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New Easybridge!

Starts October 3

Thursdays at 12:30

First three lessons FREE! 


New Club Master

Ron Henson



Our Club

A Short History of the DeLand Bridge Club

Groups formed in DeLand and DeBary in the late 1950’s, joining ACBL in ’58 and playing in a lot of venues, some quite imaginative: restaurants, a fire hall, the Elks Club, the Woman’s Club, the Putnam Hotel. In 1962, Pete Besom and Norman Mortimer began looking for property and found the Deerfoot Road site. Permission had to be given by neighbors to have a club in the area, and a small building on the site, a former BOQ hut from the local Navy base, was sold and moved.

The building was designed by Norman Mortimer and built by John Witt, funded by shares in a first mortgage paying the then Pass-Book rate of 5%. The minimum investment was $300, and no one was permitted to put in more than $3000, the theory being that no one should have too great a say in what was done. 32 individuals and families participated. Mike Accardi, Leonard Munson and Norman Mortimer guaranteed the investments for a few who were worried that the Club would not succeed.

Member “sweat equity” got the building ready for opening in October, 1964. Many of the appliances were donated. Members installed them, as well as the kitchen cabinets. Curtain poles with card symbol finials were placed at each window with yards and yards of simple drapes made by a member. There was no carpet, just a bare concrete floor. Members brought carpet samples to put under cold feet, and a yard and plant sale was held on opening day to start a carpet fund.

The 30 year mortgage was paid off in 12 years. The two clubs had consolidated by then, and the Club, a non-profit corporation, is still going strong.


The DeLand Bridge club Board meets on the second Monday at 10 am each month.  We encourage members to attend board meetings and if they have an item either to present in person or by letter to the President

2024 Board

DeLand Bridge Club 2024 Board 

Lyn Marshall, President

Lynn Martin, VP & Secretary

Monique Colwell,Treasurer


Wayne Matthews, House & Grounds

Cathy Moran, Supplies 

Jeff Adams, Sunshine

Lynn Carroll, Social & Parties




Welcome to the DeLand Bridge Club
165 Deerfoot Road, DeLand, Florida
(386) 734-7170
October Information

Check Calendar for Club Appreciation Games

Halloween Party with Lunch 10/31

4 is Enough Game Thursdays

Lesson 12:30. Game 1:00




Easybridge. Thursday 12:30

4 is Enough game Thursday 1pm Lesson 12:30 

99er game Friday 1 pm  Lesson 12:30

299 games Monday and Wednesday 1 pm  Lesson Monday 12:30

Open Games Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1 pm

Open Draw Team Saturday 1 pm

Chat Bridge Tuesdays 9:30-11:30

Lessons Thursdays 9:30-11:30

 ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ 

Our Board of Directors meets next on Monday, October 14 at 10 AM. Contact a Board member if you have suggestions or comments. 

♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ ♠ 

October Birthdays: 9=Gene Rizzo; 17-Cozy May; 19-Mary Ann Colvin; 24-Lynn Sorensen; 25-Lynn Martin; 26-Suzy O'Connor, Barbie Vance.    If any names are missing, please let Lynn Berg know.

Need a cheery card sent to one of our players?  Contact Jeff Adams:

70 % Games Congratulations




22     77%  Ann Magaha and Greg Moniz

20    72%   Lynn Carol and Cathy Moran

18    75%  George Flack and Burt Rosenberg

16    72%  Jackie Calkins and Sharon Webber

 2     70%  Ronnie Butler and Patsy Kanagy

August 26   72%  Greg Moniz and Burt Rosenberg

                   71%  George Cappuzzello and Peter Stephenson


August 7    75%  Ann Magaha and Greg Moniz

July 24      70% Gwen Carson and George Flack

July 10      72%  Elaine Cobb and Burt Rosenberg

July 8        74% George Flack and Greg Moniz

April 15     70%  Kevin Foster and Joe Godsey

April 12     72% Elaine Cobb and George Flack

March 25  72% Kevin Foster and Joe Godsey

March 13  72% Jackie Calkins and Joy Pavone

March 11  70%  Elliott Grosh and Tom Rusk

February 5 71% George Cappuzzello and Don Heacox


October 24 70% George Flack and Cozy May
October 16.    70%  George Cappuzzello and Don Heacox

September 20.  71%  George Cappuzzello and Chuck Molenda

September 11.  80%  Bill Shannon and Tricia Twitty

August 3.  71% George Flack and Burt Rosenberg
July 31.  70%  Peter & Tricia Stephenson, George Cappuzzello and Don Heacox

June 22. 75% Elaine Cobb and Tom Rusk

June 22   71% Lynn Berg and Gail Rust

May 26   72%  Elaine Cobb and George Flack

May 25   71% Marianne Baxter and Maxine Doughton

April 17  76% Jackie Calkins and Lynn Sorensen

April 3  73%  Sallie Butler and Lowell Croll

March 17 78%  Fred Atherton and Ann Magaha

March 7  72%       Peter and Tricia Stephenson




DeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes


Meeting called to order by Lynn Martin at 10:010. The Club Manager and Board Members were present with the exception of Lyn Marshall and Cathy Moran.

Club Manager:  Lynn Berg shared that there are currently 167 club members.  The current Monday, Wednesday, Friday games will continue.  An additional Thursday game will be added beginning 10/17.  Every Thursday will be a “4 is an Enough Pairs” game and the 5th Thursday of a month will be an “8 is Enough Teams” game.  These Thursday games will allow mentors and mentees opportunities to play.  “A” players must play with “ C” players. B players mayfly with B or C, C players with anyone.

C=0-750, B=750-2500, A=2500+

Easy Bridge Lessons will begin on Thursday, 10/3/24.

Treasurer:  Monique Colwell reported deficit spending during the months of May and June.  July and August were in the black and balanced the budget.  The checking account is beginning to be replenished: however, the rising costs are making the growth very slow.

Supplies:  Cathy Moran’s report was presented by Lynn Berg.  Throughout the summer $227 was spent on supplies which included paper products, cleaners, sodas, coffees, etc.  Cathy is requesting that members use the list on the refrigerator, if supplies are needed.

Facilities:  Wayne Matthews replaced the water filter.   Wayne worked on the clogged kitchen drain and realized it required a plumber.  The drain is now in good repair.

Sunshine:  Jeff Adams sent 17 cards during the summer months.  Jeff would like to get cards out in a timely manner.  He is requesting that we call him directly:  386-281-9222 or his text him:  Please continue to let Lynn Berg or Jeff know if anyone is need of some sunshine.

Social:    Lynn Carroll reported that the Sign Up Sheets for salads, desserts, and snacks for the DeLand Sectional on September 25 and 26 are now available.    There is also a need for servers and a clean up crew.  Please sign up. Money is always appreciated.  Additionally there will be an ice cream social on Friday, October 11.

Old Business:  No discussions or reports.

New Business:  Bridge pencils were formerly ordered 8 years ago.   A motion by Monique Colwell and seconded by Jeff Adams that 14 gross of pencils be ordered at the cost of $837.00.  It was unanimously approved.   

A motion was made  by Wayne Matthews to adjourn and seconded by Monique Colwell. Meeting was adjourned at 11:00.  The next meeting will October 14th at 10 a.m.  All are welcome!

Respectfully submitted,


Angelynn Martin


DeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 9:57 a.m. by Lyn Marshall, President.

Present: Lynn Berg,, Monique Cowell,  Cathy Moran, Lynn Carroll, Wayne Matthews, Lynn Martin and Lyn Marshall.

Club Manager Report:  Lynn Berg reported that only 3 people provided input on the club reorganization survey.  The DeLand Bridge Club belongs to the membership.  Your input was vital.  Lynn presented calendars for June, July, and August eliminating Tuesday and Thursday games and incorporating them into Monday, Wednesday and Fridays games.  The games will have 2 Sections each:  limited and open.  The purpose is to increase the playing field and to decrease spending during the summer months.  The schedule will be evaluated in September.  Lynn and the Board are hoping to have greater input on our trial summer schedule prior to September.


Treasurer Report:  Monique Colwell went over this past month’s budget which has increased by $1,000.

Supplies:  Cathy Moran stated that there was nothing new to report.  Cathy did report that a few members have donated sodas which is the highest item in demand. A heartfelt thank you to all donors.

Facilities:  Wayne Matthews reported that no news is good news.  He did mention that in the fall the parking lot repairs will need to be addressed again.

Sunshine:  Seven cards were sent this past month.  Please contact Jeff Adams or Lynn Berg if you are aware of any members that need some cheer.

Social:. Lynn Carroll says she will be organizing Special Treat Days throughout the summer.  Looking forward to June, there will be a lunch provided on June 21(Alzheimers Charity) and another lunch date during Championship Week scheduled on July 24. 

Old Business:   Our card playing fee was discussed.  Fees will remain the same until we are consistently generating revenue instead of deficit spending.  Larger clubs have more table fee revenue than our smaller club.

New Business:  After much discussion, a motion was made by Lynn Martin and seconded by Monique Colwell to accept the new schedule proposal.  There was unanimous agreement.  Another motion (proposed by Monique Colwell and seconded by Cathy Moral) to increase the director’s fees by $10 when directing a 2 session game.The motion was unanimously carried.  Lynn Berg’s pre-game lessons will be at 12:30 until 12:50 on Mondays and Fridays.  There needs to be a minimum of six people attending the lessons to have them continue. 

A motion to adjourn the meeting passed unanimously (made by Monique Colwell and seconded by Cathy Moran). The next meeting will be held September 9 and 10:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Angelynn Martin



DeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by Lyn Martin,Vice-President.

Present: Lynn Berg,, Monique Cowell,  Cathy Moran, Lynn Carroll, Wayne Matthews, Lynn Martin and Lyn Marshall.

Club Manager Report:  DeLand’s Sectional will be April 10 and 11. Upcoming games will offer extra black points, gold and red.  Please check April calendar for dates.  Concerns about the attendance at games was addressed.  A survey will be available during the month for members to give their input.  Further discussion will be addressed at the next board meeting.

Treasurer Report:  Monique Colwell went over the budget which is a deficit amount this past month.

Supplies:  Cathy Moran stated that there was nothing new to report. 

Facilities:  Wayne Matthews reported that there was nothing new to report.

Sunshine:  Several cards were sent this past month.  Please contact Jeff Adams or Lynn Berg if you are aware of any members that need some cheer.

Social:. Lynn Carroll hosted a St. Patrick’s Day party on March 17th.  Lynn Berg will be hosting a “50 Year of Directing Party” on April 30th.  Lunch will be provided.

Old Business:   No Old Business was discussed.

New Business:   No New Business was discussed.

A motion to adjourn the meeting passed unanimously (made by Lynn Martin and seconded by Wayne Matthews). The next to meeting is 5/13/24.

Respectfully submitted,

Angelynn Martin






 DeLand’sDeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by Lyn Marshall, President.

Present: Lynn Berg,  Lyn Marshall, Monique Cowell,  Cathy Moran, Lynn Carroll, Wayne Matthews and Lynn Martin. 

Club Manager Report:  Lynn Berg reported that 160 members have paid annual membership dues ($25) to date.  DeLand’s Sectional will be April 10 and 11.   The charity for this month will be the New Hope—No Kill Shelter in DeLand.

Treasurer Report:   No report was presented due to Monique’s absence.

Supplies:  Cathy Moran stated that there was nothing new to report. 

Facilities:  Wayne Matthews reported that there was nothing new report.

