Dublin South Region

For latest news, bulletins and recent updates, please see the News page.


To communicate with Dublin South Region Bridge, Contact:

Teresa Gavin, DSR Honorary Secretary

Text: +353872576572

email: dsrsecretary@gmail.com

Fanagan League 2023/24

Results updated on 13th May 2024 

Click here Fanagan League 2023-24

Enquiries: dsrleagueorganiser@gmail.com

♠   ♣  Newsflash ♣   ♠ 

Dublin South's first bridge competitions for 24/25 season are the Carroll Cup and Paul O'Reilly Trophy On Friday 1st Nov in Regent Bridge Club at 7.30pm. 

Carroll Cup is a masters team event, one session open to members of clubs in Dublin City.

Click here to enter  Carroll Cup Entry Form

Paul O'Reilly Trophy is an Intermediate teams event, 1 session and open to all members of Dublin South Clubs.

Click here to enter Paul OReilly Trophy Entry Form

Release 2.19r
Objectives & Constitution

The Constitution of the Dublin South Region of the CBAI may be found here DSR Constitution.htm.  This version is updated to include the amendment passed at the 2015 AGM.

  Tournament Play & Procedures Committee

The Dublin South Tournament Play & Procedures Committee (TP&PC) for the 2024-25 season comprises BJ O'Brien (Chairman), and Mary Lindopp. 

The TP&PC adjudicates on all appeals and complaints escalated to it.  The procedures for making an appeal or complaint are set out here CBAI Complaints Procedure.doc.  Anyone wishing to refer any matter to the TP&PC should do so via the Honorary Secretary, Máiréad Ní Oistín.

  Objectives of Dublin South Region

Bridge in the Republic of Ireland is administered by the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland (CBAI).  The CBAI is divided into thirteen separate geographic regions, responsible for the promotion and administration of bridge within their respective areas, of which Dublin South is one.  Each region has its own Committee of unpaid volunteers who undertake this task.

The primary objectives of the Dublin South region are:

To promote bridge within the region;

To support the clubs of the region and to ensure that they have access to adequate human resources (teachers, Tournament Directors) for their needs;

To ensure that bridge in the region is administered in accordance with the regulations and policies (including grading policies) of the CBAI;

To organise and run tournaments within the region, including the required national qualification events;

To encourage all bridge clubs to affiliate to the CBAI. 

We welcome at all times comments or queries from members of Dublin South clubs, either in person, by telephone or email, or using the "Contact Us" section of this website.  In addition, if you would like us to publicise an open event or charity function being held in your club, please let us know the details.