Enjoy your Bridge, It is only a game.
Release 2.19q
Up-Coming Events and Competitions

♣     Summer Bridge ♠  

Every Wednesday Starting.


7.15 pm.

Table Money €5.

All Welcome.

Behaviour at the Bridge Table
Bridge is an extremely enjoyable game.  To promote the enjoyment of the game, Club members are expected to:
  • Arrive punctually for all sessions of play.
  • If you know you cannot arrive on time, ring the club to let the director know.
  • Be courteous and friendly to your partner and opponents.
  • Greet others in a friendly manner prior to the start of play on each round.
  • Give credit when opponents make a good bid or play.
  • Do not be rude to your partner.
  • Do not gloat over good results.
  • Play at a reasonable pace and leave post-mortems till after the session.
  • Abide by the laws of duplicate bridge.
  • Comply with any instructions issued by the director.
  • If playing in a club event, make your convention card readily available to your opponents and fill it out completely.
  • If asked about the meaning of a bid or signal, provide a simple and complete explanation.
  • Do not object to a call for the tournament director, or dispute or argue about a director’s ruling.
  • Turn off your mobile phone.
  • Assist in tidying up at the end of play.

If a player at the table behaves in an unacceptable manner, call the director immediately.

You can also speak to the club’s recorder about behavioural issues that are best handled privately.

Annoying behaviour, embarrassing remarks and any other conduct which could interfere with the enjoyment of the game are specifically prohibited under the laws of duplicate bridge.

The director can assess disciplinary penalties.

Officers For Season 2024- 2025
  • President:  Bridie Dooley
  • Vice President:  Nuala Connolly
  • Secretary: Eoin Manning.
  • Treasurer:  Tom McElarney.
  • Assistant Treasurer:  Mary Rowley
  • Committee:   E.  McEntegart, , M. Dillon,C.King.
  • S.Crimes,A Fleming, R. Mulligan, M.Del Duca,B.Mc Guinness.
  • Tournament Directors: D. Martin, T. McElarney, E. Manning.
  • Tournament & Play Committee: K.Mc Eneaney, K. Manning, M. Hogg.

  • Auditor:  Margaret Dillon.
Summer Bridge (open)
Summer Bridge (open)
Summer Bridge (open)
31st Jul 2024
Summer Bridge (open)
7th Aug 2024
Summer Bridge (open)
14th Aug 2024
Summer Bridge (open)
AGM 2024
AGM 2024
Bridie Dooley, Incoming President,
presenting a bouquet of flowers to
Outgoing President, Colette King.
Noel Grimes Memorial Trophy 2024
Noel Grimes Memorial Trophy 2024
Winners Pat Duff & Brian Carroll
Presenting the Trophy, Sheila Grimes
with Club President Colette King
Colette King, President of Dundalk Bridge Club,
making a presentation of a cheque for €1340 
to Yvonne Carr - Dundalk Simon Community.
Cuchullain Cup Winners 2024
Cuchullain Cup Winners 2024
Congratulations to Sean & Frances Newcomen
on winning the Cuchullain Cup.
Presenting the Cup is Club President Colette King
Winners of Dundalk Salver 2023
Winners of Dundalk Salver 2023
Congratulations to:
Margaret Winters & Maureen Walsh.
Presentation by Bridie Dooley,
Dundalk Club Vice President.
Lillian Logan Memorial Trophy 2023
Lillian Logan Memorial Trophy 2023
Congratulations to the winners:
Kay Goldsworthy, President  NE Region of the CBAI, & Tim Carroll.
Presentation by  Colette King, Dundalk Club President.