Sunshine:  Eight cards were sent this past month.  Please contact Jeff Adams or Lynn Berg if you are aware of any members that need some cheer.

Social:.  On March 12 there will be a Seniors’ Luncheon prior to our game.  On March 15th, there will be an early St. Patrick’s Day luncheon and game. Lynn Carroll will  be asking members to bring “green” finger foods and desserts for the party.

Old Business:   No Old Business was discussed.

New Business:   No New Business was discussed.

A motion to adjourn the meeting passed unanimously (made Cathy Moran and seconded by Wayne Matthews). The next to meeting is 4/8/24.

Respectfully submitted,

Angelynn Martin

 Sectional will be April 10 and 11. Upcoming games will offer extra black points, gold and red.  Please check April calendar for dates.  Concerns about the attendance at games was addressed.  A survey will be available during the month for members to give their input.  Further discussion will be addressed at the next board meeting.

Treasurer Report:  Monique Colwell went over the budget which is a deficit amount this past month.

Supplies:  Cathy Moran stated that there was nothing new to report. 

Facilities:  Wayne Matthews reported that there was nothing new to report.

Sunshine:  Several cards were sent this past month.  Please contact Jeff Adams or Lynn Berg if you are aware of any members that need some cheer.

Social:. Lynn Carroll hosted a St. Patrick’s Day party on March 17th.  Lynn Berg will be hosting a “50 Year of Directing Party” on April 30th.  Lunch will be provided.

Old Business:   No Old Business was discussed.

New Business:   No New Business was discussed.

A motion to adjourn the meeting passed unanimously (made by Lynn Martin and seconded by Wayne Matthews). The next to meeting is 5/13/24.

Respectfully submitted,

Angelynn Martin


DeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes



The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by Lyn Marshall, President.


Present: Lynn Berg,  Lyn Marshall, Monique Cowell,  Cathy Moran, Lynn Carroll, Wayne Matthews and Lynn Martin.


Club Manager Report:  Lynn Berg reported that 160 members have paid annual membership dues ($25) to date.  DeLand’s Sectional will be April 10 and 11.   The charity for this month will be the New Hope—No Kill Shelter in DeLand.


Treasurer Report:   No report was presented due to Monique’s absence.


Supplies:  Cathy Moran stated that there was nothing new to report.


Facilities: Wayne Matthews reported that there was nothing new report.


Sunshine:  Eight cards were sent this past month.  Please contact Jeff Adams or Lynn Berg if you are aware of any members that need some cheer.


Social:.  On March 12 there will be a Seniors’ Luncheon prior to our game.  On March 15th, there will be an early St. Patrick’s Day luncheon and game. Lynn Carroll will  be asking members to bring “green” finger foods and desserts for the party.


Old Business:   No Old Business was discussed.


New Business:   No New Business was discussed.


A motion to adjourn the meeting passed unanimously (made Cathy Moran and seconded by Wayne Matthews). The next to meeting is 4/8/24.


Respectfully submitted,


Angelynn Martin






DeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes



The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by Lyn Marshall, President.


Present: Lynn Berg,  Lyn Marshall, Monique Cowell,  Cathy Moran, Lynn Carroll, Wayne Matthews, Jeff Adams and Lynn Martin.


Club Manager Report:  Lynn Berg reported that 159 members have paid annual membership dues ($25) to date.  Four new members are from Easy Bridge. Education foundation week is from February 19—23 of this month.  There will be a Seniors’ Day game on March 11.  The charity for the next month is for the New Hope—No Kill Shelter in DeLand.


Treasurer Report:  Monique Colwell presented the budget and shared that the budget in the black.   


Supplies:  Cathy Moran stated that there was nothing new to report.


Facilities: Wayne Matthews reported that there was nothing new report.


Sunshine: Jeff Adams reported that he sent 14 cards to our members.


Social:  In just two days, Lynn Carroll will be organizing the Valentine’s lunch for the Pro/Am game on February 14th.  On March 12 there be a Seniors’ Luncheon prior to our game.  On March 15th there will be an early St. Patrick’s Day luncheon and game. Lynn will  asking members to bring “green” finger foods and desserts for the party.


Old Business:  After 5 years without a raise, a motion was made to raise Lynn Berg’s salary.  A motion was made by Monique Colwell and seconded by Wayne Matthews to raise Lynn’s present salary by 25%. The motion was passed unanimously.


New Business:  There was a discussion pertaining to the Bridgemates which 15 years old and the cost to replace  one is $169.00.


A motion to adjourn the meeting passed unanimously (made Lynn Martin and seconded by Cathy Moran). The next to meeting is 3/11/24.


Respectfully submitted,


Angelynn Martin






DeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes



The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by Lyn Marshall, President.


Present: Lynn Berg,  Lyn Marshall, Monique Cowell,  Cathy Moran, Lynn Carroll, Wayne Matthews, Jeff Adams and Lynn Martin.


Club Manager Report:  Lynn Berg reported that 107 members have paid annual membership dues ($25) to date.  The updated phone directory will be available on-line to all members who have their dues paid.


Treasurer Report:  Monique Colwell presented the budget and shared that we are starting our new year in the black.   


Supplies:  Cathy Moran stated that there was nothing new to report.


Facilities: Wayne Matthews reported that the club is in compliance with the Fire Department.


Sunshine: Jeff Adams reported that he sent 7 cards to our members.


Social:  Lynn Carroll organized the Head Start Charity which raised over $500 and a large box of gifts.  The Holiday Bake Sale raised over $300.  Saturday, January 13th Draw Swiss game will include a “bring a dish” luncheon. On Valentine’s Day, there will be a Pro/Am game with lunch provided prior to the game.


Old Business:  No report presented.


New Business: Four charities were designated for the new year:  March— Humane Society, June—Alzheimers’ Association, September—Women’s Center,  November—Head Start.


A motion to adjourn the meeting passed unanimously (made Lynn Martin and seconded by Wayne Matthews). The next to meeting is 2/12/24.


Respectfully submitted,


Angelynn Martin






DeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by Lyn Marshall, President.

Present: Lynn Berg,  Lyn Marshall, Monique Cowell, Elaine Cobb, Cathy Moran, Lynn Carroll, Wayne Matthews, Jeff Adams and Lynn Martin.

Club Manager Report:  Lynn Berg shared that there are approximately 130 active members. Annual membership dues ($25) are being collected during the month of December.  Our membership is smaller than prior years which is adding to the budget deficit. In 2024, Lynn is already planning the 499 Sectional—the dates are April 10—11 and Sept. 25–26.

Treasurer Report:  Monique Colwell  presented a comprehensive budget report stressing that the budget cannot continue to run in the red.   Monique made a motion to raise our playing fee to $10, seconded by Cathy Moran and unanimously approved by the Board. The card playing fees will include the cost of special games.   Our sincere thanks to all the members who supported raising the card fees to make our club solvent.

Supplies:  Cathy Moran continues to keep our Club well stocked with soft drinks, paper supples, coffee, cleaning products, plastic bags, and toilet paper. The coffee money collections are approximately equivalent to the expense of the supples to furnish the snack bar.    

Facilities: Wayne Matthews reported that there were no pressing facility concerns this month.

Sunshine:  Elaine Cobb sent 6 cards this past month.  Please let Jeff Adams or Lynn Berg know of anyone who might enjoy receiving well wishes.

Social:  Lynn Carroll organized the Head Start Charity which raised over $500 and a big box of gifts.  Lynn Carroll and Lynn Berg continue to plan an event each month including food for the membership.

Old Business:  The year 2023 was reviewed in preparation for the Annual Meeting.  Bonuses were discussed and readied for our fine team of directors.

New Business:   A motion was made by Lynn Martin, seconded by Lynn Carroll and unanimously approved to rehire Lynn Berg as the club manager.  A special thank you to Elaine Cobb who has been a great asset to the Board and has completed her term.  Jeff Adams is replacing Elaine as our newest Board Member.  Lynn Martin is continuing her position as secretary.  Kudos to all the Directors, Board Members and Members who continue to make our club—“the best bridge club”.

Respectfully submitted,


Angelynn Martin






DeLand Bridge Club

Annual Board Meeting Minutes



The meeting was called to order at 12:45 p.m. by Lyn Marshall, President.


Board Members Present: Lynn Berg,  Lyn Marshall, Monique Cowell,, Cathy Moran, Lynn Carroll, Wayne Matthews, Jeff Adams and Lynn Martin. Additionally, there were 32 members present.


Treasurer Report:  Monique Colwell  presented an overview of the financial reports from November 2022 to November 2023.  Monique stressed that both the savings and checking accounts were significantly lower than November 2022.  Monique indicated that all cost have increased significantly. Monique highlighted the largest increases in costs were utilities and ACBL fees that increased 60%.


Club Manager Report:  Lynn Berg shared that there are approximately 130 active members, which is a significant decrease from past years.  Lynn stated that the Board raised the playing fees from $7 to $10 per game to off-set our budget deficit.  Lynn presented a brief year in review:  the club’s charitable donations (Head Start, Alzheimer’s Association, Neighborhood Center, Humane Society, Junior Bridge, and others).  Lynn mentioned that our directors were among the best and thanked both the Directors and the Board for their efforts on behalf of the club.  Lynn thanked Elaine Cobb for serving on the Board and welcomed our newest Board Member, Jeff Adams. Lynn thanked the membership for their continued support.


The meeting was adjourned at 1p.m.



Respectfully submitted,


Angelynn Martin






DeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by Lyn Marshall, President.

Present: Lynn Berg,  Lyn Marshall, Monique Cowell, Elaine Cobb, Cathy Moran, Lynn Carroll and Lynn Martin.

Absent: Wayne Matthews

Club Manager Report:  Lynn Berg shared that there are currently 170 members, however not all are active members in the Club.  December begins our collection of annual membership dues.  Lynn stressed the importance of attending our Annual Membership meeting held on Tuesday, December 12th.  Financial concerns will be presented to the membership and membership input is needed.   

Treasurer Report:  Monique Colwell  presented a comprehensive budget report. The member’s game play was up significantly and with the addition of member’s donations of $1300, the Club was in the black by $780.   The savings and checking accounts are $7000 less than they were this time last year.  Our goal is to keep operating in the black and to increase our savings account.  Our sincere thanks to all the members who are making a concerted effort to keep our club viable.

Supplies:  Cathy Moran continues to keep our Club well stocked with soft drinks, paper supples, coffee, cleaning products, plastic bags, and toilet paper.  There was a motion made by Lynn Carroll and seconded by Cathy Moran to raise the price of both coffee and soft drinks to $1.  The motion was unanimously approved.   

Facilities: Semi-annual maintenance was done on the air conditioners and the coils need further maintenance

Sunshine:  Elaine Cobb sent 2 cards this past month.  Please let Elaine or Lynn Berg know of anyone who might enjoy receiving well wishes.

Social:  Lynn Carroll brought a box for donations for our Head Start Charity donations with a list of teacher requests.  Lynn presented  the idea for a future fund raiser for our club.  Lynn suggested having a bake sale during our annual meeting on December 12th.  More information will be forthcoming.  The Annual Holiday Party will be held on Wednesday, December 13th.  Members are asked to bring hors d’oeuvres and desserts before our the game with will include both limited and open players.

Old Business:   Joy Pavone won Sharon Lessard’s beautiful painting of tulips.  The raffle raised $233 for the Club.  Thank you Sharon and congratulations Joy.

Two positions are available on the Board.  Members will be asked for nominations for the board during the week of November 13—November 18. If you suggest a member for nomination, please have the member’s approval.

