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County Sim Pairs
  Rules - Sim Pairs

Autumn and Winter Simultaneous Pairs

General. The events are run on a weekday evening in the weeks designated by the County Committee.  The events are run in clubs affiliated to the County.

Systems and Treatments.Club rules apply

Eligibility. All of those playing in clubs, including visitors who are members of the EBU or another country's sponsoring organisation.

Scoring. Match pointing over the whole field when the events are combined. Ties remain as ties, with those who tie sharing any winnings. Master Points for ties allocated as per EBU schedule.

Special Rules. For clubs to participate, a minimum entry of 3½ tables is required, and for up to 5 tables an all-play-all movement must be adhered to. Non-standing pairs are not allowed to participate.

Dave Mullany Memorial Trophy. The winners (excluding visitors) with the highest percentage result over the Autumn and Winter Simultaneous Pairs competitions will be presented with the Dave Mullany Memorial Trophy.

  Previous Winners - Dave Mullany Memorial Trophy

2023/2024 Sam Norman & James Carlisle (64.83%)

2022/2023 Not played

2021/2022 Not played

2020/2021 Not played

2019/2020 Myra Beck & Ann Bliss (70.65%) 

2018/2019 Carol James & Keith Longstaff (66.67%) 

2017/2018 Sam Norman & Alan Anderson 70.30%

2016/2017 Mike Brewer & Dave King 69.57%

2015/2016 Ian Smith & Tony Bartlett 71.32%

2014/2015 Mick Howse & Mike Ollerton 68.16%

2013/2014 Keith Longstaff & Joyce McCready 69.16

2012/2013 Colin Woods & Graeme Walker (Barrow)

2010/2011  Adam Aitken & Jim Dobb (Eden) 64.43%

2009/2010  Euan Maddrell & Carol James (Workington) 70.76%

  Previous Winners - Winter Sim Pairs

2024 Maureen Mitchell & Rosemary Jackson (64.57%)

2023 Not played

2022 Not played

2021 Not played

2020 Myra Beck & Ann Bliss (70.65%) 

2019 Carol James & Keith Longstaff (66.67%) 

2018 Sam Norman & Alan Anderson

2017 Mike Brewer, Dave King

2016 Glenda Lloyd, Peter Boardman

2015 Glenda Lloyd, Peter Boardman

2014 Ken Johnston, Ian Reeves

2013 Colin Woods, Graeme Walker

2012 Colin Woods, Graeme Walker

2011 Adam Aitken, Jim Dobb (Eden)

2010 E Maddrell, C James (Workington)

2009 Alan Britten, Audrey Hoy (Cockermouth)

2008 Ian Reeves, Colin Smith (Eden)

2007 Geoff Bell, Kath Bell (Brampton)

2006 Mary Cooney, Heather Parsons (Barrow)

2005 Wendy Taylor, Pat Downes (Grange)


2003 Mike Dunstan, Tony Parker

2002 Glenda Lloyd, Peter Boardman (Barrow)


2000 Marjorie Bamford, Bill Hubbold (Barrow)

1999 Ian Stedman, Geoff Thomson (Eden)

1998 Philip and Jane Young

1997 Hazel McGovern, Isabel Moores (Workington)

1996 Alan Rutherford, Alison Thompson

1995 Janet Sheppard, Gary Bryson

1994 Kathleen and Geoff Bell

1993 Joyce Thompson, William Thompson

1992 Sid Cassidy, Phil Elliott

1991 Peggy Bowe, Jean Pike

  Previous Winners - Autumn Sim Pairs

2023 Sam Norman & James Carlisle (64.83%)

2022 Not played

2021 Not played

2020 Not played

2019 Colin Woods & Graeme Walker (65.98%)

2018 Nicky Luckett & Angela Taylor (Eden - 63.85%)

2017 Ann Byers & Joyce Roberts

2016 Carol James & K Longstaff (Workington)

2015 Ian Smith & Tony Bartlett (Carlisle)

2014 Mick Howse & Mike Ollerton (Grange)

2013 K Longstaff & Joyce McCreadie (Workington)

2012 Simon Smith, Rosemary Jackson (Eden)

2011 Bill Hubbold, Estelle Savage (Barrow)

2010 Babs Matthews, Barry Ogden (Grange)

2009 Mike Howse, Chris Wilkinson (Grange)

2008 Peter Steele, Clive Tranter

2007 David Sheppard, Alan Britten (Cockermouth)

2006 Manel Trepte, Jack Etchells ( Barrow)

2005 Tony Aldred, Raj Rathi (Barrow)

2004 Harriet Dinwoodie, Ailleen Younger (St Bees)

2003 Babs Matthews, David Strawbridge (Barrow)

2002 David Latimer, John Robinson

2001 Ken Anderson, Tony Bartlett (Eden)

2000 Philip and Jane Young

1999 Jack Walker, Janet Sheppard

1998 Dorothy Kovary and Les Lytollis (Cockermouth)

1997 George and Elsie Schofield

1996 Peter Steele, Clive Tranter

1995 Dr & Mrs Gibbons

1994 Alan Fisher and D Lane

1993 Dennis Harrison, Keith Popham

1992 Graham Pearl, Don Yerrill

1991 Ian Stedman, In Reeves

1990 Ken & Enid Anderson

1989 John Wilson, Colin Smith

1988 Mary Hampshire, Fred Hudson

1987 Mr & Mrs L Mitchinson