Dunoon and Kilmun Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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Dunoon and Kilmun Bridge Club

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Please try to be in time to allow play to start at 7.00 pm


The assistance given, at both venues, with setting up and clearing away is greatly appreciated, so please continue giving it.

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Welcome to Dunoon and Kilmun Bridge Club


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                       NEW WINTER SEASON DUN00N   

                         UPPER COWAL BOWLS CLUB                

                         EVERY MONDAY AFTERNOON


                          1.30 pm  FOR  2pm START


                              All Members Welcome



                          SUNDAY 22 SEPTEMBER

                                Inveraray Inn 

                                         Lunch at 12.30

                       Bridge Competition will Follow Lunch



                              ALL MEMBERS  WELCOME





Trophy Winners

Tocher Trophy  Ian McDowell & Olivia Patton

Tom Marshall:  Doug Scholes & Anne Carmichael

Wyatt Cup: John Kelsall Liz Thompson  Don Devine Alistair Murray

Norris Cup:  Sheila Teasdale & Maureen Donald

Rae Cup:  Shona Friedberg & Bruce Marshall

Stewart Cup: Archie Hodson & Doug Scholes

McIver Salver : Doug Scholes & Anne Carmichael

Judith Sugden: Keith Mackenzie & Don Devine

Jean Marshall Cup    Shone Friedberg & Bruce Marshall

Kilmun Cup  Shona Friedberg & Bruce Marshall

Paterson Cup  Jack & Elizabeth Aitkinhead  Shona Friedburg Bruce Marshall

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Bridge is a game of enjoyment

Winning or Losing

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Thursday Pairs
Director: BM
Scorer: Don Devine
Wyatt Cup Teams of Four
Thursday Pairs
Director: BM
Scorer: Don Devine
Thursday Pairs
Director: BM
Scorer: Don Devine