The Mentor Program was begun and is incorporated in the 4 is Enough Pairs on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month.  A huge thank you goes out to all the Mentors!


New Business:  The Board Members are constantly attempting to find ways to raise money for the club.  We welcome all suggestions.



Respectfully submitted,


Angelynn Martin


DeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes



The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by Lyn Marshall, President.


Present: Lynn Berg,  Lyn Marshall, Monique Cowell, Cathy Moran, Lynn Carroll and Lynn Martin


Absent: Lynn Carroll and Elaine Cobb


Club Manager Report:  Lynn Berg reviewed the highlights of the calendar which include Club Appreciation Month (extra points for no extra charge), team games award a dusting of gold points, and ACBL’s 8 is Enough games award 1.5 as many points.


Treasurer Report:  Monique Colwell  presented the budget report.  During the summer months the club’s attendance was down, therefore the budget is once again in arrears.


Supplies:  Cathy Moran continues to stock our shelves.  Cathy would like the membership to jot down any items that are lacking on the notepad on the refrigerator.


Facilities:  Wayne Matthews is changing the air conditioning filters on the off months that are not serviced by the electrician.  Wayne is aware of the slow water supply from the refrigerator.  He is postponing the filter replacement to move the expenditure to the month of October.


Sunshine:  Although Elaine Cobb is absent, she sent several cards this past month.  Please let Elaine or Lynn Berg know of anyone who might enjoy receiving well wishes.


Social:  Lynn Carroll continues to manage our Social activities.  There will be bring a dish to pass luncheon for the ProAm game on September 13.  There will be a Halloween Lunch on October 31.


Old Business:   The Sectional that was held in August grossed $1987.




New Business:  There will be three Board members that have completed their terms.  A new slate must be addressed in the October meeting.  Our next board meeting will be October 9 at 10 a.m..  All are welcome.



Respectfully submitted,


Angelynn Martin

DeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes



The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by Lyn Marshall, President.


Present: Lynn Berg,  Lyn Marshall, Monique Cowell, Elaine Cobb, Cathy Moran, Lynn Carroll and Lynn Martin


Absent:  Wayne Matthews


Club Manager Report:  Lynn Berg presented calendars for July, August and September  Please note that in the upper left are reminders for ease of use, i.e.: Ice Cream Social, Covered Dish Lunch, Strats for NAP, etc.


Treasurer Report:  Monique Colwell  presented a comprehensive budget report.  In the month of May, the Club remained in the black, however, our savings and checking account remain below our Pre-Covid amount.  A bowl is on the table near entrance to encourage members to donate a few dollars when they can.  We are trying to anticipate upcoming expenditures enumerated near the bowl.  Just a reminder all our utilities are increasing.


Supplies:  Cathy Moran continues to keep our Club well stocked with drinks, paper supples, coffee/tea.  Cathy would like to encourage members to donate items when they are buy one-get one free, such as:  coffee, cokes, ice cream bars or cones, etc.


Facilities:  The audio system is being upgraded and the annual plumbing and termite inspection have been completed. 


Sunshine:  Elaine Cobb sent 5 cards this past month.  Please let Elaine or Lynn Berg know of anyone who might enjoy receiving well wishes.


Social:  Lynn Carroll will be seeking help for upcoming events:  Alzheimer Fundraising Day in June, Ice Cream Social in July and the Club Sectional in August.   


Old Business:  The Alzheimer Fundraising Day was discussed.  There will be 3 games on June 22.  Extra points will be given in all the games and silver points will be awarded for the 1 p.m. game.  Please  start making plans to attend. 


New Business:  There will not be Board Meetings during the months of July and August.  Our next board meeting will be September 11 at 10 a.m..  All are welcome. 



Respectfully submitted,


Angelynn Martin

Deland Bridge Club

Board of Directors



The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. by Lyn Marshall.


Present: Rosemary Plane, Wayne Matthews, Lynn Marshall, Monique Colwell, Elaine Cobb (replacing Rosemary Plane,) and Cathy Moran

Absent: Lynn Martin, Lynn Carroll


Club Manager Report: Membership is now up to 147.

Our next major event at the Club will be our participation in “The Longest Day” fund raiser for Alzheimer’s research. This will be held on Thursday, June 22nd with games at 9:30 a.m., 1p.m. and 5 pm.  The 1 p.m. game  will afford players the opportunity to earn silver points. Lunch will be provided at noon for those who wish to participate and cocktails and hors d’oeuvres between the ending of the 1 p.m. game and prior to the beginning of the 5 p.m. game.


Treasurer Report: A concern was expressed that we are not receiving timely invoices from our Cleaning Service.  Another outstanding bill is the cost of a new sound system including installation (approximately $300). The electrician cannot complete this until a part arrives. The good news is that the club doubled its income over the previous month from $4,000 to $8,000, largely due to the Sectional.  Snack money raised approximately $100. Our savings account is at $25,907.00, but the cost of flooring ($9000), sound system, and monthly cleaning has not yet been deducted.


Sunshine: Rosemary Plane handed over her Sunshine folder to Elaine Cobb, reporting only 2-3 cards for April 2023 and a total of 35 for all of 2022.


Social: no report, as Lynn Carroll could not attend.  Kudos were expressed to her awesome job with the Cinco de Mayo party.


Facilities: Wayne Matthews applied a few chair pads on the chair feet to demonstrate ease/quietness of movement.  Effectiveness will be determined  by use.


New business: A motion was made to discontinue Board Meetings in July and August by Cathy Moran and seconded by Monique Colwell. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.  Our next meeting will be June 12, 2023 at 10 a.m.



Respectfully Submitted by:


Cathy Moran (in Lynn Martin’s absence)


DeLand Bridge Club

Board of Directors


The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by Lyn Marshall.  All the Board members were present with the exception of Rosemary Plane.

Club Manager Report:   Lynn Berg reported that our membership is up to 145 members.  During the week of April 17th, there will be charity games all week for West Volusia Hospice.  Additionally, Rosemary Plane will be moving to Asheville, N. Carolina and sharing her time between Asheville and DeLand.   She will be vacating her position on the board.  A new member will be needed.  Recommendations should be made to Lynn Berg or Lyn Marshall.

Treasurer Report:  No treasurer’s report.  Monique Cowell was unable to touch base with the club’s accountant due to a busy “tax” month.

Facility Report:  Wayne Matthews reported the refrigerator is fixed.  Wayne reported that financial planning needs to be in place for future renovations.

Social Report:  Lynn Carroll reported that after the 0—499 sectional, the next club party will be May 5, Cinco de Mayo.

Other committee reports: All positive with no new business.

Old Business:  The flooring has been replaced.  The chairs are now much easier to move and the footing is much safer without carpet pile.

 New Business:  A discussion took place about raising member awareness of our long term renovation needs.  A yard/garage sale was discussed as a means of raising money. Plans for a fall sale are in the development phase.  Please start setting aside items that you can donate.  A fund will be established for the parking lot and roof.The 70% game plaques were discussed.  The board decided to eliminate the extra expense.  A motion was made by Cathy Moran and seconded by Monique Colwell to eliminate the plaques.  It was unanimously approved.  If any member wants their individual plaques, please contact Wayne Matthews.

A motion was made to adjourn by Lyn Marshall  and seconded by Wayne Matthews.  The motion was unanimously approved. Our next meeting will be 5/8/23 at 10 a.m.  All are welcome!

Respectfully submitted,

Angelynn Martin


DeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes




Lyn Marshall called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.  Lyn Marshall, Cathy Moran, Monique Cowell, Lynn Carroll, Wayne Matthews, Rosemary Plane, Lynn Martin and Club Manager, Lynn Berg were present.


Club Manager:  Lynn Berg reported that our membership is 145.  April is Charity month at the club.  The charities and dates will be  presented on the Club calendar and in written notifications.  The 0—499 Sectional will be held at the club on April 12 and 13.  Help will be needed for breakfast, lunch and snacks, please sign up if you can.


Treasurer Report:  Monique Cowell reported that the net income was down this month due to semi-annual maintenance bills.  The deficit was off set by our contributions from our members during “Charity Begins at Home”.  The budget was in the black for the 2nd consecutive month.


Social Report:  Lynn Carroll discussed labeling the cupboards to assist members finding items.  The cupboards will be labeled on the inside of the door.


Other committer reports all positive with no new business.


Old Business:  Lynn Berg and Lyn Marshall are gathering estimates to replace the carpet with vinyl plank flooring and/or industrial carpeting.  Rosemary Plane  presented a motion to change the flooring in the club and not to exceed $11,000.  The motion was seconded by Cathy Moran and unanimously approved.

The  parking lot will cost approximately $5,000 for a quick fix and approximately $20,000 for a complete renovation.


New Business:  No new business


Lyn Marshall moved for adjournment at 10:45, seconded by Cathy Moran.   Carried unanimously.





DeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes




Lyn Marshall called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.  Lyn Marshall, Cathy Moran, Monique Cowell, Lynn Carroll, Lynn Martin and Club Manager, Lynn Berg were present.


Club Manager reports in February there will be Charity Begins at Home games and Education Foundation Benefit Games which will reward extra points.  Easy Bridge will begin again March 2 and the National Seniors’ Game will be on March 6.


Treasurer Report:  Monique Cowell reported the budget was in the black for the first time in the past year.


Social Report:  Lynn Carroll is preparing for upcoming events:  Valentine’s and St. Patrick’s Day.


Other committer reports all positive with no new business.


Old Business:  Lyn Marshall  recommends this year’s focus be on maintaining a balanced budget.  Lyn is hoping the in-house 0—499 sectional on April 12 and 13 will augment our budget and have our full club’s support.


New Business:  No new business


Lyn Marshall moved for adjournment at 10:45, seconded by Cathy Moran.   Carried unanimously.





DeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes


Lyn Marshall called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.  Lyn Marshall, Wayne Matthews, Cathy Moran, Rosemary Plane and Club Manager, Lynn Berg were present.

Club Manager reports 87 people have paid dues so far.  February calendar presented with a Pro-Am scheduled for Wednesday, February 9.  Five Education Foundation Benefit Games scheduled, as well as a Valentine’s Party on Tuesday, the “14”.

Financial Reports will be emailed to Board members this week.

Sunshine reports 35 cards sent in 2022.

Other committer reports all positive with no new business.

Old Business:  None

New Business:  Moved by Wayne Matthews and seconded by Rosemary Plane that “Lynn Berg be reappointed as Club Manger and Head Director”.  Carried unanimously.

Cathy Moran moved for adjournment at 10:45, seconded by Rosemary Plane.  Carried unanimously.

Submitted by Lynn Berg in lieu of Secretary


DeLand Bridge Club

Annual Meeting Board Minutes


Annual Meeting of the Board was called to order by President, Lyn Marshal at 12:40 p.m.  Board Members present were:  Lynn Carroll, Lyn Marshall, Lynn Martin, Cathy Moran, Rosemary Plane and Lynn Berg, Club Manager.


Club President, Lyn Marshall presented an overview of the highlights of the year.  Additionally, Lyn reviewed the need to raise the “play” fees to assist reducing our deficit spending.

Lyn Marshall presented our new and/or continuing board members:  Lynn Carroll as Social chair person and Lyn Marshall continuing her leadership as President.  Lyn thanked Lynn Sorensen for her energy and work organizing and creating monthly parties for the club.

Lyn Marshall thanked all the Directors and Club Manager for their efforts and time for the continued success of the club.

