBA Kempson Cup was won in 1977 by Peter Sykes & John Bagshaw (plus others), in 1979 by Brian Smith, Peter Sykes, Mike Ferguson & Bill Niccol and in 1981 by Brian Smith, Peter Sykes, Mike Ferguson & Bill March. Durham players won the Teesside Open Teams (Dave Wardill, Geoff Endean, Brian Smith & Margaret McCabe), the Cleveland Swiss teams and pairs events (in 1981); the North Eastern Premier League and the Newcastle Congress pairs (all in 1982 but players were not named); in 1981 Pat Barton & Margaret McCabe won the King Cup.
  • Sykes Cup: Peter Sykes & Brian Smith (twice); Duncan Lee & Ernie Richardson; Ian MacPherson & Nigel Martin (not recorded in 1977).
  • In 1979, the club purchased the Durham Salver (still used today but for our pairs champion) to be used for the winner of the team’s competition. Winners were Ernie Richardson, Duncan Lee, Nigel Martin & Ian MacPherson; Geoff Endean, Wojtek Zakrzewski, Robert Clark & Geoff Ellis.
  • The Club champion, decided over two-thirds of the available weeks, was Bill March (three times) and Brian Smith (twice).
  • In one year, the club had to use interest on its capital invested to allow it to remain solvent (we wish interest rates would allow us to do that now!).
  • Recurrent matters (still mentioned today): playing cards need replacing, making a prompt start to each session, keeping to eight boards per hour and fines for misboarding/misrecording were all an issue at times.

Apologies for any misinterpretation, omission or errors (Peter Sykes)

Last updated : 7th May 2018 19:15 GMT
Durham Bridge Club history 1981-86
  • Committee: Bob Barrie became Chairman of the club for these five years. From 1981-96 no President was recorded and following 1983 neither was a Vice Chair recorded (Brian Smith was Vice Chair in 1982-83). Mike Ferguson acted as Secretary for three years and Iain Gordon for two years during that period. Peter Ransom was Treasurer for four years (and Gavin Bolton for one year).  Tournament Director was Brian Smith for one year, Peter Sykes for two years and then Geoff Endean for the final two years. Brian Smith was also club captain. Bob Robson was again the club Auditor for all of that period. The role of Social Secretary was not recorded in 1983. Other committee members and team selectors during those five years were Colin Craig, Barbara Taylor, Geoff Endean, Peter Sykes, Dave Wardill, Mike Pitt, Peter Lisle and Harry Davison. The team selection committee was a regular topic for discussion at the AGM.
  • Constitutional amendments were agreed in 1984, amongst which were to replace the office of Social Secretary with Tournament Director and provide the committee with powers of co-option.
  • Teams’ evenings were reinstated and a Summer teams’ championship was held for the Durham Cup (formerly awarded to the Durham Congress winners, an event which was subsequently abandoned).
  • In the NEBA Inter Area (from 1985 it was renamed as the Inter Club) competition Durham A team had more success. In the first division they finished 2nd in 1982 and then for two successive seasons the team were 1st and for the final two years they were in the ‘middle’ of the first division. The club’s B team also had better results as they finished 2nd and then 1st in the third division when the team was promoted to the second division. After one year in the second division the B team were relegated to the third division where they finished 3rd. The club C team finished third and in the ‘middle’ of their division but the team was withdrawn in 1986. It is of note that in 1984 Durham A and B teams finished in 1st place in their respective divisions.
  • The club moved its venue to Durham University Employees Sports & Social Club for two and a half years and then to Maiden Castle University Sports Centre (using the upstairs coffee bar as a venue).
  • Club successes: in 1983-4 Brian Smith, Peter Sykes, Mike Ferguson & Bill March represented the NEBA ‘A’ team in the Pachabo Cup. In 1983-4 club members had won several NEBA competitions (Gazette Cups: Peter Sykes and Brian Smith, Summer pairs: Mike Ferguson and Hayden Dando, Summer Teams: Dave Wardill, Margaret McCabe, Geoff Endean, Pat Barton; Niman Israel: Pat Barton, Geoff Endean, Margaret McCabe, Dave Wardill; 1983 Kempson Cup: Bill March, A Westrop, Peter Sykes, Brian Smith; 1985 NEBA Congress teams: Margaret McCabe, Hayden Dando, Peter Sykes, Dave Wardill); 1985 Gazette Shield: Wojtek Zakrzewski & J Foster; 1983 NEBA Kempson Vases: Brian Smith, Peter Sykes, Mike Ferguson & Bill March; 1986 Kempson Cup: Bill March, Brian Smith, Mike Ferguson, S Whittleton and in 1986 Peter Sykes was member of the Niman Israel winning team.
  • Sykes Cup: Peter Sykes & Brian Smith (twice); Peter Ransom & J Smith; Wojtek Zakrzewski & J Foster; Harry Gilbert & Margaret Liddell.
  • Club champions: Brian Smith (three times), Hayden Dando and Margaret McCabe.
  • Durham Salver (a trophy which was stolen and replaced by the club in 1986) teams’ winners: Ray Milne, Bill Dixon, Brian Smith & Mike Ferguson; Colin Craig, Bill Robinson, John Lawson & Bob Robson; Ray Milne, Ernie Richardson, Stan Kingston & Bob Willis; Ray Milne, Ernie Richardson, John & J B Portwood; Vanu Datta, Iain Gordon, Harry Davison & Mr Williamson.
  • Summer champions (a new competition): Bill March & Steve Whittleton.
  • The club membership grew from 56 to 81 members over the five years).
  • Membership fees increased from £4 to £7.50 and table money from £0.50 to £0.75 (and then back to £0.50).
  • In 1986 the start time following the AGM was moved to 6:30pm.
  • Recurrent matters (still mentioned today) such as slow play, possible alternative venues being investigated were all an issue at times.

