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Cross in Hand Bridge Club

Lloyds Bank

A/c 23592562

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Competition rules & scoring
This page contains details on the club competititions and the rules.
Competition rules & scoring

Cross in Hand Bridge Club – Our Competitions

All sessions held at the Club are to Level 4 of EBU Permitted Understandings


The Hilbourne Cup

Donated by Deidre & David Hilbourne, this competition was conceived to foster wider friendships within the Club.

To qualify a player must be a fully paid member of the Club and have played a minimum of five times  Each round must be played with a different partner who should also be a member of the club.

All 9 sessions will be played as a one winner movement and will be scored in the normal manner and for each round played, individual results will be recorded for each player.  This will comprise their finishing position and their percentage scored. 

The finishing positions will be aggregated to provide a total for the year. Any or all of the 9 rounds played will be entered into the competition. If a member has played more than once with the same partner then only the result from the earliest date they played together will be considered.

A cut must be taken before a session to determine N/S and E/W polarity of each pair.

The cup will be awarded to the player with the smallest number of finishing position points 

For example: Player `A` plays all 9 rounds and has results of finishing position 1,2,1,3,1,1,4,2,3.   - Total 18

Player`B` plays all 9 rounds and has results of finishing in positions 1,2,2,3,3,1,3,2,3.  - Total 20

Thus `A` is the winner  

In the event of a tie the percentages for the rounds used for the counted results of the tied players will be averaged.  The best average will be used to break the tie.



The Alistair Graham Trophy



The Alastair Graham Trophy was donated to the Club by Jay Graham, wife of our late Chairman. Alastair always felt that our Annual Event was a particularly important date in the Club calendar and this trophy is presented to the pair who win the one session pairs event on this very popular occasion. At least one of the winning pair must be a Club member.

Oliver Hanson Cup


The Oliver Hanson Cup was presented to the Club by his fellow committee members in his memory and is awarded to the player with the highest average calculated from the 20 best scores achieved between January and the end of November.  Only games with a member can be counted.  



The Cross in Hand/Crowborough Salver


Each year we play a friendly Teams match against Crowborough Bridge Club for this silver plate.