Lastly Lyn reminded the membership that DeLand Bridge Club is their club and to please be an active member.  If there are suggestions or concerns, please share them with one of the Board Members or Club Manager.

Meeting called adjourn at 12:55 p.m. by Lynn Martin, seconded by Wayne Matthews.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be January 9, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.  All are invited to attend.

Submitted by,

Angelynn Martin

DeLand Bridge Club Board of Directors

Meeting December 12, 2022  Called to order at 10:00 AM

Present:  Lynn Marshall, Wayne Matthews, Cathy Moran, Rosemary Plane, Lynn Sorensen,

Manager Lynn Berg

Reports:  Facilities  Wayne Matthews  

                Working on organizing records

                Sunshine  Rosemary Plane

                Cards sent out to four

                Social  Lynn Sorensen

                Preparing for Holiday Parties

                Supplies  Cathy Moran

                No problems

Motion by Wayne Matthews, Seconded by Rosemary Plane:  That “2023 card fees be raised to $7 per person each session but dues remain at $25.”  Carried Unanimously.

Motion by Lynn Sorensen , Seconded by Rosemary Plane:  That “Birthday games with free plays and special refreshments cease with the new year.”  Carried Unanimously.

Motion to adjourn by Lynn Sorensen, Seconded by Rosemary Plane.  Meeting adjourned at 11:10 AM


DeLand Bridge Club

Minutes of Board Meeting



The meeting was called to order by President, Lyn Marshall at 10:00 a.m. Board members, Cathy Moran, Wayne Matthews, Rosemary Plane, Lynn Sorensen, Lynn Martin, Monique Cowell, Lynn Berg were present.


Club Manager Report:  Lynn Berg reported that there are 184 club members.  The Club’s Sectional will be Wednesday and Thursday, November 30 and December 1.  The current candidates for the

Board election are Lyn Marshall and Lynn Carroll.  If other members are interested in serving on the Board, nominations will be accepted until 11/25/2022.  Elections will be held on December 12, 2022.


Treasurer Report:  Monique Colwell reported that although our budget continues to function in the red, the sectionals and “Charity Begins at Home” continues to offset our losses.  Monthly budgets are posted on the bulletin board.


Facility Report:  Wayne Matthews reported that the facility door lock is fixed and the refrigerator filter has been changed.  Lyn Marshall and Wayne will work together on creating an up-to-date Facility Log.


Sunshine Report:  Rosemary Plane sent 2 cards in October.


Social Report:  The December birthday celebration will be on Thursday, December 8th.  The Holiday Party will be held on Wednesday, December 14th.  It will be a Draw Team Game and luncheon.  Members are asked to bring a dish of your choice to share.  Additionally, there will be a New Year’s Eve Party on Saturday, December 31. Hors d’oeuvres and beverages will bring in the New Year!


Old Business:  Nothing reported


New Business:  2023 Club membership dues ($40) will be collected beginning December 13th  at the Annual Meeting.


A Motion to adjourn was made by Lynn Martin, seconded by Lynn Sorensen and unanimously approved.  The next meeting will be on 12/12/2022 at 10 a.m. and the Annual Board Meeting will be on 12/13/22 at 11:45 a.m.  All are welcome.


Respectfully submitted,


Angelynn Martin, Secretary


DeLand Bridge Club

Minutes of Board Meeting



The meeting was called to order by President, Lyn Marshall at 10:10 a.m.  Board members, Rosemary Plane, Cathy Moran, Lynn Martin and Club Manager, Lynn Berg were present.


Treasurer Report:  Monique Colwell was not present and no report was presented.


Club Manager Report:  Lynn Berg shared that membership has grown to 181 members.  The Daytona Regional begins on November 6.  Lynn B. has the flyers for the Daytona Regional, if you are considering playing.  ABCL is offering extra points for no extra money during the week on November 14-19.


Supplies Report:  Cathy Moran has been handling our necessary supplies superbly.   Cathy welcomes all notes and/or suggestions on the refrigerator.


Sunshine Report:  Rosemary Plane sent out 4 more cards this past month.


Social Report:  The Halloween Party will be Saturday, October 29.  Costume wearers (more than just a Tee shirt and/or mask) will have their names put in a bowl for a chance to win prizes.  Stay tuned.  There will be no lunch prior to the game.  Just bring a snack or dessert to share, as usual.


Facilities Report:  Wayne Matthews was not present and no report was presented.


Old Business:   As a measure to offset inflation, a motion to increase the annual dues to $40 was made by Rosemary Plane and seconded by Cathy Moran.  It was passed unanimously.


New Business:  Lynn Berg and a nominating committee will be presenting candidates for the Board.

Lyn Marshall and Lynn Sorensen—term ends 2022.

Lynn Martin and Rosemary Plane—term ends 2023.

Wayne Matthews, Monique Colwell, and Cathy Moran—term ends 2024.

A motion was made by Lynn Martin and seconded by Cathy Moran to adjourn the meeting at 11 a.m.  It was unanimously approved.

The next board meeting will on November 14, 2022 at 10 a.m.  All are welcome.

Respectfully submitted,

Angelynn Martin


DeLand Bridge Club

Minutes of Board Meeting



The meeting was called to order by President, Lyn Marshall at 10:00 a.m.  Board members, Monique Cowell, Wayne Mathews, Rosemary Plane, Lynn Sorensen, Lynn Martin, and Club Manager, Lynn Berg were present.


Treasurer Report:  Monique Colwell was pleased to present that the club’s budget was in the “black”, due to the generosity of the members and an anonymous donor, who matched the club’s contributions.


Club Manager Report:  Lynn Berg shared that we have 180 members (120 active members).  A Pro-Am game will be on September 21.  DeLand Bridge Club is scheduled for three sectionals next year:  April 12-13, August 9-10, and Dec. 6-7.  Our Charity Game is scheduled for October 17-22.  The Club will be collecting items for the Neighborhood Center.  The Halloween Game will be on October 29. On October 11, Lynn B. will be providing lunch prior to the game celebrating 60 years as a ACBL member.  The morning Friday games are anticipated to return mid-November.


Facility Report:  Wayne Matthews reported having no concerns.


Sunshine Report:  Rosemary Plan reported several Sunshine Cards were sent.


Social Report:  Nothing to report.


Old Business:  The facility’s log was mentioned.  Up-coming sectionals November 30 and 31. More information to follow.


New Business:  Nothing to report


A motion was made by Lynn Martin to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Monique Colwell.  The next meeting will be on 10/10/2022 at 10 a.m.


Submitted  by,


Angelynn Martin



The meeting was called to order by President, Lyn Marshall at 10 a.m. Board members, Monique Colwell, Cathy Moran, Rosemary Plane, Lynn Sorensen, Wayne Mathews, Lynn Martin, and Club Manager, Lynn Berg were present.


Secretary’s Report was approved by email.


Treasurer Report:  Monique Cowell reviewed the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement and shared concerns that we are continuing to operate in the red.  The Club’s future Sectional in August will hopefully offset some of the loss.


Club Manager Report:  Lynn provided information that the Easy Bridge Class has been very successful with 20 people in attendance and a 90% retention rate.  The membership has grown to 170 members.  Benefit games are June 21 for Alzheimers and July 1-2 for Volusia County Counseling Co-op.


Facility Report:  Wayne Matthews reported that there were no concerns at this time.  Repaving the parking lot continues to be on hold until our budget deficit is in check.


Sunshine Report:  Rosemary Plane reported that cards where sent out to those members that she was made aware.


Social Report:  Lynn Sorensen and Lyn Marshall planned the “Longest Day Games” with heavy hors d’oeuvres provided by members.   Lynn S. will be presenting information on July 1 and 2 about the Volusia County Counseling Co-op.  The Fourth of July will be an Open Individual Game with a Hot Dog Lunch preceding the game at 12:30.  Please plan on attending.


Old Business:  Please remember that all members must have a current negative Covid test to play in the club.


New Business:  An August Sectional is planned for the 0-299’s on Wednesday,     August 3 and Thursday, August 4.  Please mark your calendars.

The Board will not be meeting until the September 12 at 10 a.m.  In the interim if any issues are needed to be resolved, the Board will be called to meet.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 (motion made by Lynn Martin, seconded by Wayne).


Respectfully Submitted,


Angelynn Martin


DeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order by President, Lyn Marshal at 10:02.  All Board members were present.

Treasurer Report:  Monique Colwell reported that our club continues to operate in the red approximately $700 each month.  Monique stated that our reserve budget is being used to meet expenses.

Club Manager Report:  Lynn Berg discussed that our membership has increased to 156 members.  Lynn added that there will be two Sectionals for the 299s in August and December which will help to offset our budget.  Lynn continues to put a great deal of effort cultivating new members to join our club.  With that in mind, Easy Bridge will begin May 19 at 9 a.m.

Facilities:  Wayne Matthews reported that our roof is hopefully in good shape for another 10 years.  The Parking Lot renovation remains on hold at this time.

Sunshine Committee:  Rosemary Plane sent out just a 1 card this month.  She has concerns that she may be missing people who are recuperating or having or had surgery.  Please share with Lynn Berg and/or Rosemary if you know someone who m might appreciate well wishes.

Social Report:  Lynn Sorensen stated that the Birthday Game will be on Thursday, June 2.  Club members whose birthdays fall in the designated month play for free.  It is a great way for the 299ers to try the Open Game.

On Tuesday, June 21 there will be “the longest party” games.  The club will host 2 games at 1 p.m. and at 5 p.m.  Members will be asked to bring an hors d’oeuvre and a beverage of their choice.  Lynn Berg will provide non-alcoholic punch. If you play in one or both games, you will have the opportunity for hors d’oeuvres and a beverage  between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m.  Just a reminder, it will still be light out at 7:30 p.m. when the game endsSupply Report:  Cathy Moran stated that many people ask what can be donated to the club.  Cathy will be posting a list of items that could help defray the cost of our supplies.

Old Business:  No old business to report.New Business:  The Board members discussed ways to balance our budget, including raising the membership fee next year.


Lyn Marshall made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:12 a.m.  It was seconded by Wayne Matthews and unanimously approved.  Our next meeting well be held on June 13, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.  All club members are welcome.

Respectfully submitted,

Angelynn Martin

DeLand Bridge Club


Board Meeting Minutes



Lyn Marshall, President, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.  Lyn, Lynn Berg, Cathy Moran, Lynn Sorensen, Rosemary Plane and Lynn Martin were present.  Monique Colwell and Wayne Matthews were absent.


Treasurer Report:  No report presented this month.  The budget is posted on the north wall for all to see.


Club Manager Report:  The Friday morning 99 Game has been extended to a 199 Game to encourage more players.  Beginning May 19th, Lynn Berg will begin an Easy Bridge Class from 9 a.m.—11 a.m.  The first three lesson will be free of charge.  The fourth lesson will be $6.00 and will include a game.  The Easy Bridge Book ($15) will be free for beginning participants.


Facility Report:  No report presented this month.  The dishwasher has been repaired. There is $129 service call charge pending.


Sunshine Report:  Rosemary sent out 6 cards to our members this month.


Social Report:  Lynn Sorensen and her committee are planning a Cinco De Mayo Party on Thursday, the 5th of May at 12:30 p.m.  There will be Mexican fare and Margaritas.   Additionally we will be celebrating May birthdays on the 5th.

Looking forward to June 21, there will be the “longest day party”.  The Club will host two games.  The Open game will begin at 1 p.m.   After the game, there will be hors d’oeuvres and wine prior to our second game.