Apologies for any misinterpretation, omission or errors (Peter Sykes)

Last updated : 7th May 2018 19:15 GMT
Durham Bridge Club history 1986-91
  • Committee: Peter Lisle became Chairman of the club for these five years. The offices of President and Vice Chair are not recorded (abandoned?). Iain Gordon acted as Secretary for all five years during that period. Gavin Bolton was Treasurer for one year, Ann Dunnachie for three successive years and Jim Johnston for one year. The Tournament Director was John McCourt for two years, then Geoff Endean for three years (supported by Bill March for one year). The role of club Captain was not recorded. Bob Robson was again the club Auditor for all of that period. Other committee members and team selectors during those five years were Mike Pitt, Harry Davison, Bill March, John Portwood, Geoff Endean, Gavin Bolton and Steve Rayner.
  • In the NEBA Inter Club competition the A team had even more success. In division A the team finished in mid table twice and then for three seasons the team finished first (1988, 1989, 1919). The club’s B team was promoted to division B as winners and then subsequently demoted to division C where they finished in mid table twice before being relegated to division D. It is of note that in 1988, 1989 and 1991 Durham A team represented NEBA in the EBU Garden City Trophy.
  • The club venue was Maiden Castle (using the upstairs coffee bar as a venue) for all five years.
  • Club successes: in 1987 a club pair won the NEBA green pointed event. In 1988-9 Brian Smith & Bill March won the National Pairs regional final; Bill Dixon & Hayden Dando won NEBA Gazette Shield; Peter Sykes & Don Reid won NEBA Swiss pairs and a club team won Newcastle Swiss teams. In 1990 Brian Smith & Bill March again won the National pair regional final and Gazette Cups, club pairs won NEBA Simultaneous Pairs, Don Reid & Peter Sykes were members of the team that won the NEBA Congress teams. In 1987-91 Bill March & Brian Smith (and others) won Kempson Cup five times. Club members won Newcastle Swiss teams, Kempson Vases and Scarborough Teams; in 1991 John Dobson, Iain Gordon, J R Johnston & Ray Milne won NEBA Wightman Cup and a club team won Ogilvie Teams.
  • Sykes Cup: Peter Lisle & John McCourt (twice); Barbara Taylor & M Fletcher; John Portwood & JB Portwood; Mike Pitt & R Ward.
  • Club champions: Bill March & Brian Smith (jointly); Bill March (four times).
  • Durham Salver teams: John & J B Portwood, Harry Davison &, Ann Dunnachie; Vanu Datta, Iain Gordon, Peter Hagger & Ray Matthews; J Smith, Peter Ransom, Bob Willis & Stan Kingston; David Mills, M McPherson, F Kay & J Mercer; John Dobson, A Trotter, Mr & Mrs Elliott.
  • Summer champion: Bill March in 1987 (not recorded subsequently).
  • The club membership was recorded as 74 in 1987. Membership fees increased from £8.50 to £12 and table money increased from £0.50 to £0.60.
  • Other issues mentioned: playing cards needed replacing (a familiar theme); players were reminded to welcome new players and exercise patience when playing against them; the level of noise when announcements were being made was considered discourteous; a slow play rule was introduced (when the move is called, if no card is placed face down on the table, it means the hand can’t be played); any players with discourteous attitudes to TD rulings would be placed before the committee; a Christmas party was to be introduced.

