Dorking Bridge Club
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Registered charity number 1165095

Welcome to Dorking Bridge Club
Tuesday Face to Face Bridge

Face to face f2f bridge is at 19:30 on Tuesday evenings.


We will play 20 or 21 boards to allow an early finish.

Arrive for 19:15 to allow a prompt start.

Visitors welcome.

Do you need a partner? If so, please let Steve




Mini Bridge

Perhaps starting with 'Pre-minibridge' card games

For those wishing to introduce card games to children there is a series of articles, written by Liz Dale for English Bridge magazine. These articles help introduce games which can help them to handle a pack of cards, learn how to recognise the different cards and their ranks, and gain confidence, and enjoyment, from playing cards games. These are ideal games to play before they move on to Minibridge.

Liz also has the following book available which can be used to introduce bridge to a young audience:

Then proceed to these steps.

EBU National Grading Scheme

 If you want to know more about NGS, please see



Hand Evaluation

A classic duplicate hand from last Thursday.

3NT or 5 of a minor? Game or part score? For duplicate 3NT is always an ideal contract.

5 out of 5 different contracts / scores

Interesting Hand from Last Thursday

Classic duplicate battle between both sides. ♠ s versus  s and how high to bid.

Hs or Ss 3, 4 or double?

Diffcult hand to bid from last Tuesday

A hand of rules and how to interpret them combined with difficult difficult decisions!

Bd1 21st November

Difficult Interesting Hand From Last Tuesday

Not just difficult bidding, but what to lead?

Board 2 before you have warmed up!!

Interesting Hand from Last Thursday

Can you or did you get to slam over a disruptive unusual NT bid and a raise to 5♣ ?

Some pairs did! Bd 1Thursday 24th August

Interesting Hand from Last Tuesday

An interesting slam.

Have you agreed with your partner how to respond to RKCB (1430) with a void?

Bd 10 - 22nd August

Interesting Hand from Last Tuesday

To bid 3♣ with only 6 cards?

Over a double by partner do you bid 3 or 4 of the major?

Different bids and results!

Bd18 - 15th August

Another interesting board from last Tuesday.

First bid 3 choices!

Opposition has 3 choices of what to bid.

Have you agreed with your partners what  after an opening 1 bid what does a jump bid mean - strong or weak HCPs with 6+ cards?

Board 4 11th July

UPDATE - Interesting Slam Hand!

Suggested risky alternative bidding! Can you get to a slam and if so could you bid 7 s?

Board 3 from 29th June

Another Interesting Hand!

Potential aggeresive bid, the use of invitational bids, Roman Keycard Blackwood with a void and interesting play with restricted choice.

Board 7 from Tuesday 15th June

Interesting Hand

Hand 8 from Thursday 8th June

Different bidding on all hands!!

Double of 1NT followed by exit transfers.

Hand 8 from Thursday 8th June

Dorking Standard Convention Card - ACOL EBU Weak 2s.

These are aligned with the standard EBU Bridge Training slightly modified by the most common conventions used at Dorking Bridge Club and is ideal for those playing with our spare partner.

Please provide any feedback you have to this convention card.

Dorking ACOL weak 2s.doc that can be edited.

Dorking ACOL weak 2s pdf.pdf. pdf 

Analyse Your Bridge Hands.

Reviewing your hands is a useful training aid and can be done on website.

This is part 1 that shows the actual hands and results.

Part 2 will show you how you can play the hands to make the maximum number of tricks and where you might have gone wrong!


For the booklet with useful training ideas.

So frustrating to learn how you could have bid or made the best contract!

18th February 2025
Dorking Christian Centre 19:30
25th February 2025
Dorking Christian Centre 19:30
4th March 2025
Dorking Christian Centre 19:30
11th March 2025
Dorking Christian Centre 19:30
18th March 2025
Dorking Christian Centre 19:30
25th March 2025
Dorking Christian Centre 19:30
1st April 2025
Dorking Christian Centre 19:30