De La Salle Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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27th Jul 2024 14:29 BST
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Welcome to De La Salle Bridge Club
Annual Sub

Please note your annual sub of €20 is due from September 1st, please submit your payment in an envelope with your name clearly printed on the front & give it to either Betty Owens or Davina Conalty.



We have reintroduced a joker service.

Anyone wishing to avail of this service needs to be in the club by 7PM & should notify the TD that they need a partner on arrival in to the club.


Welcome to De La Salle Bridge Club. The Club was founded in the early 1980s and has prospered and flourished through the years to become the thriving club it is today. We play every Friday evening at 7.15 PM sharp in a very spacious hall in De La Salle College, Upper Churchtown Road, Dublin 14. We generally have twenty to twenty-four tables in play organised into two sections. Most of our players are Intermediate A players but we do have some members who recently took up bridge. We also have at least four master players in the Club.

Our Club is affiliated to the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland (CBAI). Table money is €10 (effective 1 Sept 2024). Ample free parking with security is available.

We have a standby partner, anyone wishing to avail of this service should arrive before 7.00 PM.

Visitors are welcome except on the nights of major competitions. Enquiries should be directed to :



President: Rosa Dignam

Hon. Secretary: Deirdre Coates 

Hon. Treasurer (joint): Betty Owens & Davina Conalty


           Barbara Goff

           Ciara Gleeson

           Mary Baron

           Mary Buckley

           Paul Doyle

           Theresa Walker


GDPR Privacy Notice

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) require that we publish a GDPR Privacy Notice that sets out what data we collect from our members and how this is stored and used by the Club. Our GDPR Privacy Notice can be viewed by clicking on 'Information' and then on 'GDPR Privacy Notice'.