                                                                                                                                          Apologies for any misinterpretation, omission or errors (Peter Sykes)

Last updated : 7th May 2018 19:14 GMT
Durham Bridge Club history 1991-1996
  • Committee: Peter Lisle was Chairman for a further two years followed by Iain Gordon who was Chairman of the club for the last three years of this period.  Steve Rayner acted as Secretary for two years and Renée McMahon for three years during this period. Jim Johnston was Treasurer for two years and Harry Gilbert for three successive years. The joint Tournament Directors were Geoff Endean, Bill March and Brian Smith for three years, Bill March and Brian Smith for one year and Bill March & John McCourt for one year. The club Captain was recorded as Bill March for one year and Doug Curran for one year. Bob Robson was once again the club Auditor for all of that period. Other committee members and team selectors during those five years were John Portwood, John Dobson, K Dodd, Renée McMahon, Mrs M Dodd and Dave Wardill.
  • In the NEBA Inter Club competition the A team, in division A, finished in mid table four times and were 2nd once. In 1996 Durham A team won the NEBA club championship. The club’s B team was promoted as champions from division D North, in division C the team finished 3rd and next year was demoted to division D North where the team were subsequently promoted to division C before again being demoted to division D (definitely a “yoyo” team).
  • The club venue was remarkably stable, remaining at Maiden Castle during this period (12 years until 1996).
  • Club successes: in 1991 John Dobson, Iain Gordon, J R Johnston, Ray Milne won NEBA Champion teams; in 1992 club players won the Newcastle Congress and Brian Smith & Bill March (plus others) won North Eastern League; a club pair represented NEBA in the Pachabo Cup. In 1993 Gavin & Cynthia Bolton won NEBA Swiss pairs, a club pair won the M&CBA Swiss pairs; club members won the Newcastle Journal Salver Knockout Teams. In 1994 club members won North Eastern Teams League and Kempson Vases. In 1995 club members were runners up in the Chronicle Cups and Kempson Vases. In 1996 Peter Lisle, Iain Gordon, Dave Wardill, John McCourt won the NEBA club team championship.
  • Sykes Cup: John & JB Portwood; Geoff Endean & Ian MacPherson; Bill March & Brian Smith (twice); Harry & Margaret Gilbert.
  • Club champions: Brian Smith (twice), Bill March and Bill March & Brian Smith (twice).
  • Durham Salver teams: 1993, Margaret McCabe, Bill Dixon, Bob Willis & Stan Kingston; 1995, Jill & Roger Hancock, Peter Lisle & John McCourt; 1996, Mrs D Hughes & J Greenway; 1997, Bill March, Brian Smith, Niall Keaney & J McGarrigle (it was not recorded in 1994).
  • Club membership was reported as 76 in 1994 and subsequently reduced with poorer attendance (as recorded at the AGMs).
  • Membership fees increased from £13.50 to £17 and table money increased from 75p to £1.
  • Other issues mentioned: complaints were made about “intimidation, pettiness and rudeness” from some members – it was agreed about the importance of showing courtesy to all opponents; the level of noise when announcements were being made was considered discourteous; slow players were penalised for holding up play; in 1993 bidding boxes were first bought.