Supply Report:  Cathy is keeping our supplies well stocked.  Please write any needed items on the list on the refrigerator.


Old Business:  Suggestions made to any of the Board Members or Lynn Berg will be addressed at the next Board Meeting after concerns are presented.

The parking lot project has an anonymous donor who is willing to match $2,000 toward our parking lot expenses.  After the final bid is received, more information will be forthcoming.


New Business:  This quarter, the Club’s Charity will be for the DeLand Counseling Co-Op.  Lynn Sorensen has volunteered to present and/or bring a speaker to share information about the DeLand Counseling Co-Op  and how it serves mental health needs in our community.   

June 21 (“longest day party”), there will be a voluntary collection to support the Alzheimers Association.


A motion was made by Lynn Martin to adjourn the meeting.  It was seconded by Lynn Sorensen and unanimously approved.


Our next meeting will be held on May 10, 2022 at 10 a.m.  The meetings are open to all members.



Respectfully submitted,




Angelynn Martin

DeLand Bridge Club

Board of Directors



The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. by Lyn Marshall.  All the Board members were present with the exception of Cathy Moran.


Club Manager Report:   Lynn Berg reported that our membership is up to 150 members.  Although our membership is increasing, the open games still have limited attendance.  The March Birthdays will be celebrated on March 3rd .  Additionally the club will be hosting a celebratory lunch on St. Patrick’s Day with corned beef, cabbage, soda bread, potatoes and desserts.


Treasurer Report:  Monique Colwell explained that both our income and expenditures increased this past month.  The costs of utilities, paper products, office and bridge supplies are rising, which created a deficit expenditure of $1252.88.


Facility Report:  Wayne Matthews reported that the refrigerator has been repaired.  The projected expense will be approximately $350.00.  Wayne is also planning on communicating with Jacobs Heating and Air regarding the ongoing air conditioning contract.


Sunshine Report:  Rosemary Plane stated that she sent several cards to our members this past month.


Supply Report:  Cathy Moran was not present and supplies were not addressed.


Social Report:  Lynn Sorensen has remained busy during this past month organizing delicious food and festive decorations for the members.  Lynn appreciates people signing up and bringing treats for our bridge breaks.  By contributing so generously, all people are invested in the club.


Old Business:  The bank signatures are up to date with Lynn Berg and Lyn Marshall  as signees on the club’s accounts.


New Business:  A motion was made by Rosemary, seconded by Monique to require a mask and negative test within the last 48 hours, if people come to play who are not vaccinated. The motion was approved with 1 dissenting vote.


A motion was made to adjourn by Monique and seconded by Wayne.  The motion was unanimously approved. Our next meeting will be 4/11/22 at 10 a.m.  All are welcome!


Respectfully submitted,



Angelynn Martin




DeLand Bridge Club

Board of Directors




Meeting called to order by Lyn Marshall at 10:05.  All Board members were present.

The minutes of previous meeting approved by email.


Treasurer Report:  Monique Colwell reported that our club is officially back in the black.  The influx of new members and lower payroll expenses helped to offset our prior debt.

Our current balance is $296.00 .


Club Manager Report:  Lynn Berg shared that we currently have 143 members.

On February 24th, Our Golden Age Masters will be recognized.  There will be a party and our Golden Age Masters will play for free.  During the week on March 14—19, there will be extra points at no extra charge. Please mark your calendars.


Facility Report:  Wayne Matthews is working to solve both the water and ice cube problems with the refrigerator.  Thank you Wayne.


Sunshine Report:  Rosemary Plane sent out 8 cards this last month.  Please continue letting Rosemary or Lynn Berg know of any members who are in need of a little sunshine.


Social Report:  Kudos to Lynn Sorensen for overseeing and organizing our parties.  This month the club had its first “Birthday Party” honoring the January and February birthdays.  Monique Colwell did a spectacular Valentine’s  Party for the open players by hosting a “Make Your Own Sundae” party.  Additionally Lynn Sorensen went all out for the 299’s Valentine Party.  There was a candy bar, hors d’oeuvres, desserts and punch.  Thank you to Lynn and Monique, who are organizing these events.


Supply Report:  Cathy Moran has been shopping for the club.  Cathy has brought to our attention that paper products are in shorter supply than usual.  Please continue to use the paper cups with lids for coffee (until we run out) and use the club’s glasses and plates for drinks and snacks.


Old Business:  None


New Business:  A motion was made by Lynn Martin and seconded by Wayne Matthews to remove Paul Monitz from the checking account.  Another motion was made by Lynn Martin and seconded be Cathy Moran to add Lyn Marshall, Lynn Berg and Amy Whitmarsh to the checking account for banking signatures.  Both Motions were unanimously approved


A motion to adjourn was unanimously approved (made my Cathy Moran and seconded by Monique Colwell).




DeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes



Meeting was called to order by Lyn Marshall at 10:00 a.m.  All Board members were present.  The minutes of the pervious meeting were approved by email.


Treasurer Report:  Monique Colwell, our new treasurer, went over the Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison.  Although the club is making all expenses, we are still struggling to regain the $2,964.54 loss during our past Covid year.  The budget is always posted for those interested in reviewing it.


Club Manager:  Lynn Berg reported that there were 94 paid members to date.  It is time to renew dues.   Membership is growing slowly.  Efforts are being made to increase the number of active players on the Thursday, Friday and Saturday games.


Facilities:   Wayne Matthews reported that there was no new business at this time.


Sunshine:  Rosemary Plane reported that cards were sent out to those members that she was made aware.  Please continue to let Lynn B. or Rosemary know of any member who are in need of a little sunshine.


Supplies:  Cathy Moran is now shopping for the club.  Cathy is requesting if you are aware on any groceries or paper products needed, please let her know jot it on the notepad on the refrigerator.


Social:  Lynn Sorensen and Lynn Berg were busy planning events for January and February.  The New Year’s Day Party was a success.  The Hoppin’ John and Bloody Marys (virgin or not) were appreciated by all who attended.  In February, the first Thursday of each month we will be celebrating February birthdays.  Cake will be provided and we hope that it will be an incentive for more members to attend the Thursday game. A Valentine’s party will be held on February 14th for the 299’s.   Please mark your calendars in advance for Thursday, February 24th for the Party for the Golden Age Masters.


Old Business: Club House History of Repairs and new purchases is being created by Wayne and Lynn B.

Club Charities were discussed.  A motion was made (by Lynn M and seconded by Cathy M) to establish: March: our own in-house charity for our Club

  June:  DeLand Counseling Co-op

  August:  In-house charity for our Club

  December:  Christmas charity for need families

A presentation was made to the Board by David Joseph, Director and Counselor of the DeLand Counseling Co-op.  More information will be presented to the members about the Co-op later in the year.

Additionally, a there was a lengthy discussion about our past and future charity choices.  This year our Board  feels like “Charity Begins at Home” and we need to offset our losses at the club and be in the Red again.  Again more information will be forthcoming.


New Business:  Discussion of future socials for the club and continuing efforts to gain active membership occurred.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 (motion made by Lynn S. and seconded by Cathy).  The next meeting will be held on February 14th , at 10 a.m.  Everyone is invited.

Respectfully Submitted,

Angelynn Martin, Secretary



DeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes



The meeting was called to order by Lyn Marshall at 10 a.m.  The Club Manager, Lynn Berg, Rosemary Plane, Lynn Sorensen, Joan Ravede and Lynn Martin were present.


Treasurer:  Lynn Berg reported that the month to month income is up $1500.  Expenses are also up $45.  Budgets are posted every month.  If any member has any  questions, please ask.


Membership:  It is time to renew annual dues.  A member and/or Lynn Berg will be collecting dues at every game.


Supplies: Lynn Berg shopped for Lynn Sorensen at Costco.  Supplies are up to date for this month.


Facilities:  Contingency budgeting for repairs is needed for future repairs:  air conditioning, roof, parking lot and painting were some of the suggestions.


Old Business:  Club House History of Repairs will become the job of an incoming member who will be in charge of Facilities.


At 12 p.m. the meeting was suspended until December 15th at 11:00 am.  December 14th is the date for the Annual Meeting when the new Board Members will be  inducted.



Annual Board Meeting



Lyn Marshall called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m.  Lyn gave a brief overview of the year-to-date progress of our club.  She thanked the outgoing members for their work and support.  Thank you again Russ Lilliston, Joan Ravede and Kathy Kappy for all that you have contributed!  Additionally Lynn announced the new Board Members:  Monique Colwell, Wayne Mathews, and Cathy Moran.  The meeting was adjourned (motion made by Lynn Sorensen and seconded by Wayne Mathews).


Continuation of Suspended Meeting



Lyn Marshall called the meeting to order at 12 p.m.   Lynn Berg, Rosemary Plane, Lynn Martin, Monique Colwell, Cathy Moran and Wayne Mathews were present.  Lynn Sorensen was absent.


New Business:  A motion (by Lynn Martin, seconded by Rosemary Plane, unanimously approved) was made to rehire Lynn Berg as Club Manager.  A motion (by Lynn Martin, seconded Rosemary Plane and unanimously approved) to reelect Lyn Marshal as President of the Board.  Lyn Marshall nominated Monique Colwell as treasurer (seconded by Wayne Matthews and unanimously approved).  Rosemary Plane was appointed to the Sunshine Committee, Cathy Moran to Supplies, Lynn Sorensen to Social Committee, and Wayne Mathews to Facilities.

There was a discussion that incentives, such as a “free play” to entice members to bring new people into the club should be allowed.  A motion was made by Cathy Moran, seconded by Wayne Mathews and unanimously approved to allow Lynn Berg to offer incentives.


A motion (by Lynn Martin, seconded by Monique and unanimously approved) was made to adjourn the meeting.


The next Board Meeting will be January 10, 2022 at 10 a.m.  Everyone is invited.








DeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes



Meeting called to order by Lyn Marshall at 10:00.  The Club Manager and members were present with the exception of Joan Ravede.


Club Manager:  Lynn Berg shared her concerns about the next scheduled DeLand 299 Sectional that was to be held in December: The revenue generated may not offset the expenses of hosting the event and the restrictions of CoVid vaccination monitoring.  It was decided that it would be more advantageous to host the next Sectional in April.

November 1-6 is Club Championship Week.  Extra points for no additional cost!!!

November 15-20 is the food Drive for the Neighborhood Center.

November 30 is a Grand National Team (GNT) for 1/2 red and 1/2 black points.

The Nominating Committee for new Board Members will announce the nominees at the November 16 Board Meeting.  Please let Lynn Berg know of your interest your willingness to serves as a member.


Treasurer:  Kathy Cappy stated that the Treasurer Report would be emailed to the Board due to the change of meeting date.


Membership:  Rosemary Plane reported that there are presently 168 members in the club, but several are unable to participate.  Ideas of ways to gain membership is encouraged from all members.


Supplies: Lynn Sorensen thanks all the members who are using the SIGN UP SHEET for snacks.  Cups with lids will be continued.  To decrease the cost of paper cups, bringing your own mug with a lid or cup with a lid is encouraged.


Sunshine:  Joan Ravede was not present to report. The Board is sending a thank you to an anonymous gift giver.


Facilities:   Russ Lilliston presented an in-depth report on the cost of repairing the asphalt in the parking lot.  More discussion at the next meeting is needed on that topic.  Funding the project is a concern at this time


Old Business: Lynn Berg will ask individuals to Host/ Hostess prior to 299 games.  Duties are: to greet people at the door, make change for people who need change for a $10 or $20 for the game fee and empty dishwasher.  We hope you will accept the job for the benefit of our club.


