Cullompton & Willand Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Bridge at Willand Church Hall on Thursdays - 6:15pm for 6:30pm Start

We continue to run RealBridge on-line sessions on Wednesday Evenings (@6:45pm)

Please see the information on other on-line Bridge Events that are being run.

Check out the latest updates on RealBridge


RealBridge Audio & Video testing

Real Bridge Twitter Feed @RealBridge3

Cullompton & Willand Bridge Club
Latest News

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The new Cordial Bridge Website can be found here - Cordial Bridge

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George Foot Mid-Devon League Season 9 Started on Friday 29th November

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George Foot Mid-Devon League Season 8 - Congratulations to Carolyn Roberts, Alistair Roberts, John Treasure, Catherine & Malcolm Boyack, and substitute Clive Richardson for winning the league

George Foot Mid-Devon League Season 9

Please email malcolm if you would like to make yourself available as a potential substitute if needed

This is a friendly on-line (RealBridge) teams of four league played in a communal session every other Friday

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Welcome to the Cullompton & Willand Bridge Club web site. This is a small friendly Club and we play duplicate bridge every Thursday evening in Willand Church Hall - 6:15pm for 6:30pm Start.

Willand is situated on the B3181 midway between junction 27 on the M5 and Cullompton. If you would like to join (or come along as a visitor) please email our Secretary via the "Committee" page under "Information" on this website.

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Our Bridge OnLine

Weekly On-Line Pairs

On RealBridge::

Tuesday evening at 6:45pm in conjunction with Exeter Golf & Country Club; MId-Devon Pairs Wednesday Evening at 6:45pm; - All Welcome - table money is £1 per person

George Foot Mid-Devon Teams of four League - table money is £1 per person

Please login at least 10 minutes before the start of play

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A Weekly competition on Wednesdays of 12 boards on Funbridge

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Results are posted on this site after each event. Please contact for help or information.

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RealBridge Sessions

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Wednesday @ 6:45pm - Mid-Devon Pairs

Tuesday @ 6:45pm - Exeter Golf & Country Club - All Visitors welcome

Monday @ 7pm - Cordial Bridge with Vanda & Paul (members of Victoria Park BC)

Table Money is £1 per person per session

For Mid-Devon visitors to EGCC sessions on Tuesday evenings I will collect table money in the usual way

For Mid-Devon visitors to Vanda & Paul's sessions on Monday evenings please contact vp_bridge @ to arrange payment.

>>> RealBridge Sessions <<<

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>>> The RealBridge Lounge <<<

Come and play Social Bridge anytime - day or night

4 Players Sit at a Table and just play Bridge - up to 32 boards

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Dealing Machine
Dealing Machine

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A Dealing machine is now used - PlayBridge Dealer4+ - Click HERE to see the machine in operation.

It is used weekly by Cullompton & Willand, Tiverton, & Silverton Bridge Clubs

Available for other bridge clubs or bridge teachers in the Devon/Somerset area as requested

Available to be used by any other organisations as requested

Available for the dealing of hands for charity & simultaneous pairs events

The total initial cost of the dealing machine and other equipment needed was £4,527

This was partially funded by voluntary donations from local Bridge Players and by a donation of £1,500 from the Eastern Section of Devon Bridge

The balance of the cost has come from the surplus income from on-line RealBridge sessions  and the remaining from a loan from a member against the expected surplus income from the on-line Bridge

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The total of all donations is £3,054

Thankyou to the following (and those who wished to remain anonymous) for their donations:

Wendy & Brian
John Treasure
Sarah McIlveen
Shirley Ward
Carol Winlaw
Clive Richardson
Tony Hards
Helen Cooper
Maureen Dalton
Alan & Xanda Vass
Peter & Jenny Robin
Chris Jobson
John Quick
Brigid West
Harriet Bailey
Cordial Bridge
Silverton Bridge Club
George & Hilary
Craig & Brigitte
Eastern Section, Devon Bridge

Please contact for information or if you would like some boards generated for an event

Cordial Bridge - Invitation to play Real Bridge on Monday evenings

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Vanda and Paul from Victoria Park Bridge Club run friendly RealBridge sessions on Mondays at 7pm. 

Please contact Vanda van der linden  - £1 per person per session

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11th February 2025
EGCC RealBridge Pairs
On Line 6:45pm
12th February 2025
RealBridge Pairs
On-Line 6:45pm
13th February 2025
Duplicate Pairs
Willand 6:30pm
Bridge Weekend - Saturday Pairs
Scorer: Malcolm Boyack
Bridge Weekend - Friday Pairs
Scorer: Malcolm Boyack
Duplicate Pairs
Scorer: Malcolm Boyack