Apologies for any misinterpretation, omission or errors (Peter Sykes)

Last updated : 7th May 2018 19:14 GMT
Durham Bridge Club history 1996-2001
  • Committee: Iain Gordon was Chairman of the club for all five years.  Mick Pitt acted as Secretary and John McCourt was Treasurer for all five years during that period. There was a significant stability in the club’s officers. Bob Robson was once again the club Auditor for all of that period. The Tournament Directors were jointly Bill March and John McCourt for two years and Iain Gordon for three years. The club captain was Doug Curran for three years and Dave Wardill for two years. The scorer was Dave Wardill for three years and John McCourt for two years. There may not have been other committee members during those five years (as they were not recorded).
  • Constitutional changes were proposed and agreed.
  • In the NEBA Inter Club competition the A team, in division A, finished 3rd three times and in mid table once before being relegated. The club’s B team was promoted from division D, then next year the team was promoted from division C, however in Division B the team was subsequently demoted and in the following year the team finished in mid table in division C. In 2001 there were insufficient NEBA members to run a B team.
  • The club venue again remained at Maiden Castle during this period (17 years until 2002).
  • Club successes: were not recorded during these five years.
  • Sykes Cup: Bill March & Brian Smith; Margaret McCabe & Doug Curran; John McCourt & Peter Lisle; Liz Muir & Malcolm Oliver; Pat Barton & Margaret McCabe.
  • Club champions: Bill March, Doug Curran, Iain Gordon (2x); John McCourt.
  • Durham Salver teams: M Rowe, J Blackett, Margaret McCabe & Doug Curran; Adrian Darnell, Geoff Endean, Grant Cohen & Mick Pitt; Bob Willis, Stan Kingston, Nigel Martin & Wojtek Zakrzewski (it was not recorded for the last two years).
  • Club membership fell during this period (it was recorded as 39 members in 2000) and members expressed concerns about the club’s continuing viability.
  • Membership fees and table money were not reported during this period (it may have remained the same?).
  • Other issues mentioned: the Auditor requested that the AGM should be held later in the year; a query was made about guests paying extra table money; a request was made to the EBU that student competition fees should be discounted to 50%; suggestions were made to run a ‘Fear free’ evening and make positive moves for recruitment.


Apologies for any misinterpretation, omission or errors (Peter Sykes)

Last updated : 7th May 2018 19:14 GMT
Durham Bridge Club history 2001-2006
  • Committee: Iain Gordon continued to be Chairman of the club for these five years. Mick Pitt acted as Secretary for two years and Jill Hancock was Secretary for three years during that period. John McCourt continued to be Treasurer for all five years. Bob Robson was again the club Auditor for all of that period. The Tournament Director was again Iain Gordon for all five years. The club captain was Dave Wardill for all five years. The scorer was John McCourt for the first three years of this period and not recorded after that. There was again significant stability in the club committee. Other committee members were not recorded during those five years.
  • In the NEBA Inter Club competition the A team remained in division B for one year before being promoted to division A. The team remained there for one year before being demoted to division B, where they stayed for a further year. However in 2005 the club A team won the NEBA John Clark Salver.
  • After the stability of the club venue being at Maiden Castle for 17 years until 2002, the club had to make a ‘sudden’ change of venue to Abbey Sports Centre, Pity Me (because the University required the coffee bar area for every evening).
  • Club successes: in 2005 club members won the Collins Cup; in 2006 Renée McMahon & Margaret Gilbert won the Seniors pairs; in 2008 Renée McMahon & Margaret Gilbert won NEBA club champion pairs; in 2004 Margaret Gilbert, Renée McMahon, Cynthia Bolton, Gavin Bolton won NEBA Niman Israel teams; in 2003 and 2004 Margaret McCabe and Peter Lisle won the Deane Salver (Peter Lisle also won in 2002); in 2006 John McCourt and Peter Lisle won the Gazette Shield.
  • Sykes Cup: John Portwood & Wojtek Zakrzewski; Renée McMahon & Jill Hancock; Myles Ellison & Peter Stewart; Alison & Godfrey Young; (not recorded in 2002).
  • Club champions: Iain Gordon & Dave Wardill (3x); John McCourt & Peter Lisle; Maureen Ball.
  • Durham Salver winners were not recorded during this period.
  • Club membership was a concern during this period (although the membership numbers were not specifically recorded).
  • The Membership fee, when recorded, was unchanged during this period and in 2003 table money was increased to £1.50 (£2 for visitors and £1 for students).
  • Other issues mentioned: updating club records had taken place; the club made an overall loss in one year; Peter Lisle was elected Chair of NEBA; ideas for increasing membership were sought; there was a suggestion to appoint a recruitment officer to increase membership.

