Release 2.19r
Devizes Bridge Club operates under the EBU's Best Behaviour at Bridge.
Master Point Promotions

Well done to the following recent Masterpoint promotions

February 2024

Bryan Willis to 5* Premier Master
Jane Karfoot to District Master
Website Tips

You can use the website to 

find partner. For instructions,

Click here

Devizes Bridge School
Devizes Bridge School

Do you live in the Devizes area?

Would you like to learn how to play Bridge or have you played Bridge or similar card games before and would like to improve?

Fast-Track Bridge Courses are run several times a year in Devizes.

For more details please contact Lucy and Chaz Cross to discuss your requirements.

01249 821717

Play Etiquette
Laws of Duplicate Bridge and Play Etiquette and Best Behaviour at Bridge
Play Etiquette

Guidance on the Laws of Duplicate Bridge and Play Etiquette


No rulings may be made at the table by anyone other than the Director.  The Director is there to sort things out when something goes wrong and to make sure everything is fair for all players.
If you are not happy with the bidding, any aspect of the play of the cards at the table or the behaviour of your opponents, please call the Director immediately.  This includes, but is not limited to, Calls out of Turn, Leads out of Turn, Insufficient Bids, Misinformation, Failures to Alert or Announce, Revokes, Hesitation and Claims.  Do not try to make any corrections yourself as this will often lead to more problems.
It is important for everyone to note that calling the Director is not an accusation or criticism.  It is done to ensure fairness to all concerned and to every player in the room.
Please do not carry on discussing the last hand with your partner once your new opponents arrive at your table or when moving to another table.
North must check that the correct boards are on his table, that their orientation is correct, and the correct opponents are sitting east-west
When making a bid don't allow your hand to hover over the bidding box while you are making your decision; it is unsettling for other players and may inadvertently give your partner unauthorised information.
All conventional and artificial bids must be announced or alerted as appropriate.  The rules concerning alerting and announcing can be seen on our website under ‘EBU Information’.  Do not explain what your partner’s alert means unless asked.
Do not ask what a bid means until it is your turn to bid and then ONLY if the answer may affect your decision as to whether or not to make a bid.  If you have no intention to bid, then wait until the auction is over before asking any questions. 
The board in play must remain in the centre of the table, correctly oriented, until play is completed. 
The STOP card must be used when you make a jump bid.  It must be left on the table for 10 seconds.  Your left-hand opponent should not bid until the Stop card is picked up.
Do not put your bidding cards away until the initial lead has been made.
When you are making the opening lead, always do so before you write down the contract on your scorecard or make an entry in the BridgeMate.  Dummy should also put their cards down as soon as the opening lead is made.  Remember, three people are waiting!
The opening lead should be made face down on the table with the words 'Any questions partner?'
A player whose partner has given a mistaken explanation of a bid must not correct the error during the auction.  The player must call the Director and inform his opponents that, in his opinion, his partner’s explanation was incorrect but only at his first legal opportunity.  For a defender, this is at the end of the play of that hand and for declarer or dummy after the final pass of the auction and before the opening lead is made.
During play no player may ask to see the other players cards once he has turned his own card over.
Don’t pack up your cards until the number of tricks made has been agreed between the two sides.
Don't hold post-mortems.
Don't discuss the play and result of a board loudly so that another table might hear.
Keep any conversation at a low level.  Noise at the end of a round is always distracting for those at tables still in play.  Speak very quietly or whisper if necessary.
Do not admonish your partner at the table if you feel they have bid or played badly even if play has finished.  Keep your discussions for later in private.  If this happens at your table, politely remind your opponents that this is not acceptable.
Be sympathetic to partner's errors - yours may be next!
Never tell your opponents what they should have done.
Do not discuss hands until the round is complete and then only if time allows.
Your Committee trusts that these few notes of guidance will give you and those around you more enjoyment when playing Bridge and provide you with a better understanding of the Laws of Duplicate Bridge. 
Devizes Bridge Club,
July, 2017


Devizes Bridge Club
Devizes Bridge Club


Bridge is an extremely enjoyable game. Courteous behaviour is an exceptionally important part of that enjoyment.

This guide serves as a brief reminder of how to behave at the bridge table. We are sure that all

players naturally follow this code of conduct but there are times when concentration and pressure can take their toll and it is for these situations that we issue this as a reminder.

· Greet others in a friendly manner prior to start of play on each round.

· Be a good “host” or “guest” at the table.

· Make your convention card readily available to your opponents and fill it out completely.

· Make bridge enjoyable for yourself, partner and opponents.

· Give credit when opponents make a good bid or play.

· Take care of your personal grooming.

· Ensure that your mobile phone is turned off.

· Enjoy the company as well as the game.

Remember that it is rude to criticise your partner or opponents in public, to be less than polite at the table, to gloat over good results or object to a call for the tournament director or to dispute or argue about a director’s ruling.

As in all games that are governed by rules and regulations, bad behaviour will be penalized ….

If a player at the table behaves in an unacceptable manner, the director should be called immediately. Annoying behaviour, embarrassing remarks, or any other conduct which might interfere with the enjoyment of the game is specifically prohibited by Law 74A. Law 91A gives the director the authority to assess disciplinary penalties. This can include immediate disciplinary board penalties, and if a future violation is incurred at the same event, disqualification from future competition in that event. Any further violations may result in a disciplinary hearing where player(s) future participation in tournaments will be considered.

English Bridge Union

August 2006