D15 Bridge Club
Release 2.19q

D15 Matchmaker

If you Need a Partner

Contact Barbara

Text or Call 087 262 7218

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Pages viewed in 2024

Membership Numbers

Breakdown by Grade

Membership Total 67

D15 B.C.

Breakdown by Grade

MR 2

MA 15

A1 12

A2 17

B1 10

B2 10

N1 1

CBAI update Sept 2022


Committee 2023-25

D15 Committee 2223-25

President              Dave King

V. Pres.                 TBC

Secretary              Neil Burke

Treasurer             Blanaid Morris

Ex Officio             Ronnie Woods

Matchmaker      Barbara Burke

Jim Egan

Fourth Suit Forcing
Fourth Suit Forcing


Double of the Fourth Suit - Lead Direction in that Suit



Everybody plays this one (If not they should)

Opener Responder

INT 2♣


2NT 3♣

Responder is asking “Have you got a 4 card major (♠/♥) partner”

Without one, opener rebids 2♦ (or 3♦ after 2NT)

The Stayman convention was invented by George Rapee in 1945, but the first article on the convention was authored by Sam Stayman Rapee’s Partner, and the convention was named for the writer rather than the inventor.