Apologies for any misinterpretation, omission or errors (Peter Sykes)

Last updated : 7th May 2018 19:13 GMT
Durham Bridge Club history 2006-2011
  • Committee: Iain Gordon stood down as Chairman of the club after an exceptional thirteen years of service. Ian was replaced by Peter Lisle who was Chair for two years, followed by Jill Hancock who was Chair for three years. Jill Hancock acted as Secretary for the first two years, Dave Thompson was Secretary for the next two years and Ann Squires was Secretary for the final year during that period. Niall Keaney was Treasurer for all five years. Bob Robson was the club Auditor for one year and then stood down after an astounding 31 years in the role. Club accounts were not recorded as being audited for three years. The Tournament Director was Iain Gordon for two years but not recorded for the last three years. The club captain was Margaret McCabe for all five years (this is assumed as it was not recorded in all years). The NEBA representative was John McCourt for the two years of this period and Peter Sykes for three years. Other committee members were Wojtek Zakrzewski, John McCourt, Dave Thompson and Glenda Hope.
  • A new club constitution (based on the EBU model and adapted by Peter Sykes and John McCourt) was agreed and adopted at the AGM in 2012.
  • In the NEBA Inter Club competition the A team remained in division B for one year before being promoted as champions to division A in 2008. The A team remained there for one year before being demoted to division B, where they stayed for a further year before being promoted as champions to division A in 2012. The B team entered division F and were promoted to division E. After one year they were promoted as champions to division D in 2009 where they remained.
  • The club venue remained at the Abbey Sports Centre, Pity Me for four and a half years. In 2012 the club had to move from the Abbey Sports Centre as Durham County Council (Government led decision) made changes to the availability of leisure centre facilities which meant that Tuesday nights were no longer viable because of reduced opening hours. A subcommittee explored various possibilities during this period before deciding that Framwellgate Moor Youth & Community Centre offered possible accommodation for Tuesday afternoon and evening bridge sessions.
  • Club Successes: in 2006 John McCourt & Peter Lisle won NEBA Gazette Shield and in 2010 Jill & Roger Hancock also won the Gazette Shield; in 2008 Renee McMahon & Margaret Gilbert won the NEBA Champion Pairs; in 2011 Renee McMahon & Jill Hancock won the King Cup.
  • Sykes Cup: Peter Lisle & John McCourt; Shirley Tindale & Christine Griffiths; Maureen Ball & Margaret Gilbert; Gavin and Cynthia Bolton; Peter Sykes and Bill Dixon.
  • Club champions (were awarded the Durham Salver - a new use for the trophy): Margaret McCabe; Peter Lisle; Jill Hancock; John McCourt; Peter Sykes & Bill Dixon.
  • Club membership was recorded as 42 members in 2007 and was increasing during the period, especially as it included afternoon members from 2010.
  • Membership fee, when recorded, was unchanged for four years during this period but recorded as £5 in 2011. In 2008 table money was increased to £2.50 and a further increase in 2011 to £3 (with £3.50 for non-members and £1 for students).
  • Other issues mentioned: the club explored ways to increase membership; duplimated board sets were to be purchased and used twice monthly; a host system was to be investigated but found to work inefficiently in the following year; a directors’ rota was set up and TD courses were to be investigated; in 2009 John McCourt created a club website linked to the scoring system and John Portwood took over running it; the afternoon section (averaging 6 tables with a host system) was incorporated into Durham Bridge club; more teams and simultaneous pairs events were requested; suggestions were made to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the club.

Apologies for any misinterpretation, omission or errors (Peter Sykes)