New Business:  Elections for board members will be in December.


The next Board Meeting will be  held on Monday, November 22 at 10 a.m.  Everyone is welcome.



Respectfully submitted,


Angelynn Martin





DeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes


Meeting called to order by Lyn Marshall at 10:01. The Club Manager and members were present with the exception of Russ Lilliston.

Treasurer: Kathy Cappy reviewed the budget, stating that the club’s expenses are remaining constant. The $5,500 deficit (from the 2020 Covid year) has not been recuperated.

Club Manager: Lynn Berg shared that Sharon Lessard would be offering a Beginner’s Bridge Class on Monday evenings at 6:30 p.m. for 2 hours at the Club in October. Please inform friends and look for the starting date in October.

Lynn also mentioned that there is $30,000 in the Club’s checking account. She suggested that the amount in checking be lowered and an account for facilities repairs be established and hopefully interest earning account.

After looking into better slides for our chairs, slides that would work well were $30 per chair which is price prohibitive.

Additionally, Lynn is encouraging our members to take a copy of the list of scheduled special events. The list is always kept by the pencils. Many of the special events in October offer extra points for no extra charge.

Membership: Rosemary Plane reported that there are a 159 members in our Club currently.

Although everyone thinks it’s a good idea to try a “Meet and Greet Party and Try a little Duplicate Bridge Party”, it was decided we would wait until after the holidays. We want to encourage party bridge players to try Duplicate Bridge. We are also hoping that our membership will increase when the snow birds return.

Supplies: Lynn Sorensen stated that there have been no entries on the Supply List that is kept on the refrigerator. Lynn wants members to use the list on the refrigerator, if they think certain supplies are needed.

A sign up sheet will be made to encourage more members to bring treats. Please find a good time for sharing.

Lynn also wanted people to know where supplies are kept. The ideas of a master list or labeling the cupboards were discussed. More to come...

Facilities: Russ Lilliston was not present, but he has already started looking into the possibilities for the parking lot. More following on his return.

Sunshine: Joan Ravede reported to whom she sent cards. Please contact Joan if you think someone may need a little sunshine.

To our very well intended club members who want to send a little sunshine, please seek pre-approval for any spending in the Club’s name.

Old Business: Lynn Berg purchased a Log Book. Past facility maintenance is going to be logged, so we will have a better idea for money needed for projected upkeep.

Proof of Antibodies are now being accepted as part of our Covid protocol. Lynn Berg will review the presented documentation.

New Business: There was a discussion about the pros and cons of having a defibrillator on sight. After serious discussion, the board felt

that using a defibrillator was better in the hands of EMTs that are a 5 minute call away.

October 18 and 25, There will be a series of two Director’s Refresher Classes on the Law and What to do if there is an infraction. Everybody is welcome. If you want to know more about the Bridge Law, everybody’s welcome and/or if you have slightest interest in becoming a Director please attend.

The idea of a host or hostess was presented for our 0—299 games. More following….

A motion by Lynn Sorensen was made to adjourn and seconded by Kathy Cappy. Meeting was adjourned at 11:05.


Respectfully submitted,

Angelynn Martin


DeLand Bridge Club

Board Meeting Minutes

August  16, 2021


Meeting called to order by Lyn Marshall. Club Manager and all members were  present with the exception of Russ Lilliston and Joan Ravede.

Treasurer Report:  Kathy Cappy reviewed the budget, reporting that despite Covid-19, the  club is continuing to break even on most expenses.

Club Manager:  Lynn Berg reported that Daytona Bridge Club has closed for 2 weeks due to Covid-19.  Members or guests from Daytona’s Club are requested to wear masks if they played in Daytona during the week of August 9th.

Championship Week is September 19th and ABCL Membership Game Week will take place on September 27th.  The games promote extra black points.

Lynn Berg reiterated that the Saturday games will be changing to Draw Swiss Teams after Labor Day.

The attempt to draw more new players to the 199 Friday morning game has not been successful and has reverted to 299.

Membership:  Rosemary Plane reported that membership is remaining at 155 members, with hopes of increasing membership when the snowbirds return.

Supplies:  Lynn Sorensen bought filters for the air conditioner for ease of changing quarterly.  Lynn continues to shop for the club.  There was a discussion requesting club members to bring goodies whenever possible.  Store bought treats are happily accepted.  The club will continue to provide basic snacks.  The more snacks the merrier!

Facilities:  Discussion postponed to next meeting when Russ is present.  Parking Lot estimates will be provided and past roof repair dates will be discussed.

Sunshine:  Committee requests members to continue to let Joan Raved and/or Lynn Berg know of anyone who needs well wishes.  Get Well cards, Sympathy cards and Thinking of You cards are always appreciated.

Old Business:  Current Covid-19 regulations are still in effect.

New Business:

Commercial Property General Liability & Worker’s Compensation will be renewed.

Board Meeting were changed to the 4th Monday of the Month (Motion made by Lyn Marshall and seconded by Kathy Cappy, unanimously approved).

Discussion followed regarding a Club House Maintenance Log and Updating of Equipment was suggested by Lyn Marshall.  All members present were in agreement and concluded that it would be easier for new members to take over the responsibility from former members.

Lynn Sorensen reintroduced the idea of bringing new members into the club and/or a way to demonstrate to new players that duplicate bridge need not be looked at differently than a friendly bridge game.  Rosemary Plane and Lynn Sorensen are working together to create a Meet and Greet Party and Try a little Duplicate Bridge day in October.  More following!

Meeting adjourned at 11 a.m. (Motion made be Kathy Cappy and seconded by Lynn Martin, unanimously agreed).

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, Sept. 27th at 10 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Angelynn Martin










DeLand Bridge Club


Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes


July 19, 2021


Treasurer Report:  Accidentally omitted and not reviewed at meeting, sent to Board Members on 7/22/21 for approval.


Club Manager:

Friday morning BBO game will be discontinued after final game July 30.  Beginning August 6, the Friday morning games will resume at the Club.  The game will be a 0--199 game. There will be a short lesson at 9:00 and the game will begin promptly at 9:15.  We are trying to encourage new players and the Tuesday Chat Bridge players to attend.  Hoping to see new faces.


August 2–6 will be Silver Point Week.  The games still cost $8.00 for a chance to earn silver points!


August 11 and 12 is the Sectional Tournament.  Please plan to play.  There are 4 sessions: Wednesday 10 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. and Thursday 10 a.m. and 1:15 p.m.  Playing in the tournament cost $15 per person for each session.  We are hoping you will  be playing to support our Club.   Please seek out Kathy or Ken Cappy if you can help with lunch and Lynn Martin if you can help with breakfast for our tournament days.


August 23–27 will be charity games for Family Renew.  We are hoping to have a speaker to present the goals of Family Renew prior to the games.  (Motion made by Kathy Cappy to support Family Renew and seconded by Russ Lilliston, unanimously approved).


Saturday games are going to be changed to Draw Swiss.  Game format will be changing after Labor Day.


Membership:  Rosemary Plane reported that there are currently 155 members.  We are hoping our Friday morning 199 game and our future Draw Swiss game on Saturdays  will add to our membership.  We are looking for ways to encourage our club members who have not been playing to come back and join the fun.  Members who have returned to the club are asked to call someone who has not yet returned.  Suggestions were made to have non playing members receive a free play card to come back.  Lynn Sorensen suggested that we have “bring a guest to play day”.  Always new ideas are sought after, don’t be shy and share your ideas….


Supplies:  Lynn Sorensen is happy to announce that snacks are back!  All players may now bring snacks for members to enjoy.  Please contribute when the spirit moves you.  There is an ongoing list on the refrigerator if you think of something that we may need.


Facilities:  Russ Lilliston will replace filters alternating with Jacobs Heat and Air.  The filters will be changed quarterly.  Additionally, Russ is going to get estimates to create a reinforced border across the South edge of the parking lot.  A brief discussion was held regarding the age of the roof and the need to be prepared financially should the roof need repair in the future.   


Sunshine:  Joan Ravede was not present, but please let Joan Ravede or Lynn Berg know of any members that might need some cheer.


Old Business:  Changes were made to the current Covid Regulations for Play.  The changes are as follows:

(Motion made by Lynn Martin and seconded by Kathy Cappy, unanimously approved).

1)  All players must show evidence of full vaccination against Covid or proof of antibodies.

2)  Hand Sanitizer will be available at the playing table and locations throughout the Clubhouse.

3)  Masks are not required for play, but anyone uncomfortable with this policy is encouraged to wear a mask.

4)  Players may bring liquids in spill proof containers to the tables.

5)  Food and snacks may be brought by members to be shared.

6)  No gathering of people at Director’s desk.


Discussion of Covid Regulations for the Sectional in August:  It was decided that players will need to be vaccinated to play.  Non-vaccinated players wearing masks will not be permitted to play.  (Motion to allow non-vaccinated players to play with masks, made by Lyn Marshall and seconded by Lynn Martin, was defeated).


New Business:  Next Sectional is planned for December 1 and 2.  Please mark your calendars.


Meeting Adjourned (Motion made by Lyn Marshal and seconded by Kathy Cappy, unanimously approved).


Our next meeting is August 16th at 10 a.m.  All members are invited.  Hope to see you there.



Respectfully submitted,


Angelynn Martin



Deland Bridge Club

Board of Directors Meeting

June 21, 2021

President Paul Moniz called the meeting to order at 10:09 am.  In attendance were Lynn Martin, Nancy Zook, Nancy Sharff, Kathy Cappy, Lynn Sorenson, Lyn Marshall and Lynn Berg.  Russ Lilliston was also present.  Joan Ravede and Rosemary Plane were absent.

The minutes of the April 19th meeting were previously approved via email with access to them via the website.  The Treasurer’s reports for May were presented by Kathy and accepted after a motion by Nancy S. with a second by Paul.  

Manager’s Report:

Lynn Berg reported that we have 148 members paid to date.  The Club is open on Mondays and Wednesdays for 0-299 players with Tuesdays, Thursday and Fridays open for all to play.  Friday Morning 0-299 games and Sunday Open games will continue online.  She is preparing for the upcoming 0-299 Sectional on August 11th and 12th.  It will be the first ACBL sanctioned Club Tournament since the Pandemic so it is an unknown as to response from players from other clubs.

Lynn reported that the burnt-out overhead light was replaced with LED bulbs which do not require a ballast, give brighter light and are longer lasting.  She recommended that we replace all others for a cost of $1500.  A motion to do this was accepted unanimously after a motion by Kathy was seconded by Lynn S.

Department Reports:

Membership.  Currently 148 members.  

Supplies.  Nothing to report.

Facilities.  Chairs have been received and are in use

Sunshine. Lynn Berg reported that Joan has sent several cards including one to the family of Barbara Dunn.

Old Business:

The motion tabled at the May meeting concerning who could play was reintroduced.  Paul made a motion, seconded by Lynn S. to allow non-vaccinated individuals to play in Club games provided they are wearing masks properly.  That motion failed to pass by a vote of 1 to 5.

A second motion related to the same issue was made by Paul with a second by Lyn M. which stated that “non-vaccinated individuals may play without masks”.  The motion resulted in a tie of 3 to 3 and the President broke the tie with a “No” vote.

The first motion was reintroduced by Paul, seconded by Lynn S. as stated: “Non vaccinated individuals my play providing they are properly wearing masks”.  The vote was again1 to 5.

Thus, the following are the Regulations for play as previously agreed to:

Regulations for Play:  As of June 21, 2021

All Players must show evidence of full vaccination against COVID 19 or proof of antibodies.

