This week we are part of EBU's Festival of Bridge |
Our regular Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday sessions this week (w/c 9 September) are part of EBU's Festival of Bridge (BRIDGE IT'S A BIG DEAL). The Festival is aiming to raise £60,000 for Cancer Research UK. For this week, our table money will be £1 ($1.50 on BBO) higher than usual, and the table money (net of BBO's share for Tuesday evenings) will be going to the charity (EBU are waiving their P2P share).
The Daniel Miller Cup |
The Daniel Miller Cup for students of our bridge classes and recent attendees and players in supervised sessions is being held on Monday 7 October. For further details and to enter click here.
Monthly prizes for August |
Hi everyone, monthly Prizes for August go to::
- Monday Jean Stelfox & Mike Abraham
- Wednesday Vony Gwillim & Mac McCarthy
- Friday Kate Beckett
Well done all of you.
Update on NGS10+ sessions |
The second NGS10+ session took place last night (29 August). There were 5 full tables and it was a good competitive and friendly game. Following on from that we will be holding 2 such events a month for the rest of the year. The dates are: Sept(Wed 4th and Thu 19th); Oct(Wed 2nd and Thu 24th); Nov(Wed 6th and Thu 28th); Dec(Wed 4th and Thu 19th). The dates are now in the BridgeWebs calendar so feel free to put them in your diaries. We are sending an email to members who are NGS10+, although as before anyone is welcome.
Bridge lessons at Deva Bridge Club starting soon! |
The Deva Bridge Club is pleased to announce that their teaching programme for 2024/25 will be starting this October.
STOP PRESS: This includes a new set of lessons on Tuesday evenings intended to attract people of working age.
All lessons take place at:
Deva Bridge Club,
WI Hall,
Village Road,
You do not need a partner so individual pupils are most welcome.
Lessons cost £5 per person (including refreshments) which is payable (cashless) on arrival. When planning your journey, please include sufficient time to park (if traveling by car), pay and take your seat before the lesson starts.
Beginners Lessons
NEW: Tuesday evenings First lesson on 1st October at 7 pm
Thursday afternoons First lesson on 3rd October at 1.15 pm
Improvers Lessons
Thursday mornings First lesson on 3rd October at 10 am
Advanced Bridge Workshops
Friday evenings Every Friday at 7 pm
For further information please email or call Simon Anderson on 07927 886704.
N.B. You can download copies of this advertisement to pass to friends or put on noticeboards in either A4 format (click here) or 2xA5 format (click here). Please disseminate them as widely as possible!
Glyn Ellis Trophy - ladies vs men teams competition |
The annual ladies vs men teams match was held on Sunday 4 August. There were 4 ladies' teams and 4 men's teams, and as last year the ladies had a handicap of +1 IMP per board per table allowing for the men's team having a higher average NGS. The men won this year thereby regaining the Trophy from the ladies who won last year. The highest men's team of 4 was Keith Shuttleworth, David Berry, David Armstrong & Stephen O'Brien and highest women's team was Janet Falcon, Norma Miles, Joan Lythgoe & Alida Droppert.
There was a plated tea at half time and prizes were presented at the end to the highest men's team and the highest ladies' team (see photos below - the Trophy can be seen in the men's photo) - the event was a charity event with proceeds going to the Hospice of the Good Shepherd.
EBU Summer Sim Pairs |
Deva's BBO session on Tuesday was an EBU simultaneous pairs event. With results from 23 of 23 heats submitted (as of Thursday 10pm) the highest ranked Deva pairs were - Liz Commins & David Stevenson (20th out of 359 pairs), visitors John Sansom & Jackie Davies (24th) and Ian Blackhurst & Peter Zemroch (47th). Congratulations to them. Here is a link to the overall results ( from where you can filter results for just Deva and view the commentary booklet and see various analysis.
Cup Success |
Four Deva members (David Stevenson, Liz Commins, Simon Edwards & Paddy Murphy) together with Barry Wennell & Wyn Williams won the prestigious WBU Perry Shield on Sunday 14th July. This is an inter-regional teams competition for which they were representing N Wales in the open category. Congratulations to all involved.
Misfits triumph in Deva Teams Knockout and League |
Double Congratulations go to Misfits (Frank McAleavy’s team) on winning both the Knockout and League Division1.
They overcame a 15 point handicap to emerge victorious in the final of the knockout against 2nd division Burghers led by John Gibb. Well done to both teams.
In the league Mighty Meerkats (Annie Mead’s team) finished in a creditable 2nd place having gained promotion from the second division last year.
Division 2 was headed by Burgers (John Gibbs’ team) with Phoenix Knights (Mark Davies’ team) second. Both will be promoted to division 1 next year.
A huge welcome goes to Newby (John Bowyer’s team). Well done on completing your first season and winning one match.
It was also good to see so many of the matches played face-to-face in the club.
Calls go out to any budding team players out there - there is space both for team replacements and for new teams. Why not use 4th August Glynn Ellis event as a taster.
Contact Mark Thompson (Teams Secretary) 07866112929 if you are interested.