Last updated : 7th May 2018 19:13 GMT
Durham Bridge Club history 2011-2016
  • Committee: Jill Hancock stood down as Chair of the club after three years’ service to be replaced by Peter Sykes who was Chair for five years (as permitted under the revised constitution). Ann Squires acted as Secretary for all five years during that period. Susan Penswick was Treasurer for all five years. Bob Robson was persuaded to be the club Auditor again (for four years) and Sandra Ruskin for one year. The Tournament Director was John McCourt and the club captain was Margaret McCabe for all five years. The NEBA representative was Margaret McCabe, Peter Sykes (3 years) and Roger Hancock. Other committee members were Dave Thompson, Glenda Hope and Den Kerry.
  • NEBA Inter Club competition: the A team was promoted to division A as champions in 2012; in 2013 the team was demoted to division B; in 2014 the team was promoted to division A; in 2015 they remained in division A in 4th place and in 2016 they were demoted in 6th place to division B. The B team maintained its position in division D for one year before being promoted to division C in 2013; in 2014 the team was promoted to division B and remained there in 2015; in 2016 the team was demoted in 5th place to division C. The new C team, introduced in 2013-14, finished at the bottom of division F in their first season and subsequently in 2015 and 2016. All players who represented club teams were presented with commemorative pens.
  • The club venue became Framwellgate Moor Youth & Community Centre in 2011. This appeared likely to provide a reasonably ‘permanent’ home for Durham Bridge Club (this followed a successful transfer of assets to the Trustees of FMYCA – committee members act as trustees).
  • Club Successes: John Portwood & Wojtek Zakrzewski were runners up for the Gazette Cup in 2015; in 2014 Irene Burns & Joan Crompton won NEBA Gazette Shield; in 2016 Dave & Margaret Thompson, Roger & Jill Hancock won the Cumbria Swiss teams-of-four event.
  • Sykes Cup winners: Peter Sykes and Bill Dixon (2x); John Portwood & Wojtek Zakrzewski; Ann Squires & Barbara Taylor; Adrian Darnell & Nigel Martin.
  • Club champions (Durham Salver): Renée McMahon; Peter Sykes (2x); Peter Sykes & Bill Dixon; Bill Dixon.
  • Summer champions (a new award from 2012): Margaret McCabe & Pat Barton; Renée McMahon; Peter Sykes & Bill Dixon (3x).
  • Afternoon champions (a new award): John Dobson (2x); John Dobson & M Dawson.
  • Afternoon Summer champions (a new award from 2012): John Dobson; John Dobson & M Dawson (2x); Joan Crompton & Irene Burns
  • Durham City trophy (introduced in 2013): Maureen Ball & Margaret Gilbert; Peter Sykes & Bill Dixon; Adrian Darnell & Nigel Martin; John Dobson & Audrey Bainbridge.
  • Club membership was recorded as 120 members in 2014 and was increasing during the period, due to both afternoon and evening attendance; in 2016 it had increased to 125.
  • The Membership fee was recorded as £3 and table money as £3 in 2011; in 2013 Membership fee was £5 and table money £3 (£3.50 for non-members, £1 for students); in 2014 Membership fee was still £5 and table money was £2.50 (£3.50 for non-members, £1 for students) – which remained constant from 2014 to 2016.
  • An annual local charity event was introduced by the incoming Chair. In 2012 the charity supported was St Cuthbert’s Hospice; in 2013 it was St Margaret’s Centre; in 2014 it was Willow Burn Hospice; in 2015 it was the Great North Air Ambulance; in 2016 it was ‘Daft as a brush’. Annually the club has supported the Alzheimer’s Society at the AGM.
  • Other issues mentioned: new awards were introduced for the summer period. The 40th Anniversary had been celebrated with bridge followed by a dinner at Finbarr’s Restaurant; new members were recruited plus beginners had now joined the afternoon bridge session in a ‘No fear’ group; an evening Winter pairs (subsequently named the club championship) was introduced plus Summer pairs and an afternoon club and Summer championship; a DVD library has been established; P2P subscription remained the same; EBU disciplinary procedures for clubs was accepted; arrow switches were to remain for both sessions; the Durham City Trophy was introduced by David Wing (EBU) and presented annually to the AGM winners.

Apologies for any misinterpretation, omission or errors (Peter Sykes)