Masks are not required for play but anyone uncomfortable with this policy is encouraged to continue wearing a mask.

Hand Sanitizer will be available at the playing table and other locales through the Clubhouse.  Please use frequently.

Six foot of separation is required when not playing.

Either exact change or a prepaid card is required for entry fee and will be paid at the playing table.  Change may be obtained at the Director’s desk.

Preregistration will not be required at this time.  Playing tables will be spaced for separation of players.

Longer play time for rounds will allow for ‘bathroom breaks’ during the course of play.  The Handicap restroom will generally be available to women only. 

The Club will provide prewrapped finger food for consumption at mini-breaks.  Food is not permitted at the playing table or anywhere on the carpeted area. 

Players may bring liquids in spill proof containers to the playing table.   Soda and coffee are available for purchase and these must be in containers with lids.  No containers without a lid may be used at the table.

 No gathering of people at the Director’s desk.

There being no other Old Business the meeting was adjourned for those that are no longer on the Board.  The new board was to complete any New Business including election of new officers.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy K. Zook, Secretary

Continued Minutes of Deland Bridge Club Board of Directors

AGENDA 6/21/21

Former Board Members were thanked for their service and dedication to our Club. New Board was installed. New Board: President—Lyn Marshall, Secretary and VP—Lynn Martin, Russ Lilliston—Facilities

New Business: None

Old Business: Short discussion about Covid Vaccination required for playing in cub. Board agreed to revisit decision with continued discussion at next meeting.

The next Board Meeting will be held July 19th at 10:00 at the Clubhouse.
Motion to adjourn by Kathy and second by Lynn S. Meeting adjourned by unanimous vote.

Deland Bridge Club

Board of Directors Meeting

May 17, 2021

President Paul Moniz called the meeting to order at 9:59 am.  In attendance were Lynn Martin, Nancy Zook, Rosemary Plane, Kathy Cappy, Joan Ravede, Lynn Sorenson, Lyn Marshall and Lynn Berg.  Nancy Sharff was absent.

Paul welcomed Lyn Marshall to the Board.  The minutes of the April 19th meeting were previously approved via email with access to them via the website.  The Treasurer’s reports for April were presented by Kathy and accepted after a motion by Lynn S. and a second by Joan.  

Manager’s Report:

Lynn Berg reported that we have 126 members paid to date and five of these are new members.  The Club is open on Mondays and Wednesdays for 0-299 players with Tuesdays, Thursday and Fridays open for all to play.  Friday Morning 0-299 games, Saturday 0-499 play and Sunday Open games will continue to be online. 

Lynn reported that the new chairs are to arrive at the distributor next week and to be shipped to us thereafter.  Help is needed for assembly.  Volunteers have donated $1084 of the $2700 cost.  A motion by Nancy Z., seconded by Kathy for the Club to cover the remaining amount was carried unanimously.  Lynn will be seeking additional donations to reduce the amount on the Club’s treasury.

Lynn asked that we extend courtesy play to Martha Wirkutis, Director of the Daytona Bridge Club, which was approved after a motion by Lynn M. was seconded by Lynn S.

Lynn Berg also suggested that our outside needed a little sprucing up and the Facilities committee will check into power washing plus restriping the parking lot.

Department Reports:

Membership.  Currently 126 members.  

Supplies.  Nothing to report.

Facilities.  Nothing to report

Sunshine. Joan has sent three cards. (Note, please let her know when members need to be remembered with a bit of sunshine.)

Old Business:


New Business

It was agreed that Hand Records and Summaries will be provided after numerous requests from members.

After discussion, it was decided to keep the Friday morning 0-299 games online for the near future due to the lower participation in the in-house 0-299 games at this time.  Monday and Wednesday games will be continued in-house.

After discussion, a suggestion to restrict who can play in live games was tabled.

The following are the result of discussions on the Regulations for play as previously agreed to:

Regulations for Play:  As of May 17. 2021

All Players must show evidence of full vaccination against COVID 19 or proof of antibodies.

Masks are not required for play but anyone uncomfortable with this policy is encouraged to continue wearing a mask.

Hand Sanitizer will be available at the playing table and other locales through the Clubhouse.  Please use frequently.

Six foot of separation is required when not playing.

Either exact change or a prepaid card is required for entry fee and will be paid at the playing table.  Change may be obtained at the Director’s desk.

Preregistration will not be required at this time.  Playing tables will be spaced for separation of players.

Longer play time for rounds will allow for ‘bathroom breaks’ during the course of play.  The Handicap restroom will generally be available to women only. 

The Club will provide prewrapped finger food for consumption at mini-breaks.  Food is not permitted at the playing table or anywhere on the carpeted area. 

Players may bring liquids in spill proof containers to the playing table.   Soda and coffee are available for purchase and these must be in containers with lids.  No containers without a lid may be used at the table.

 No gathering of people at the Director’s desk.

A seventh individual is needed to fill the Board for the spot currently held by Nancy Scharff whose term is expiring. 

The next meeting of the Board will be June 21st at 10:00 am at the Clubhouse.

There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 11:09 am after unanimous vote on the motion by Kathy with a second by Joan.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy K. Zook, Secretary


Deland Bridge Club

Board of Directors Meeting

April 19, 2021

President Paul Moniz called the meeting to order at 10:17 am.  In attendance were Nancy Sharff, Lynn Martin, Nancy Zook, Rosemary Plane, Kathy Cappy, Joan Ravede and Lynn Berg.  Lynn Sorensen was absent.

The minutes of the March 15th meeting were previously approved via email with access to them via our website.  The minutes of meetings will no longer be posted in the Clubhouse as they are available online.   The Treasurer’s reports for March were presented by Kathy and accepted after a motion by Joan and second by Nancy Z.  

Manager’s Report:

Lynn Berg reported that ACBL has approved Sectionals for Deland on August 11th and December 1st. We have 110 members paid to date and five of these are new members.  We open the Club for Mondays for 0-199 play and on Thursdays for Open play as of the week of April 25th.  As of May 14th, the Club will open on Friday Morning for 0-299 play and Friday afternoon for Open play.  Saturday will continue online for 0-499 play and Sunday for Open play.  Cozy May will direct on Tuesdays, Tom Rusk on Thursday and Sharon Lessard on Fridays.  Rick Larson will direct the weekend online games.

Currently, we are not charging extra for non-members play.  Per a motion by Kathy with a second by Paul which passed unanimously, non-members will pay a guest fee as of June 1st

Department Reports:

Membership.  Currently 110 members.  

Supplies.  Nothing to report.

Facilities.  The iWAVE is installed and the filter change procedure in place for the HVAC.

Sunshine. Joan has sent many cards in the last 2 months. (Note, please let her know when members need to be remembered with a bit of sunshine.)

Old Business:


New Business

To modify the Requirements for Member Play, the members of the Board referred to the “Regulations for Play” as reflected in minutes of the March 15th meeting as a template. The following are the results of that review

Regulations for Play:  As of April 19, 2021

All Players must show evidence of full vaccination against COVID 19 or proof of antibodies.

Masks are no longer required for play but anyone uncomfortable with this policy is encouraged to continue wearing a mask.

Hand Sanitizer will be available at the playing table and other locales through the Clubhouse.  Please use frequently.

Six foot of separation is required when not playing.

Either exact change or a prepaid card is required for entry fee and will be paid at the playing table.  Change may be obtained at the Director’s desk.

Preregistration will not be required at this time.  Playing tables will be spaced for separation of players.

Longer play time for rounds will allow for ‘bathroom breaks’ during the course of play.  The Handicap restroom will generally be available to women only. 

No food will be provided by the Club.  Food is not permitted at the playing table.  Any food brought in must be consumed away from the playing area.

Players may bring liquids in spill proof containers to the playing table.   Soda and coffee are available for purchase but these must be in containers with lids.  No containers without a lid may be used at the table.

             No copies of hand records or individual results will be provided.  Players are expected to exit immediately after play and thus, no gathering of people at the Director’s desk (six foot of separation).

Each of the above regulations was agreed to by all persons present before the Board moved to the next item with the following exception.  The vote to eliminate masks passed 5 – 1 with Nancy Z. casting the negative vote.

Paul suggested that the number of members for the Board of Directors be reduced from nine to seven.  At the time the Board was established, the Club had around 300 members while today we generally have fewer than 200.  The Board can start the process now, and the general membership vote to ratify the change at the Annual meeting in December.  A Motion to this end by Kathy with a second by Rosemary was unanimously accepted.

Paul and Nancy Z. will leave the Board on June 30th.  The resignation of Joan Lee will be filled.  Lyn Marshall will be asked to take that position.  With this, the Board will number 7 people.

Nancy Z. brought up the lack of personal privacy that is provided on our Club website.  Lynn will check to determine if a simple solution is available.  After discussion, this was tabled for future discussions.

After a discussion, Kathy made a motion, seconded by Lynn M. to change the meeting date from the 3rd Tuesday of the month to the third Monday.  This passed unanimously.

The next meeting of the Board will be May 17th at 10:00 am at the Clubhouse.

There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 11:09 am after unanimous vote on the motion by Paul. with a second by Joan.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy K. Zook, Secretary


Deland Bridge Club

Board of Directors Meeting

March 15, 2021

President Paul Moniz called the meeting to order at 10:03 am.  In attendance were Nancy Sharff, Lynn Martin, Lynn Sorensen, Nancy Zook, Joan Lee, Rosemary Plane, Kathy Cappy and Lynn Berg.  Also attending was Club Member, Diane Falla.  Joan Ravede was absent and Joan Lee was excused after her presentation.

The minutes of the December 8, 2020 meeting were previously approved via email with access to them via our website.   The Treasurer’s reports for December 2020, January, 2021 and February 2021 were presented by Kathy and accepted after a motion by Nancy Z and second by Rosemary.  

Joan Lee provided information about Electrostatic Cleaners for the Clubhouse as requested.  Based on her research, she recommends that we do not invest in the process.  She did recommend that the tablecloths should not be used and the tables be wiped down after each round.  After discussion, her recommendation was modified to “no tablecloths and players to use hand sanitizer after each round”. 

Lynn S. introduced Jim Price of Jacobson’s, the company who installed and maintains our HVAC system.  The contract for the deeper cleaning of the system was dropped in 2019 and therefore the thorough cleaning and frequent changing of the filters has not taken place.  He presented two options, twice a year cleaning or four times a year.  And also, recommended that the filters be changed more frequently.

Then, he presented information pertaining to the ‘iWave’ air purifiers which uses bi-polar ionization to remove viruses, bacteria and mold from the air.  The unit is installed in the air duct and is self-cleaning. 

After Mr. Price left the meeting and a discussion, Nancy Z. made a motion, seconded by Kathy, that we renew the contract for twice a year deep cleaning (cost-- $332 annual addition to current contract).  It was agreed that Facilities would arrange for the additional filter changes.  Paul will research purchasing the recommended MERV 8 filters in bulk.  The motion passed unanimously.  After a motion by Lynn S., seconded by Kathy, it was unanimously agreed to purchase the ‘iWave’ unit for the Club at a cost of $782.  Lynn S. will arrange for these actions prior to the reopening of the Club.

Manager’s Report:

Lynn Berg reported that the number of players in the Virtual Club games continue to hold steady but we need to find a way to get other members playing.  She is continuing the lessons to encourage members to play.  Lynn is directing most evenings for the 0-99 virtual games held under the auspices of District 9.  We have 90 members paid to date.  We have lost two to death and two to health issues.