Last updated : 7th May 2018 19:12 GMT
Durham Bridge Club History 2016-2021
  • Committee: Adrian Darnell was elected as Chair and Ann Squires acted as Secretary for all five years during this period. Susan Penswick was Treasurer for four years and Irene Hancock for one. Sandra Ruskin was recorded as club Auditor for three years. The Chief Tournament Director was John Portwood for all five years and the club captain was Nigel Martin for three years, with Ann Squires for the last year. The NEBA representative was Roger Hancock (1 year) and Adrian Darnell (4 years). Other committee members were Dave Thompson and Jill Hancock (as Vice Chairs), Den Kerry, John Dobson, Christine Farnsworth, Irene Hancock, Charles Bucknell and Irina Hendrickx.
  • NEBA Inter Club competition: the A team was promoted to division A as champions in 2017; in 2018 the team remained in division A; unreported in 2019, with Covid it meant that the matches weren’t played in 2020-21. The B team finished in the middle of division C in 2017 and were promoted to division B in 2018, subsequently similarly for the A team. The C team won its first match in 2017 and ended 3rd in its division being promoted to division E next year.
  • The club venue remained as Framwellgate Moor Youth & Community Centre during this period.
  • Club Successes: 2017 Gazettes Shield won by Audrey Bainbridge & John Dobson; 2019 Bridge Great Britain Junior Camrose Trophy (Winning England Team) Dominic Price & Charles Bucknell; 2019 NEBA Swiss Pairs Trophy won by Joan Crompton & Irene Burns; 2021 NEBA Corwen Trophy runners-up were Dorothy Pearson & Susan Penswick; 2021 NEBA Gazette Cup won by Joan Crompton & Irene Burns; EBU Easter Congress Nine High Tournament won by Irina Hendrickx & James Foster.
  • Sykes Cup winners: 2017 Wojtek Zakrzewski & John Portwood; 2018/2021 Adrian Darnell & Nigel Martin(2x); 2019 Iain Gordon & Margaret McCabe; 2020-John McCourt & Peter Lisle
  • Club champion (Durham Salver): 2016-17 John McCourt; 2017-18 Renée McMahon; 2018-19-Iain Gordon; 2019-20 Peter Sykes.
  • Afternoon Club champion: 2016-17 John Dobson (2x); 2017-18 Joan Crompton; 2018-19/2019-20 Adrian Darnell (2x).
  • Durham City trophy: 2017- Keith McKenzie and Leslie Milner; 2018-Adrian Darnell & Nigel Martin; 2019 John Gray & Louise Badcock; 2021 Peter Sykes & Bill Dixon.
  • Cansino Trophy (from 2018): 2018/2021 won by Margaret McCabe & Iain Gordon (2x); 2019-John McCourt & Peter Lisle; 2020-Peter Sykes & Bill Dixon.
  • Evening Summer Pairs: (2012-): 2016/2017 Peter Sykes & Bill Dixon (3x) 2018 Iain Gordon & Margaret McCabe; 2019 Dave Thompson & Jill Hancock
  • Afternoon Summer Pairs (2012-): 2017 John Dobson & Malcolm Dawson; 2018 Barbara Taylor & Renee McMahon; 2019/20 Adrian Darnell & John Dobson (2x)
  • Novice Pairs Champion: 2018-Brian Wain; 2019-Christine Revill; 2020-Pat Robinson; 2021-Neville Cain.
  • Club membership was recorded as 128 members in 2017 and had increased due to both Tuesday afternoon and evening attendance and Monday sessions.
  • Membership fee was recorded as £5 and table money as £2.50 in 2017/18; in 2019 and 2020 Membership fee was £5 and table money £3 (£3.50 for non-members, £1 for students); in 2021 Membership fee was £5 and table money was £2.50 (£3.50 for non-members, £1 for students), in 2022 no change in amount but it moved to a monthly payment - Twice a week players: £23.00; Once a week players: £11.50; Once every second week players: £5.75.
  • A local annual charity event was continued. In 2016-17 ‘Daft as a Brush’; in 2017-18 not recorded; in 2018-19 Durham Food Bank; in 2019-20 /2020-21 not possible because of Covid. Annually the club has supported the Alzheimer’s Society at the AGM by donations and club table money contribution.
  • Other issues mentioned were: The Cansino Cup (presented by George Cansino on behalf of his brother Jonathan [England international player]) played for over a year by Tuesday players. Weekly Bridge Club Notes continued in the Durham Times/Advertiser. New Data Protection procedures were implemented. maintain bridge classes throughout due to Jill/Roger Hancock, Ann Squires and Charlie Bucknell; Slow play guidance was both necessary and implemented; during 2020-2022 the Covid pandemic had an impact on the club finances. With the assistance of a £10,000 grant finances were secured and online events were played via the BBO platform (Tuesday afternoon pairs competition and BBO Leagues of two/more divisions); an EGM was held to amend the constitution - primarily to free restrictions about the duration of the Chair’s term of office and simplify enrolment of new members.
Last updated : 29th Aug 2022 12:18 BST