She brought a chair to the meeting for possible purchase for the Club.  She has someone who has agreed to ‘finance’ the purchase to be repaid by the end of the year – hopefully by members who would pay the approximately $40 per chair.  A motion to this approach by Lynn M. seconded by Lynn S. passed unanimously.

Department Reports:

Membership.  Currently 90 members for 2021.  

Supplies.  Nothing to report.

Facilities.  See the above concerning the HVAC system.

Sunshine. (Note, please let Joan Ravede know when members need to be remembered with a bit of sunshine.)

Old Business:


New Business:

In the discussion of reopening the Club for play

Lynn B. recommendation was to open for two days – one for 0-299 and one for Open play starting April 6 for Open play and April 7 for 0-299.  And continue throughout the month of April.  Then on April 26th and 29th, add Mondays for 0-199 play and Thursday Open play.  On May 14th, add both Friday morning and afternoon games for 0-299 and open games.  Saturdays and Sundays would continue on-line for as long as supported by ACBL.  A motion by Lynn M., second by Rosemary was carried unanimously.  This is subject of course to success along the way.

To develop the Requirements for Member Play, the members of the Board referred to the “Requirements for Play” as reflected in minutes of the June 16th meeting as a template.  Temperatures taking was removed as a requirement.

We added “All Players must show evidence of full vaccination against COVID 19 or proof of antibodies.”.  A motion by Nancy Z, seconded by Kathy a requirement to show evidence of vaccine completion was approved 4 to 2 but two members did not agree that only proof of vaccination was appropriate.  They believed that proof of antibodies was also possible.  Thus, Paul made the motion to include “proof or antibodies” in the original motion.  That motion was tied three to three with Paul voting yes to break the tie.  The full Requirements are as follows:

Regulations for Play:  As of March 15, 2021

All Players must show evidence of full vaccination against COVID 19 or proof of antibodies.

 All Players will wear masks.  A mask will be available for purchase for anyone who comes without one.

Hand Sanitizer will be available on the playing table and other locales through the Clubhouse.  Please use frequently.

Six foot of separation is required when not playing.

Either exact change or a prepaid card is required for entry fee and will be paid at the playing table.  Change can be obtained at the Director’s desk.

Preregistration will not be required at this time.  Playing tables will be spaced for separation of players.

Longer play time for rounds will allow for ‘bathroom breaks’ during the course of play.  The Handicap restroom will generally be available to women only. 

No drinks or food at the playing table.  Soda and coffee are available for purchase, but these (and water) must be consumed away from the playing area, preferably outdoors.  No food will be the Club.  Any food brought in must be consumed outside the building.

The East/West pairs will carry the bidding boxes to the next table.  North/South is stationary and uses the same boxes all day.  The boxes will be sanitized at the end of play.  In the future, the Board will consider an offer to assist players in buying personal bidding boxes

            Bridgemates will be handled by only one person – normally North -- who will show the results to the opponents and then okay the score after verbal agreement.

             No copies of hand records or individual results will be provided.  Players are expected to exit immediately after play and thus, no gathering of people at the Director’s desk (six foot of separation).

Each of the above regulations was agreed to by all persons present before the Board moved to the next item.

The next meeting of the Board will be April 12th at 10:00 am at the Clubhouse/

There being no other business, the meeting adjourned after unanimous vote on the motion by Nancy S. with a second by Lynn Martin.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy K. Zook, Secretary


Deland Bridge Club

Board of Directors Meeting

December 8, 2020

President Paul Moniz called the meeting to order at 10:03 am.  In attendance were Nancy Sharff, Lynn Martin, Lynn Sorensen, Nancy Zook, Joan Ravede, Joan Lee, Rosemary Plane, Lynn Berg and Amy Whitmarsh.  Kathy Cappy was absent.

Paul welcomed Rosemary Plane to the Board.  The minutes of the September 21stmeeting were previously approved via email and access afforded to them via our website.   The Treasurer’s reports for September, October and November were reviewed and accepted after a motion by Paul and second by Lynn S.  Note that we were slightly behind in November but still coming close to breakeven point.

Manager’s Report:

Lynn Berg reported that the number of players in the Virtual Club games continue to hold steady but we need to find a way to get other members playing.  She is continuing the lessons to encourage members to play.  She had received $800 in donations to the Club for general use by members who are not playing online.  She has renewed and paid the Club’s ACBL Sanction fees for the upcoming year.  She is not sure of the status of Directors for the Club as of this point.  In 2022 we are scheduled for 3 tournaments.  She will try to get a tournament scheduled in December 2021 which would replace the April one which will probably not be held due to the Virus.  Also, Lynn is directing most evenings for the 0-99 virtual games held under the auspices of District 9.  And Lynn is teaching a bridge class once a week for a Japanese group.  She asked for and received the Board’s approval to ask members to support the Neighborhood Center as we have done in the past.

Department Reports:

Membership.  Currently have 175 members.  

Supplies.  Nothing to report.

Facilities.  Nothing to report.

Sunshine.  Several cards were sent since the previous meeting.  (Note, please let Joan Ravede know when members need to be remembered with a bit of sunshine.)

Old Business:


New Business:

Lynn Berg’s contract was renewed for 2021 after a motion by Paul Moniz, seconded by Lynn M. was unanimously approved. 

The subject of reopening the Club was tabled until the next Board meeting which will be held on March 15, 2021 at 10:00 am at the clubhouse.

After discussion, the Board passed a motion 4 to 3 on a motion by Lynn S., seconded by N. Sharff to ask members to pay Membership Fees for 2021 starting in January.  (All donations are greatly appreciated and acknowledged as they continue to help the Club through these tumultuous times.)

Lynn Berg was excused from the meeting and the Board voted to provide her with a small gift to thank her for her extra efforts which have helped us keep the Club going forward in 2020.

Nancy Z. brought up two items to help purify the Club.  The first, electronic misters to clean solid surfaces will be researched by Joan L.   The second, HEPA filters for the air conditioner or other methods to clean the air recirculating in the Clubhouse will be researched by Lynn S.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 am by unanimous vote after a motion by Joan R. with a second by Paul.

Annual Meeting – December 8, 2020

The meeting was called to order by President Paul Moniz.  In this unique year, only the members of the Board of Directors and Lynn Berg, Club Manager, were in attendance.  The Board Members included:  Lynn Sorenson, Lynn Martin, Joan Lee, Joan Ravede, Nancy Sharff, Rosemary Plane and Nancy Zook.

The Minutes of the December 10, 2019 Annual meeting were approved after a motion by Joan Lee was seconded by Joan Ravede. 

The Treasurer’s Report had been accepted at the earlier Board of Directors meeting and the review was noted as accepted at this meeting.  The Club Manager’s report was presented at the same meeting and thus was waived for this meeting.

The meeting was adjourned after a motion by Paul Moniz was seconded by Nancy Zook.


September 21, 2020

President Paul Moniz called the meeting to order at 10:02 am.  In attendance were Nancy Sharff, Lynn Martin, Lynn Sorensen, Nancy Zook, Linda Kehoe, Joan Ravede, Joan Lee, Kathy Cappy, Lynn Berg and Amy Whitmarsh.

The minutes of the July 20th meeting were approved after the motion by Joan R. was seconded by Lynn M.   Future minutes will be approved via email and posted on the Club’s Website.  The Treasurer’s report was reviewed and accepted after a motion by Lynn S. which was seconded by Lynn M.  This report will also be posted on the Website in the future.

Manager’s Report:

Lynn Berg reported on a canvas of other Clubs in the state as to their plans for reopening.  She reported that the number of players in the Virtual Club games continue to grow slightly.  But we need to find a way to get other members playing.  She is continuing the lessons to encourage members to play.

Department Reports:

Membership.  No new members since the July Meeting.  

Supplies.  Nothing to report.

Facilities.  New carpeting has been installed and outside trimming completed.  Lynn B. brought up the condition of the outdoor carpeting on the entryway into the Club.  She will check how to change and get an estimate of costs.

Sunshine.  Two cards were sent since the previous meeting.  (Note, please let Joan Ravede know when members need to be remembered by us with a bit of sunshine.)

Old Business:

The Club continues to basically break even with the Virtual games and continue to receive donations from members which are helping the Club meet its expenses.

New Business:

After discussion, the Board agreed to set aside selection of a date for reopening the Club and will address the issue at the Board Meeting on December 8th at 10:00 am. 

That will also be the date for the Annual Meeting as required to retain our Charter.  This was per a motion by Joan L. seconded by Kathy which passed unanimously.

The Board also unanimously passed a motion by Paul and seconded by Lynn S. which reads as follows: “Club members will not be asked to pay Membership Fees for 2021 until such time as the Club can reopen. Individual members will continue to remain in good financial standing until that time.”  (All donations are greatly appreciated and acknowledged as they continue to help the Club through these tumultuous times.).

The Nominating Committee is comprised of Nancy S. and Lynn S.  The Board gave much attention to the issue of the increasingly difficult responsibilities that the Board faces due to the COVID 19 situation.  And after a motion by Nancy Z. seconded by Lynn M., the Board unanimously voted to retain the current group of officers until such time as an acceptable transition can take place.  Linda Kehoe said that she probably will not be able to finish her term.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 am by unanimous vote after a motion by Joan R. with a second by Paul.

Respectfully submitted,

Lesson on Creating a Convention Card and making an Alert on Bridge Base Online

Copy the link below into your browser to watch the lesson on how to create a  Convention Card and How to Alert on BBO.  If needed the password is: f6?T%Qv8

Copy the link below into your browser to see the document completing a Convention Card on BBO.pdf: a convention card on BBO.pdf




Florida's Friendliest Bridge Club

Our building is designed for bridge, and is dedicated to the game with sessions every afternoon except for Sundays.  We offer refreshments and social breaks in every game. We recently installed a new Handicap Accessible Bathroom, and invite all to check out our remodel.

Board meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of the month and members wishing to make comments/suggestions to the board may do so at the beginning of the meeting.  

Need a partner for a club game? Please call the club the day before if possible at 386-734-7170.

Join us for a great game of bridge in a friendly atmosphere.


The Club participates in TheCommonGame which provides expert analysis of hands and allows your score to be compared across many participating clubs.  Click on the logo to visit

See your results, hand records, final contracts and expert analysis of the hands at TheCommonGame's Club Archive.

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2013 Masterpoint

Unit 128

Ace of Clubs

District 9

Ace of Clubs


Ace of Clubs
Barry Crane 500
Free Lessons
Monday 1 p.m. before 0-199 game
Wednesday 12:30 p.m. before 0-299 game; Friday 9 a.m. before 0-299 game
Monday Afternoon Session
Director: Lynn Berg
Draw Teams
Director: Sharon Lessard
Friday Afternoon Session
Director: Lynn Berg
Four Is Enough Pairs
Director: Lynn Berg
Wednesday OpenPairs
Director: Cozy May
Monday Afternoon Session
Director: Lynn Berg
Draw Teams
Director: Sharon Lessard
Mon Oct 21, 2024
Director: Lynn
Mon Oct 21, 2024
Open Pairs
Director: Lynn
Wed Oct 23, 2024
299 Pairs
Wed Oct 23, 2024
Open Pairs
Director: Cozy
Thu Oct 24, 2024
4 is Enough Pairs
Director: Lynn
Fri Oct 25, 2024
Open Pairs
Director: Lynn
Fri Oct 25, 2024
99 Pairs
Director: Lynn